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Magazine website research

From conducting this research on

websites, it has come to my attention
that on the first page they all have
similar layouts which allows me to
understand the generic conventions that
I need to use on mine. What I really like
about billboard is how straight away it
comes up with a huge image which
instantly draws my attention to it and is
straight away starting off with a story.
However, with ‘Q’ magazine, I like how
By looking at these websites has allowed me to start they are advertising their new magazine
thinking as to what I could include on the first page edition front cover as its digitally
and linked page. For example, my first thoughts are converting them together. I personally
to use what I’ve put already on my magazines and find kerrangs page quite boring and
to transfer that ‘extra’ information along to it. simplistic, however I am inspired by the
Therefore on my first edition I put about an bold colors that are used.
interview with billiie eilish on her personality and
what she likes, therefore on the front page of the
website I could have a video of the interview ready
to be played. My ideas for the second page are
starting to become more prompt in what I want to
do for it. I want to make the ‘blogger girls’ a big part
of the website, therefore my linked page will be an
introduction of the blogger girls and a whole page
dedicated to them as I feel as through my target
audience would really love reading about this
information and advice from woman within the age
range of the target audience so they feel they can
relate to them.

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