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- skrevet på godt engelsk

AU, 5. september 2014

Morten Pilegaard
Knowledge Communication Lab, Business and Social Science, AU,
TermShare A/S;;; 5154 1908
VidKom,,;; 2617 4622,

Nøglen til god tekstproduktion

Produktion af gode tekster kræver tre kompetencer:

• Viden om kontekstuelle retoriske konventioner i tekstgenrer

• Viden om det fremmedsprog teksten forfattes på
• Viden om forskningsfeltet/fagområdet

“Kontekstuelle retoriske konventioner”: 2 beskrivelsesniveauer:

Formelt & funktionelt niveau
Enhver tekst fungerer i en kontekst
Enhver tekst tjener kontekst-specifikke formål på to måder

a) gennem sin struktur Ord Træk

b) gennem sine sproglige valg Sætning Skridt

Tekster danner genrer = tekster med “genkendelige” formål
Effektiv tekstproduktion er kontekstuel. Forudsætter eksplicitering af formål
på mikroniveau og nøje sammenhæng mellem tekstens struktur og sprog
..og viden om tekstkonventioner på fremmedsprog
…og ’retorisk kultur’
Kontekst Kultur UK DK
Lineær syntaks Kompleks syntaks
Medium (talt/skrevet) Personlige udtryk Upersonlige udtryk
Meget metakomm. Lidt metakomm.
Tematisk fokuseret Tematiske afstikkere
Tekstgenre Modtager-orienteret Afsender-orienteret
Heltekst Modtagere
Teksttype Modtager
Deltekst Intenderede ”Tilskuere”
Deltekst Adres- ÷Adres-
serede serede Tilfældige


Genretrækstruktur: Instruktioner & konventioner

Artikel + Strukturkrav

Abstract ÷ Strukturkrav
+ Strukturforventning
± Strukturkrav
Diskussion + Strukturforventning

Formkrav Tabeller, figurer
2/3 Ideation
NNSE Idiomatik
Formforventninger Sprogrigtighed

Tekstens struktur og den sproglige form

● Makrostruktur: Forskningsartikler: (A)IMRAD
Kliniske randomiserede protokoller
Kongresabstract, etc.

● Mikrostruktur: Abstract Sprog

Generel trækstruktur Understøtter abstracts formål:

Specifik struktur 1. Formål
•Primært at informere
Kort abstract (sæt scenen)
2. Design •Sekundært at skabe interesse
3. Patienter
Kort om materiale og metode
Vigtigste resultater 4. Effektmål Markerer trækkenes indhold:
5. Resultater
Kort diskussion/konklusion Signalord, informationstæt, kompakt
6. Konklusion,
Model Træk? ABSTRACT
1 The calcium antagonist verapamil has been shown to increase
2 oxygen extraction of ischaemic tissues in coronary and periphe-
3 ral disease. Since the balance between beneficial and delete-
4 rious effects of vasodilation in ischaemic disease may be deli-
5 cate we investigated the clinical and haemodynamic effects of
6 verapamil in 44 patients with intermittent claudication (Fon-
7 taine's stadge IIb - III) in a randomized double-blind placebo
8 controlled crossover study (4 weeks with placebo/verapamil) af-
9 ter individual optimal dose of the drug had been evaluated in a
10 dose response study. Eight, 8, 14, and 14 patients revealed the
11 longest walking distance on 120, 240, 360, and 480 mg, res-
12 pectively of slow-release verapamil once daily. In individually
13 optimal doses verapamil increased pain free walking distance
14 by 27% from 44.9 to 57.8 m (p<0.001) and maximal walking dis-
15 tance by 49% from 100.7 to 149.8 m (p<0.001) as compared to
16 placebo. The increase in maximal walking distance after vera-
17 pamil administration was positively correlated to initial systolic
18 ankle pressure (...) and to ankle/brachial index (...) and to no
19 other parameter.,

Sammenhæng mellem
Hvad: Drejebog/scenesætter trækkets formål og den
Funktion: Informere om baggrund sproglige form
Angive rationale
Iscenesættelse af forskningsfokus

Træk: 1. Anslå tema og forskningsområde

1a. Resumering af del af tidligere forskning
1b. Påstand om områdets generelle betydning/vigtighed
1c. Generalisering over emnet
2. Etabler en forskningsniche
2a. Påstand der modsiger aktuel forskning
2b. Mangel i eksisterende forskning
2c. Spørgsmål/tvivl v. eksisterende forskning
2d. Næste skridt i forskningsprogram
3. Indtag nichen
3a. Forskningens formål eller karakter
3b. Nøgleresultater (evt.),

Sproglig form = signal om trækkets funktion
Træk 1b (”påstand om områdets generelle betydning”):

The increasing interest in pain management has heightened the need for tools
suitable to objectively assess pain. Of particular interest and complexity is the
monitoration of pain levels as the disease progresses towards its acute stages.

Betydning – ordniveau: Betydning – sætningsniveau

Increasing interest Of particular interest and complexity is
Heightened need
Particular interest and complexity

Sproglig form = signal om trækkets funktion

Træk 2a+b: Etabler niche med ”negativt” subjekt (viser at træk 1 er færdigt)

“Negativt” subjekt:

Utællelig subj. However, little information ...

little attention ...
little work ...
little research ...
Tælleligt subj. However, few studies ...
few investigations ...
few attempts …
Konnektorer Bisætning Hovedsætning Frase
Modsætning although, even though however, nevertheless despite,
yet, in spite of

Kontrast while, whereas in contrast, however, unlike

1 The period from the first symptoms of cancer until treatment is initiated (delay)
2 should be as short as possible because the prognosis for the most of cancers
3 depends on the disease stage at the time of diagnosis {…}. Delay is also asso-
4 ciated with mental strain for the patients {..}. Only a few studies have been con-
5 ducted to analyse, in detail, to which extent the different actors – patients, general
6 practitioners (GPs) and secondary health care - contribute to delay in cancer
7 diagnosis. These studies only cover one or few specific cancer types {..}. Hence,
8 there is a lack of population based studies and lack of an overview and differen-
9 tiated insight into delay for all cancer types. We examined, in a population based
10 cohort study, each involved actors’ contribution to delay and to what extent delay
11 differs with different cancer types.
Øvelse: Find tre sproglige problemer!
The period from the first symptoms of cancer 1 The period from the first symptoms of
until treatment is initiated (delay) should be 2 cancer until treatment is initiated (de-
as short as possible because the prognosis 3 lay) should be as short as possible be-
for the most of cancers depends on the dis- 4 cause in most cancers the prognosis
ease stage at the time of diagnosis {…}. 5 depends on the disease stage at the
Delay is also associated with mental strain 6 time of diagnosis {..}. Delay is also as-
for the patients {..}. Only a few studies have 7 sociated with mental strain for the pa-
been conducted to analyse, in detail, to which 8 tients {..}. Only few studies have ana-
extent the different actors – patients, Gene- 9 lyzed in detail how delay in cancer dia-
ral practitioners (GPs) and secondary health 10 gnosis is distributed between patients,
care - contribute to delay in cancer diagnosis. 11 general practitioners (GPs) and secon-
These studies only cover one or few specific 12 dary health care staff. Moreover, the
cancer types {..}. Hence, there is a lack of 13 studies only cover one or few specific
population based studies and lack of an over- 14 cancer types {..}. The present lack of
view and differentiated insight into delay for 15 population-based studies and the ab-
all cancer types. We examined, in a popula- 16 sence of detailed knowledge of cancer-
tion based cohort study, each involved actors’ 17 specific delay accordingly needs to be
contribution to delay and to what extent delay 18 addressed. We therefore conducted a
differs with different cancer types. 19 population-based cohort study explor-
20 ing each involved actor’s contribution
21 to delay and the extent to which delay
22 differed according to cancer type
Øvelse: bestem introduktionens træk 1-3
1 Urinary incontinence in women is a common distressing, and costly
2 health problem. Studies have shown that only about a quarter of
3 affected women consult a doctor for their symptoms, and the treat-
4 ment that they are offered is probably not optimal. The condition is
5 thus a challenge for general practitioners, who often will be the first
6 professionals to diagnose and treat it. Several treatment options
7 are effective in the treatment of urinary incontinence in women and
8 most of these treatments are suitable in general practitioners and
9 other primary care staff1. In two controlled trials from general prac-
10 tice most of the women had improved or were cured after manage-
11 ment; similar results were found in a study in which treatments
12 were administered by nurses.2,3 Such studies, however, are often
13 performed by one dedicated doctor or specially trained staff, so the
14 results may not reflect what is attainable in ordinary practices. We
15 conducted an observational study of treatment of urinary incontine-
16 nece in women in general practice in a community where a group
17 of general practitioners serves the total population.,

Formål: Diskutere resultater

Funktion: Diskutere resulter i kontekst

Vurdere resultater/metoder
Evaluate mulige anvendelser
Anbefale videre forskning
struktur: Sproglige modeller

Øget enighed om behov for

struktureret diskussion,

Diskussion: Tidsskriftsspecifikke trækstrukturer

BMJ: (

• Statement of principal findings

• Strengths and weaknesses of the study
• Strengths and weaknesses in relation to other studies,
discussing particularly any differences in results
• Meaning of the study: possible mechanisms and
implications for clinicians or policymakers
• Unanswered questions and future research
Hvorfor bliver 2/3 af alle artikler afvist?
Hvad siger reviewerne?
Fordi forfatter ikke forholder sig
tilstrækkeligt nuanceret til egne og andres data!!
Diskussion - træk
Træk 1 Giv baggrundsinformation (ikke-obligatorisk; fagområdeafhængigt)
Formål: At gentage formål/forskningsspørgsmål
Sprog: Metadiskurs (fx the aim of this study is to..)

Træk 2 Redegør for egne resultater (obligatorisk)

Formål: At præsentere de vigtigste specifikke resultater af egen forskning og
evt. kommentere forventnings-”fit” (ventet/uventet)
Sprog: Menings-/ytringsverber, datid
Henvisning til eksempler, tabeller, figurer

Træk 3 Opsummer hovedresultatet (ikke-obligatorisk)

Formål: Kort resumé af det samlede hovedresultat (i relation til formål). Adskiller
sig fra træk 2, som har fokus på væsentligste delresultater

Træk 4 Vurder/sammenlign egne resultater med andres (obligatorisk)

Formål: At sammenligne egne med andres resultater og give vurdering af
resultaternes betydning for forskningen

Ofte kombination A: Sammenligne/kontrastere fund med litteraturen

af flere ”skridt” B: Forklare egne resultater i forhold til andres
C: Vurdere egne resultater i forhold til andres
Diskussion - træk
Træk 5 Resume af eller konklusion på studiet (ikke obligatorisk)
Formål: At resumere studiets samlede betydning for forskningen (ikke kun
egne resultaters betydning, træk 3):
Sprog: Førnutid ( fx The present study has shown that..)
Trækket afslutter ofte diskussionen

Træk 6 Vurderer/diskuter studiet (obligatorisk)

Formål: Præsentation af studiets styrker/svagheder og vurdering/diskussion
af styrke/svagheder, generaliserbarhed, nyhedsværdi

Ofte kombination A: Vurdering af styrker/svagheder

af flere ”skridt” B: Vurdering af betydning/fordele ved eget studie
C: Vurdering af metode
Sprog: Ofte ‘positive’ verber (fx: our study/results ‘expands on’, ‘adds to’ the
literature, ‘contribute’ to the existing body of knowledge, ‘are confined to’ certain
bounds, are ‘only a means’ to an end, ‘do not claim being exhaustive’, etc.)

Træk 7 Hvad giver studiet anledning til (obligatorisk)

Formål: Forslag til fremtidig indsat (forskning, klinik, undervisning) begrundet i
manglende forskning eller hypoteser/formodninger studiet har rejst

Ofte kombination A: Forslag til videre forskning

af flere ”skridt” B: Anbefalinger
1. Baggrund (gentag formål) 4. Sammenlign resultater med andres resultater
2. Egne resultater (hoved-/del-) 5. Konkluder på studiet i kontekst
3. Evt. sammenfat resultat jfr. 1 6. Vurder/diskuter studiet (styrker/svagheder)
7. Hvad giver studiet anledning til

Øvelse: Find træk 1-4 og kommenter resultatpræsentation

Nusse R et al had showed that WNT-1 1
contributed to mammary oncogenesis 2
when overexpressed (Nusse R and van 3
Ooyen A, 1984). WNT-1 also seemed to 4
play an important role in the neoplastic 5
progression of basal cell carcinomas of 6
head and neck in which the areas of de- 7
differentiated BCCs demonstrated a 8
high granular positive staining (Lomuzio 9
L and Pannone G et al, 2000). To our 10
knowledge there is no report on WNT-1 11
expression on OSCC. Our results show- 12
ed that there was no expression of 13
WNT-1 in normal oral epithelium, and 14
strong expression was observed in dys- 15
plastic oral epithelium and well-differ- 16
entiated OSCC, however redisappear- 17
ence was observed in the poor differen- 18
tiated OSCC. …. 19

Forskelle på dansk og engelsk

System Brug

•Ords morfosyntaks
• Fx. Adjektivers bøjning i tal Effektiv tekstproduktion er kontekstuel og forudsætter eksplicitering
af formål på mikroniveau og sammenhæng mellem tekstens struktur og sprog
•Ordklassernes funktion og anvendelse ..og viden om tekstkonventioner på fremmedsprog
…og ’retorisk kultur’
• Fx. Adverbiers frekvens
Kultur UK DK
•Sætningsopbygning Kontekst Lineær syntaks
Personlige udtryk
Kompleks syntaks
Upersonlige udtryk

• Fx. Danske relativsætninger og Medium (talt/skrevet) Meget metakomm.

Tematisk fokuseret
Lidt metakomm.
Tematiske afstikkere
sætninger med foreløbigt subjekt Tekstgenre
Heltekst Modtagere
Teksttype Modtager
Deltekst Intenderede Tilskuere
Teksttype Adres- ÷-Adres- Tilfæl Lurere
Kulturbundet form serede serede dige
Strategisk sprogbrug
Kommunikativ funktion
DK 1 ord >< UK n ord – UK ”falske venner”
DK aktuel = UK topical/present The predicted results and the actual [faktisk]
UK actual = UK real results are diametrically opposed here
The present results [herværende] are in
contrast with those of ...
DK annulere = UK cancel The failure of the procedure caused the
UK annul: fx annul legal meaning entire project to be cancelled [afblæse]
DK dominerende = UK dominant The dominant [dominerende] position
UK domineering = tyrannical assumed was one of genuflexion
DK eventuelt = UK possibly/may This oral approach was finally [i sidste
UK eventually = at long last/finally instans] abandoned
DK triviel = UK commonplace/ He was admitted on a trivial [ubetydelig]
tedious/trite complaint
UK trivial = unimportant
Øvelse: Find falske venner eller forkerte engelske ord

Getting back to the subject of smoking when patients had refused smoking
cessation advice earlier was considered a difficult and risky affair by most
of the GPs

An age- and gender-matched group of 47 persons, without any actual or

previous need for orthodontic or surgical-orthodontic treatment, served
as controls

Dansk biord -> engelsk tillægsord

DK engelsk: biord (f.eks. early in the mitosis)

UK engelsk: tillægsord (f.eks. in the early mitosis)

DANGELSK biord ENGELSK tillægsord

The patient admitted to smoking a The patient admitted to smoking an
cigarette occasionally [af og til] occasional cigarette
Agitation was interrupted occasionally There were occasional interruptions to
[nu og da] to allow admixture of fresh allow addition of fresh medium
Twenty more [yderligere] subjects were Another twenty subjects were admitted
admitted to the trial to the trial
We needed more laboratory animals We were in instant need of more
instantly [øjeblikkeligt] to meet LD50 test laboratory animals to meet LD50 test
requirements in time requirements in time

Dansk biord -> engelsk udsagnsord

DK engelsk biord (f.eks. the problem is still [stadig] unsolved)

UK engelsk udsagnsord (f.eks. the problem remains unsolved).

DANGELSK biord ENGELSK udsagnsord

This hypothesis may be unverifiable This hypothesis may be impossible to

[uverificerbar] verify
The shortage of penicillin still [stadig] The shortage of penicillin continues to
gives cause for concern cause concern

The equipment has now been upgraded The equipment has now been upgraded
so [så] as to include incinerators to include incinerators

Nonlinear equations are unsolvable [kan Nonlinear equations defy solution

ikke løses]
Øvelse: lav biord om til udsagsord eller tillægsord
X is still to be clarified

a discrepancy between the actual capacity to perform transvenous TP and the

current recommendations still exists

Children with multiple symptoms may be especially at risk of developing regular

functional somatic syndromes over time

It is possible to close the fascia in the midline with primary defects as large as 20 cm

surgery to bone or spinal cord compression has been reported as high as 3,38 per
year for patients with mRCC

By inserting a balloon subdurally or epidurally

The patients all routinely had a CT-angio in combination with their staging

This enabled us to use multivariate statistics to detect potential risk factors and this
method implies inclusion of several variables concurrently and thereby control for

Dansk forholdsord -> engelsk udsagnsord

DK engelsk: forholdsord
UK engelsk: udsagnsord (ing-form) ved verber der giver liv

DANGELSK forholdsord ENGELSK udsagnsord (-ing)

The rules for [for] this procedure are The rules governing this procedure are
explained in the manufacturer's explained in the manufacturer's
instructions instructions
The surgical principle for [ved] The surgical principle underlying
abdominorectal incision is ... abdominorectal incision is ...

PhD courses with [med] lessons in PhD courses offering lessons in medical
medical English English

An incision was made towards [mod] the The incision was made facing the
anterior aspect anterior aspect
Øvelse: fjern forholdsord hvor det er muligt
The depletion of potassium is also Potassium depletion is also known to
known to have an impact on reab- affect kidney sodium reabsorption by
sorption of sodium in the kidneys impairing the kidney’s ability to
impairing both the ability to excrete a excrete an Na+ load and maximally
Na+ load and the ability to conserve conserve Na+
Na+ maximally
The cellular DNA uptake in culture is
The uptake of DNA in the cells in markedly enhanced
culture is markedly enhanced

The expression levels of the proteins The protein expression levels in

examined when comparing experimental experimental and control animals
versus control animals were determined were compared by conventional
by conventional densitometry of immunoblot densitometry

Hvad gør jeg? Brug tid på sproget!

Vi ved normalt ikke,
hvad vi ikke ved, før vi
ved det!
1. Ubevidst 2. Bevidst
inkompetent inkompetent
Et eksempel:
Hvilke er der?
rummer udsagn
om sandsynlighed

Kendt viden! Forskellen?

4. Ubevidst 3. Bevidst
kompetent kompetent

Vi ved ikke hvad vi ikke ved – før vi ved det!

Kausalitetsmarkører : ”fordi”

1. Ubevidst 2. Bevidst
inkompetent inkompetent
Et eksempel:
Hvilke er der?

Kendt viden! Forskellen?

4. Ubevidst 3. Bevidst
kompetent kompetent
HJÆLP!!! Grammatik og sprogbeskrivelse
Information fra Webster om grammatik med sproglige øvelser samt øvelser i
opbygning af tekster.

Fx kohæsion
Grammatik og sprogbeskrivelse Kohæsion:
Guide to Grammar and Writing Pronomener
Eksempel: Sentence level: Coherence Leksikalsk gentagelse

•Contrast (howeveritis)

Observer! Forskelle på sprog og sprogsystemter

Udled generelle regler fx brug færre præpositioner!
Dangelsk Engelsk

Præpositionel postmodifikation Adjektivisk præmodifikation

Individuals without training Unskilled individuals
Individuals on early retirement Early retirees
Individuals with little education Poorly educated individuals

Præpositionskonstruktion  Verbum (-ing-form)

The rules for this procedure The rules governing this procedure
The surgical principle for X The surgical principle underlying X
An incision was made towards X An incision was made facing X

Observer! Forskelle på sprog

Udled generelle regler fx undgå for mange adverbier!
DK adverbium  UK verbum
Dangelsk Engelsk
This hypothesis may be unverifiable This hypothesis resists verification
The shortage of penicillin still gives The shortage of penicillin continues to
cause for concern cause concern
The equipment has now been The equipment has now been
upgraded so as to include incinerators upgraded to include incinerators
Nonlinear equations are unsolvable Nonlinear equations defy solution
…eller – ring efter hjælp for help!
Kronologisk & systematisk – indhold/sprog


- Struktur
- Klart budskab
- Dangelsk


- Vis ændringer
- Kommentarer:
- forklaringer på fejl
- forslag til ny tekst

Mere klart?

Prøv selv: Gør tekst kompakt og klar

Danish GPs act as "gate- Danish GPs act as hospital
keepers" with regard to and specialist treatment
hospital treatment and treat- gatekeepers. Patients,
ment by specialists. This therefore, usually first
means that patients usually consult their GP, who is
start by talking with their GPs, responsible for proper
whose responsibility it is to treatment institution at an
ensure that they are offered appropriate specialisation
the treatment that they need level (27 ord sparet!)
and that they will not be
treated on a higher level of
specialisation than necessary.
(55 ord)
Tak for opmærksomheden!



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