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My best friend

Bandung, North Sumatera
October 2st , 2018

Hello Upin, how are you? I hope you are healthy and happy, because i’m here
healthy and happy too best . You already know,I really like writing, composing words
and making poetry. Did You remember, I wrote letters with romantic words to
someone and now I'm very happy because I can write a letter for you. Do you want
me to write this letter with romantic words too? Lol.

Oh ya, in a few months Apin our friend will be birthday. What is your plan? we
have to make something extraordinary. We make sure she will be very happy with our
plans,but you have to come to Medan because of Nur's birthday during the next
semester vacation. Let's come up ...

I miss you so bad. Many old stories that i want to repeat with you. Let’s doing
crazy things again best. But now we are busy in college. Hope our college is fine.
Fight for our college!
See you soon, don’t forget to reply. Wait are you!

Your best friend

Agriva Sinaga

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