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Centro de bachillerato tecnológico

“Prof. Placido Baca Vite”
Colatlan Ixhuatlán De Madero
Name: Luis Ángel Hernández Carlos
Semester :1
Group :“c”
Subject: Inglés 1
Teacher: Lic.Hugo Alberto Reyes S.
Dialoglo un i

( call )

👨Ángel: Hi Yuritzi, How are you?👋

👩Yuritzi: Hello, Ángel i'm fine, And you?👋

👨Ángel: fine,what about school?☺️

👩Yuritzi: emmm well tanks😂

👨Ángel: that's great, when You come to Veracruz?🚗

👩Yuritzi: i'm going yo visit you in december 🎄

👨Ángel: That’s great,i want to see you Friend😎

👩Yuritzi: i also want to see You friend😄

👨Ángel: where do You study?📚

👩Yuritzi: study at the federal High School for Nicolás 🏫

👨Ángel : That’s great ☺️

👩Yuritzi: yes,how Is your family?👨👩👧👦

👨Ángel: well, thanks yo god😌

👩 Yuritzi: that gives me to you☺️

👨Ángel: yes😄,and yours?

👩Yuritzi: well well ok

👨 Ángel: jjsjjajajajhdhfndjjsj😂

👩Yuritzi: who Is your best Friend ay school?

👨 Ángel: it's calles Brenda,and yours?

👩 Yuritzi: ok jajaja,it's Cristian😌

👨 Ángel:That’s great😂

👩Yuritzi : you greet me to your family

👨 Ángel: yes Friend

👩 Yuritzi: Goodbye, Till Nextel Time!!!👐

👨 Ángel: take care😄,have a nice day!!!!!

👩Yuritzi: yes😄

End of call

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