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My name is Irfa Hijrati.I was born in Mataram, on May 12, 1996. My

father name is Hasanuddin and my mother name is Mataksiah.My father is a

retired civil servants while my mother was an elementary school,

I live with my parents in Bertais. I had an older sister named HayatinRidhaul,

and has had two older brothers named M. HelmyAdha and M. Rizal

Muttaqien, and I have a younger sister named Alia Ihromi.I graduated from

SDN 10 Ampenan on 2008, and then graduated from MTsN 1 Mataram in

2011, and graduated from Mataram MAN 2 in 2014. I continued my education

in the university of mataram ,Department of MATHEMATICS and

NATURAL SCIENCES, courses in biology, Faculty of teacher training and

educational sciences. My motivations to join prody Biology because I really

like Biology lessons from junior high school, my father once said "in terms of

education, please choose whatever you like." So, I had a simple reason to keep

studying biology.


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