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On august 22, I was chosen to be the committee of Ied Adha, an our task as the Ied Adha
committee were asking for charity while the imam is doing hisa preach and also help the neighbors to
deliver the consumption for people. And when the fathers cut the sacrificial animals we helped him, for
the males to help cut the sacrificial animal meat and for the women to share the drink and put the meat
in the plastic.

we all just finished at 5 pm and after maghrib we the youth committee gathered at Yuma's house
to make satay and gather together. And at Yuma's house we decided on the RYC Chairperson (Raudhah
Youth Community) until 10 PM, after we decided that the new RYC chairman we would return to their

after Eid al-Adha, we reunited later for the inauguration of the latest RYC Chair, we gathered at
the mosque block B with the committee and senior brothers. We talked about the work program and
the sustainability of RYC for the next 3 years, until 10pm.

There are so many stories about my Eid al-Adha

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