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Linnaeus University 191016

School of Management and Economics

Department of Economics and Statistics
Lars Tomsmark

Reading list for 1NA050 Basic Micro Economics for Marketers, 10 credits

Topic Chapters
Introduction, concepts and basic market David Begg/Damian Ward (BW) ch 1, 2
analysis and 4
Elasticities BW ch 2
- Price elasticity
- Income elasticity
- Cross price elasticity
Producers and costs BW ch 3 and 4
- Short run
- Long run
Markets BW ch 5 and 6, compl mtrl
- Perfect competition
- Monopoly
- Monopolistic competition
- Oligopoly
The Structure-Conduct-Performace BW ch 7, compl mtrl
Market imperfections and correcitve BW ch 8, compl mtrl
- Natural monopoly
- Public goods
- Externalities

Begg, David and Ward, Damian – Economics for Business, 5th edition. McGraw-Hill, 2013.
ISBN 9780077175283 (Editions 4 or 3 also possible to use.)

Complementary material and exercises – provided by the teacher if no other information

on the course MyMoodle page.

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