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Lionel Starkweather Manhunter

Ock star is not exactly known for shying away

from morally repugnant characters but

manhunts villain makes Grand Theft Auto

5s Trevor Phillips look like a Boy Scout

considering the protagonist is a made

man responsible for various violent

crimes manhunts antagonist needs to

scrape the bottom of the most disgusting

barrel to measure up once upon a time

lionel Starkweather worked in hollywood

nowadays the shunned film director makes

a living creating tasteless underground

films that instigate document and

capitalize on the pain of others this

goes beyond just meeting a disturbing

niche as stark where there loves to make

and watch people suffer.

9. Albert Wesker- Resident Evil series

with a long black coat sunglasses super

glued to his face and a god complex

every part of Albert Wesker screams bad

guy. world domination is a rather cliche goal

for supervillains that said Wesker is

just so unabashedly power-hungry and

gloriously evil that the former umbrella

corporation scientist is always

entertaining Wesker plans to ingest a

strain of the t-virus and become a sort

of super mutant providing the necessary

power to reshape humanity while

positioning himself as a god. Wesker was

essentially cultivated to be an

unrelenting and merciless monster by the

Umbrella Corp but the villain exceeded

the evil corporations wildest


8. Vaas Montenegro-far cry 3

a villain so memorable

it's easy to forget that Voss

was not even far cry 3's main antagonist

the rook islands are beautiful but

dangerous along with ramp and wildlife natives and

visitors have to worry about a group of

pirates run by the enthusiastically

violent or be it charismatic Vaas turning the

rocket island into his playground boss

does not show any restraint and seems

primarily driven by desire to spread

chaos as a way to observe control over

the island even as a part of a group

largely filled with Psychopaths, Vaas

stands out as the most unhinged of the


7. shodan System Shock series

if 2001 a Space Odyssey has taught us

anything it's that all-seeing AI

supercomputers should be feared as the

networking control of a space station,

Shodan was mostly fine until a hacker

removed the program's ethical commands

causing the AI to revaluate its

relationship with humanity.for a super

advanced computer SHODAN’s motives are

not particularly complex. the AI believes

itself to be superior to humans

ergo mankind no longer needs to exist. it

would be one thing if shoDan just had a

warped sense of logic but system shocks

antagonist shows all the signs of a

narcissist who enjoys inducing just a

touch of species extermination.

6. flowey-undertale

Undertale is

all about fucking expectations so of

course a golden flower is the

personification of evil. Originally, a

kind monster who was resurrected without

a soul Flowey learns how to reset time, a skill

primarily used to repeatedly eliminate

monsters as a way to quench the boredom

putting aside the true pacifist run

flowers goals tend to revolve around

mayhem and destruction with the flower

either trying to drag the protagonist

down to its level or use them as a means

to grow even more powerful. Flowey was

once a gentle and kind soul but the

inability to feel love or empathy led

the character down a dark and tragic


5. Gannon / Ganondorf-The Legend of Zelda series

Ganon has been trying to take over

Hyrule since 1986 occasionally

succeeding and leaving the continent as

little more than a barren wasteland. beat

his boar or Gerudo form Ganon is willing

to do pretty much anything to acquire

the Triforce including almost

eradicating a couple of cultures Ganon's

beast form often comes across as

mindless of being utterly consumed by

rage but ganondorf's villainy tends to

take a more vindictive and hateful tone.

even in timelines where Ganondorf is

slightly more introspective the villain

still cannot help but crave Hyrule


4. Diablo-Diablo series

names can be deceiving but there is

nothing subtle about Diablo starting as

one of the great evils before being

promoted to the primeval in the third

game Diablo is the personification of

terror. when it comes to a tangible purpose

diablo¸ seeks to conquer the heavens and

by extension ,the human world,

however, the villains true wish is to

instil an everlasting fear in the

hearts of those who know the name Diablo.

the villain is far from only abrupt as

the great evil often manipulates humans

from the shadows even once creating a

fake alter-ego to trick people into

worshipping him

3. Giygas-Mother series

in 1989's mother, giygas is a powerful

alien who was charged with conquering

earth after his foster human parents

steal the secrets to psychic powers and

gift them to mankind. while an instrument

that spreads corruption giygas himself is

not irredeemable or pure evil. In mother

two or earthbound giygas becomes

corruption incarnate, an entity beyond

form or reason. growing so powerful as to

lose any sense of self control, gigas is

not driven by any understandable motive

and nearly exists to spread evil across

the planet. giygas is evil distilled into

its purest form

2. wilhelm ‘deathshead’ strasse - Wolfenstein the new order

largely responsible for changing the

course of history and directing the

Third Reich to victory during world war

II, deathshead more than lives up to his

nickname and nightmarish facial features,

obsessed with creating the Nazi

equivalent of Captain America through

human experimentation and advanced

weaponry, straw stands out from other

insane villains due to the fact that the

scientist succeeds in taking over and

reshaping the world at least in

machinegames 2014 reboot.

while partly driven by science,

his primary reason for waking up in the

morning is to watch some unfortunate

soul scream in pain while being

subjected to trial experimentation .

1. kefka Palazzo-final fantasy 6

in a franchise packed to

the brim with sinister villains,

Sephiroth and Kuja can only look on as a

laughing kefka stands unchallenged at

the top of the mountain.

driven insane after being infused with

magitek, Kefka feels no regard for human

life, rarely hesitating to take out soldiers

of his army. this is the guy who poisons

a river to destroy a castles entire

population, throws the world into chaos

in search of unlimited power and after

basically becoming a God tries to

eradicate all life because that just

seems like the natural thing to do.

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