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Umar bin Khattab is known as a hard-tempered and well-built person. Often at first (before
entering Islam) Muslims often get rough treatment from him. In fact, Umar often runs into
conflicting feelings between his glorification of the teachings of his ancestors, pleasure in
entertainment and intoxication - he was intoxicated with his admiration for the stoicism of the
Muslims and the whisper of his heart that perhaps what Islam brought was nobler and better.

Setelah mandi Umar membaca lembaran tersebut lalu membaca kaimat Bismillahirahmannirrahim.

Kemudian dia berkomentar “ Ini adalah nama-nama yang indah dan suci” Kemudian dia terus membaca
surah Thaha Ayat 1 yang berbunyi :


“ Sesungguhnya Aku ini adalah Allah, tidak ada Tuhan selain Aku. Maka sembahlah Aku dan dirikanlah
Sholat untuk mengingat Aku “.


Ok until here my speech if i do a mistake please forgive me.and the last.........

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