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○ Basic facts (Geography, Religion, Languages)

Geography: Jordan is located in the Middle East, on the western portion of Asia. it is
surrounded by Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.
Religion: 92% Islam, 6% Christians, 2% other
Languages: official language: Arabic/ but English is mostly spoken by everyone too,
secondary languages: French and German
Population: 9.702 million
Capital: Amman, Jordan

○ Popular events & traditions

Business traditions: Shake everyone's hand in the room, but if you know them on a
personal level you can kiss them on the cheek but then it depends if you kiss them twice
or once and that depends if its male or female and how well you know them and how
they react around you.
You can talk on a personal level but after a while, you have to talk about business, they
will usually offer coffee or tea and in some scenarios, it's rude to decline.

○ Trade agreements (if any)

The agreement with Canada and Jordan was signed in June 28, 2009

○ Barriers to conducting international business

Communication: countries that are far away that have a time difference with Jordan
can be really hard to negotiate at any time.
Affordability: currency difference

○ Major trading partners

Trading partners in exporting: top 10
United States
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Canada- $5,899,355

Trading partners in importing: top 10

Saudi Arabia
United States
United Arab Emirates
South Korea
Canada- $5556806

○ Imports & exports

Imports Exports
● Crude oil/ minerals ● Clothing
● Machinery ● Fertilizers
● Transport equipment ● Potash
● Iron ● Phosphates
● Cereals ● Vegetables
● Iron and steel ● Pharmaceuticals
● Knitted fabrics ● Industrial machinery

○ Problems & risks to consider when doing Business in your country

There are no wars or horrible natural disasters that happen but there are around Jordan
like Syria, Israel and Iraq which can sometimes can effects business when trying to
import and export because in most cases its flying or shipping on a boat through those

○ Currency (what is it, what is its impact)


Items in the bag

1) Money: the exchange rate between Canada and Jordan is: 1 Jordanian
Dinar= 1.85 Canadian dollars so if I had 50 Dinars it would equal 92.86
Canadian dollars, this currency is used along the borders of Jordan by its
neighbours like on the borders of Israel, and Lebanon. In general, the
Jordanian currency isn't the strongest currency but has the most impact in
the middle east since this country has a stable government and constant
economic system. Here is a real bill from Jordan…….
The item: Jordanian Dinars

2) Business greetings: Shake everyone's hand in the room, but if you know
them on a personal level you can kiss them on the cheek. To represent that
here is a picture of the King of Jordan meeting the prime minister of
Canada Justin Trudeau which as you can see, they are shaking hands.
The item: A picture of the king and prime minister shaking hands

3) Exports and Imports: this is a piece of clothing and a vegetable to

represent one of the major exports of Jordan among many others like
Fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, industrial machinery, vegetables and clothing
Jordan exports to many countries like United States, Saudi Arabia, Iraq,
India, United Arab Emirates and France, Jordan Does export to Canada but
it isn't one of the biggest exporters and importers, Jordan exported over
$5,899,355 worth of stuff to Canada in 2017 which comes back and Canada
imported items to Jordan that is worth over $5556806 items but compared
to other countries this is a low amount of trading, which is why it needs to
increase and Jordan and Canada should trade more since both are
economically stable and both have items the other country doesn't have.

4) Business Traditions: This is an Arabic coffee mug that is well-known in the

middle east, I brought this to represent the business tradition in Jordan of
being generous when talking about business or anything in general.
Whoever you are talking to they will offer you coffee or tea and in some
cases, it is rude to deny it and it means you don't show appreciation to
there generosity.
Item: Coffee mug

5) Problems of Business: I got this watch to represent the time difference

between Canada and Jordan, there is a 7 hour difference, so if Canada
wants to conduct business with Jordan they have to find a common time to
speak digitally or one has to come to Jordan or go to Canada to conduct
proper business, which is a problem since both parties have little or no
time to fly abroad unless they find a common ground which can effect
conducting business to far away countries that's why Jordans main Trades
are close to them and some are far because of the time barrier.
Item: watch or clock

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