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Garcia, Angela Marie P.

August 2, 2019
1. It is said that culture is a very powerful force that affects the lives of the people. Explain what

this statements means…

This means that culture can alter a person's beliefs, his/her way of being, how he/she eats,

dresses up, communicate, show affection, etc. It is very powerful in a way that how a person

perceives and portrays him/herself in front of people is equal to what culture that person was

raised in. Even when we go to other place our culture will still remain because it’s also part of

our life.

2. Do you believe in animism? Reason out.

No, because I believe in God, the father almighty, creator of heaven and Earth. He made all the

creatures through his creation. At the beginning, It’s said in the book of Genesis that how God

created everything in this world by his power. Only God can do things that is impossible because

he is the creator of everything.

3. Do you believe that as soon as the person dies, his/her soul immediately leaves the body and

roam anywhere on earth before it goes to heaven, hell, purgatory, etc.?

For me, when we die, our soul and body separate. Even though our body dies, our spirit—which

is the essence of who we are—lives on. Our spirit goes to the spirit world, which is divided into

spirit paradise (Heaven) and spirit prison (Hell). Heaven is a place of rest from earthly cares and

sorrow while hell is a place full of suffering.

4. Do you believe in the existence of soul? Why or Why not?

There are many things in life that can not be heard or seen: Love, hate, greed, sadness, joy,

worry, etc, etc. God created us with an invisible soul which is where all these things live. Every

human being is born with an immortal everlasting soul. It is the seat of our humanity and our

personal identity. Having formed Adam’s body of the dust of the ground, “God breathed into his

nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7).

5. In Catholic Church wedding ceremony, the bride wears a white bridal dress. What is the

meaning or significance of this color? Do you think that in 2050 or even earlier, the same color

will no longer be worn and instead different colors? What do you think?

White wedding gown is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. I think

that in 2050 the white color gown in wedding will no longer be worn because as we all know the

color of pride (LGBTQ+) is rainbow and today some country accept same sex marriage and by

that I have this thinking that maybe some couple of LGBTQ+ wants to have unique wedding by

wearing different color of gown.

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