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Matthew listened during the meeting, but he wasn't able to understand everything.

shouldn't understand

can't understand

has to understand

wasn't able to understand

My grandmother isn't able to get out often, so she really enjoys visitors.



isn't able

might not

Although Mary's baby is only ten months old, he is able to walk , and he knows ten words.

might walk

could walk

should walk

is able to walk

We didn't have a reservation, but we were able to get on a flight to New York anyway.




were able to
Weren't you able to stop?

- Well, I was able to stop, but the other driver wasn't.

- Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare?

- Yes. The hare was faster, but the tortoise was able to win the race.

was able to win

could win

might win

had to win

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