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Aliando Boaventura……………..04

Amade Molide…………………….06

Armando Daniel…………………….13

Carmen da Lurdes…………………16

Edmilson dos Santos……………..21

Ilodio Tselele……………………26

Edson Mateus………………………54


The different methods of payment in international trade

Class: 3 ATA/Day course


dr. Cremildo Almeida


Beira, Maio de 2018

Contents: page:

I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………01

II. Objectives of the work…………………………………………………………....02

III. The different methods of payment in international trade:

1. cash-in-advance……………………………………………………………...03

2. Letters of credit………………………………………………………………04

3. Documentary collections……………………………………………………..04

4. Open account…………………………………………………………………04

5. Consignment………………………………………………………………….05

IV. Acquisitions: the process can be a problem………………………………………05

V. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………06

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………….II
I. Introduction

In this present work, whose theme is the different methods of payment in international trade
that can be used to overcome the problems of distance and mistrust between the buyer and the
consumer. We will mention the different payment methods and their respective descriptions. To
select the best payment method, it can be helpful to think about it in terms of the above risk
ladder. The nature of the relationship with your buyer may also determine the settlement method
II. Objectives of the work

 To know and to differentiate the payment methods done remotely.

 To help select the appropriate method of payment.

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