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Bhagawat Geeta Quiz - Preliminary Round

Chinmaya Vishwa Sammelan

Geeta quiz
Preliminary round

Please read the following instructions before answering the questions:

1) The time period allotted is 30 minutes.
2) Choose the correct answer by marking a tick ( ) in the box.
3) Use only a black or a blue pen. Do not use red pens or pencil.
4) The Judges decision will be final and no appeals will be entertained.

1. Srimad Bhagawad Geeta occours in the Mahabharata in the chapter titled

a) Bheeshma Parva
b) Shanti Parva
c) Yuddha Parva
d) Sabha Parva

2. Whose message sowed dangerous seeds in the mind of Arjuna, which he repeats in chapter 1 as the
logic for not wanting to fight?
a) Sanjaya
b) Yudhishtira
c) Shakuni
d) Dhritarashtra

3. The Kaurava army was structured in the formation of

a) wheel
b) eagle
c) crescent
d) spear

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4. The commander of the Pandava army was

a) Arjuna
b) Bheema
c) Dhrishtadyumna
d) Abhimanyu

5. Nakula blew the conch

a) Sughosha
a) Mani
b) Pushpaka
c) Manipushpaka

6. The charioteer of Krishna who was also a battalion commander of the Pandava army was
a) Shikhandi
b) Satyaki
c) Shalya
d) Shaibya

7. The first chapter of the Geeta ends with the words of

a) Arjuna
b) Sanjaya
c) Krishna
d) Dhritarashtra

8. What does the word ‘Sthita-prajna’ mean?

a) path of righteousness
b) other name for Arjuna
c) man of steady wisdom

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d) the name of the heaven reached by those who die in a battle

9. The number of shlokas in the 2nd chapter is______.

a) 74
b) 76
c) 72
d) 78

10. Whose name is Varshneya?

a) Sri Krishna
b) Arjuna
c) Dhritarashtra
d) Draupadi

11. The cosmic wheel of co-operation is explained by Sri Krishna in

a) 15th chapter
b) 3rd chapter
c) 2nd chapter
d) 4th chapter

12. The chapter 3 is called as _______________

a) Jnana Yoga
b) Raja Yoga
c) Karma Yoga
d) Sannyasa yoga

13. The four fold castes are based on

a) guna and karma (quality and action)

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b) janma and guna (birth and quality)

c) karma and janma (action and birth)
d) manas and buddhi (mind and intellect)

14. The famous shloka chanted before food - ‘Brahmarpanam’ is found chapter 4, verse
a) 14
b) 34
c) 44
d) 24

15. What is the greatest purifier in the world according to Sri Krishna? (4th chapter)
a) Fire
b) Water
c) Knowledge
d) Devotion

16. Who is a perpetual Sannayasi according to Sri Krishna? (5th chapter)

a) Who has given up wife and children
b) Who has renounced possessions
c) Who wears the saffron robes
d) Who has given up likes and dislikes

17. Who is a happy person according to Sri Krishna? (chapter V)

a) One who is able to meditate always
b) One who is able to withstand the force of desire & anger
c) One who is able to win the battle of life
d) One who attends satsang

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18. Chapter VI to XII forms the explanation of what aspect/s of the Maha Vakya Tat Tvam Asi?
a) Tat
b) Tvam
c) Asi
d) Tat & Tvam

19. What is the meaning of the word KUTASTHA?

a) A demon
b) Immutable
c) A stage of life equivalent to the Vanaprastha ahram
d) Merciful

20. “The mind is uncontrollable as ________”, says Arjuna.

a) Winds
b) Waters
c) Fire
d) Mad elephant

21. The spirit identifying with matter and sharing the destinies of the inert matter equipment is called the
a) Atman
b) Ishwara
c) Jeeva
d) Prakriti

22. If speculative knowledge is Jnana what is Vijnana?

a) Practice of spiritual values
b) Actual experience of the Perfection

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c) Knowledge of the scriptures

d) Knowledge of material sciences

23. The Prasthana Traya consists of

a) Upanishad, Brahma Sutra and the Bhagawad Geeta
b) Bhagawatam, Bhagawad Geeta and the Brahma Sutra
c) Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Bhagawad Geeta
d) Upanishads, Puranas and the Bhagawad Geeta

24. What is heart in Vedanta as explained by Pujya Gurudev

a) Blood pumping organ
b) The soul
c) Right understanding of the scriptures
d) Mind and intellect endowed with noble and positive thoughts

25. Subtlety of a thing is measured in terms of its __________

a) Greatness
b) Pervasiveness
c) Largeness
d) Depth

26. The word ‘Swadha’ is used for offerings to

a) Guru
b) Devatas
c) ancestors
d) guests

27. What is Yoga & Kshema?

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a) The power to meditate & the ability to pray

b) The capacity to earn and protect the gained
c) Various postures & their knowledge
d) Ability to fix the mind & power to maintain it

28. Who are Maruts?

a) Sons of Brahmaji
b) Minstrels of heaven
c) Sons of Rudra
d) Friends of Indra

29. Vasus are______ in number

a) Ten
b) Five
c) Nine
d) Eight

30. Airavata is ___________

a) An Elephant
b) A Lion
c) A Horse
d) A Tortoise

31. Pujya Gurudev interprets ‘Kamadhenu’ subjectively to be _________.

a) Kriya Shakti
b) Prana shakti
c) Sankalpa Shakti
d) Jnana Shakti

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32. Gayatri is meter of _______ with eight syllables.

a) Eight lines
b) Two lines
c) Three lines
d) One line

33. The pen name of Krishna Dwaipayana is________.

a) Veda Vyasa
b) Jaimini
c) Suta
d) Shuka

34. The three gunas - sattva, rajas & tamas are associated with ______ colours respectively.
a) White, red, black
b) Blue, green, red
c) Red, black, white
d) Red, blue, yellow

35. The word Muni means

a) Treasurer
b) Man of silence
c) Man of reflection
d) Man of fortune

36. The metaphor of Ashwatha Tree in the Geeta has its basis in the _______.
a) Kathopanishad
b) Mankukya Upanishad

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c) Isa Upanishad
d) Mundaka Upanishad

37. In the same metaphor, the leaves of the tree represent the _________.
a) vasanas
b) action
c) fruits of action
d) Vedas

38. What is the first among the values enumerated as the Daivi Sampat (qualities of the divine estate) in
the 16th chapter
a) Absence of pride
b) Fearlessness
c) Calmness of mind
d) Truthfulness

39. The number of qualities of ‘Knowledge’ in chapter 13 are ______

a) 28
b) 24
c) 13
d) 20

40. What is the title of 16th chapter?

a) Daivasura Sampat Vibhaga Yoga
b) Shraddha Traya Vibhaga Yoga
c) Sannyasa Yoga
d) Moksha sannyasa Yoga

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41. ____________ is the insignia of life (Pujya Gurudev’s commentary).

a) Breadth
b) Action
c) Thought
d) Vitality

42. What is triple designation of Brahman? (17th chapter)

a) Sat-Chit-Anand
b) Satyam-Jnaanam-Anantam
c) Om-Tat-Sat
d) Aham-Brahma-Asmi

43. The division of Prakriti into Para & Apara appears in chapter ______
a) 9
b) 13
c) 7
d) 2

44. According to Gurudev ________ is the receiving & dispatching clerk

a) Manas (mind)
b) Chitta (memory)
c) Buddhi (intellect)
d) Ahankaar (ego)

45. The sins accrued through the non-performance or imperfect performance of duties is called
a) Pratyahara
b) Pratyavaya
c) Pratibandha

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d) Pratyaksha

46. ________ in Vedanta, means the ability to digest mentally, and comprehend intellectually, the full
import of the advice of the saints and the declarations of the Scriptures
a) reflection
b) clarity
c) faith
d) jignasa (urge to know)

47. Destructive activities that are totally condemned by the scriptures are called as
a) Akarma
b) Vikarma
c) Niyata Karma
d) Kamya Karma

48. __________ means a self-dedicated activity performed in a spirit of service to many in the Geeta.
a) Yajna
b) Bhakti
c) Karma
d) Yoga

49. The word ‘Deva’ subjectively means

a) mind
b) heavenly experiences
c) sense-organs
d) organs of action

50. Pranas are _______ in number.

a) three

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b) five
c) ten
d) four

51. ________ is the constant repetition of an idea regarding one and the same object of thought.
a) Vairagya
b) Viveka
c) Vichara
d) Abhyasa

52. The chapter seven of the Geeta divides the devotees into _____ categories.
a) Nine
b) Two
c) Four
d) Three

53. God is like ‘A single thread running through various beads’. This example appears in _________
a) 7th
b) 12th
c) 15th
d) 18th

54. “The Geeta is the universal mother. She turns away nobody. Her door is wide open to anyone who
knocks. A true votary of the Geeta does not know what disappointment is.” Who said these famous lines
about Geeta?
a) Lokamanya Tilak
b) Swami Vivekananda
c) Dr. Annie Beasant

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d) Mahatma Gandhi

55. How many days did the battle of Mahabharata last?

a) 108
b) 16
c) 18
d) 51

56. The word Kundalini Yoga occurs in chapter

a) 4
b) 7
c) 8
d) None of the above

57. Which is the most commonly meter used in the Geeta?

a) Anushtup
b) Shikarini
c) Trishtup
d) Sardoolavikridita

58. The 5th chapter is called as

a) Jnana Karma Sannyas Yoga
b) Karma Sannyasa Yoga
c) Atma Samyama Yoga
d) Moksha Sannyasa Yoga

59. Among the Yajnas the Lord says He is (chapter 10)

a) Dravya Yajna

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b) Jnana Yajna
c) Japa Yajna
d) Swadhyaya Yajna

60. Among the senses the Lord says He is (chapter 10)

a) mind
b) ears
c) eyes
d) tongue

61. In the Geeta the word Gayatri refers to

a) Devi
b) Metre
c) Mantra
d) Knowledge

62. The name Savyasachin is used

a) Krishna
b) Yudhishtira
c) Bheema
d) Arjuna

63. ‘Karishye vachanam tava – I shall do as you say’ occurs in which chapter
a) 18
b) 17
c) 15
d) 2

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64. The sankalpa vakya (colophon) ‘Om tat saditi, shreemadbhagawadgeetaus…’is authored by
a) Shri Veda Vyasa
b) Shri Madhushudhana Saraswathi
c) ShriShankaracharya
d) Shri Shridhara Swami

65. Amongst the masters in weaponry I am (10th chapter)

a) Krishna
b) Rama
c) Parushurama
d) Arjuna

66. The ‘ladder of fall’ occurs in chapter

a) 2
b) 3
c) 17
d) 14

67. Food which is too pungent and spicy is

a) Sattvic
b) Rajasic
c) Tamasic
d) None of the above

68. Yajna (sacrifice), __________ and Tapas (austerity) should not be given up. (Chapter 18)
a) Karuna (compassion)
b) study (swadhyaya)
c) dana (charity)

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d) japa

69. In the Geeta Dhyana Shloka, Arjuna is referred to

a) child
b) calf
c) devotee
d) warrior

70. The Dhyana Shlokas of the Geeta were authored by

a) Shri Madhusudhana Saraswathi
b) Shri Shankaracharya
c) Shri Krishna
d) Shri Ramanujacharya

71. The shlokas ‘Manushyanam sahasreshu – among thousands of men, one perchance strives …’ occurs
in chapter
a) 5
b) 7
c) 8
d) 10

72. The shloka ‘Yad Yad Vibhuti mat sattvam – whatever it is that is glorious, prosperous or
powerful…it is a manifestation of a part of my splendor’ is found in chapter
a) 10
b) 11
c) 2
d) 18

73. The discussion on Avatara occurs in chapter

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a) 15
b) 10
c) 11
d) 4

74. For deciding the course of right action one should consider _____ as the valid means. (chapter 16)
a) God
b) Scriptures
c) Guru
d) Ones own conscience

75. Pujya Gurudev dedicates his commentary on the Bhagawad Geeta to ______.
a) Shri Krishna
b) Shri Shankaracharya
c) Shri Veda Vyasa
d) Shri Swami Tapovanam

Hari Om

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