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ie =) National Accreditation Board for ) )}) Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) nd CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION OORJA TECHNICAL SERVICES PVT. LTD. has been assessed and accredited in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 ‘General Requirements for the Competence of Testing & Calibration Laboratories" for its facilities at 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh in the field of CALIBRATION Certificate Number ¢¢.7547 ves Date eee Valid Until 19/10/2020 This certificate remains valid for the Scope of Accreditation as specified in the annexure subject to continued satisfactory compliance to the above standard & the relevant requirements of NABL. {Fo see the scope of accreditation ofthis laboratory, you may also vist NABL website wow nabl-inin ong) Signed for and on behalf of NABL a Anil Relia '89076970200020000226 Chief Executive Officer Laboratory Accreditation Standard Certificate Number ity ~T Quantity Measured / Instrument Current (BCy" | Voltage TAC” | (Sine Wave) ~ Carent Gy | (ine Wave)" ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (AConstituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISONEC 17025: 2005 cc-2547 Page 1 0f 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - RangelFrequency ‘Calibration Measurement| Remarks ‘Capability (t) ELECTRO-TECHNICAL CALIBRATION TmV to 10 mV | 10 mV to 100 mv | 0.042 % to 0.010 % Product Calibrator | 100 mV to 1000 V | 0.010 % to 0.007 % ‘5502E By Direct Method TT pAt OA TEETH 16 028% Using Fluke Mult) | 10 uA to 100 ya | 0.246 % to 0.041 % Product Calibrator 100 iA to 100 mA 0.041 % 100.015 % | 5502E By Direct Method 100 mA to 1A 0.018 % to 0.054 % | 1 Ato 208 0.053 % t0 0.13 % | So He to 10 Kr I Using Fike MutT | 1 mV to 3mVv | 2.62% to 0.922 % | Product Calibrator [amviotoomv | azzseronoeo% | 5026 By Drea Method 100 mV to1 V 0.060 % to 0.047 % | 1Vto 1000 v | 0.047 % to 0.063 % 50 Hz to 7 kz / “Using Flake wa 30 pA to 100 yA | 0.55 % 100.27 % | Product Calibrator | 100 pA to 1 mA | 0.27 % to 0.143 % 5502E and Power | 1.mA to 100 mA 0.143 % to.0.087% | Calibrator & Tester 1100 mA to 1A | 0.087 % to 0.12 % By Direct Method | 1Ato20A | 0.12% to.0.20 % [0.5A10 1204 | 0.061% T6A2% Using 4 Wire Low 1.23% Resistance Standard 1.01% By Direct Method 0.68 % 0.22% 0.20% 0.065 % as Avijit Das, Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of india) Qcl SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, Laboratory 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 cc-2547 Accreditation Standard Certificate Number Validity Si] Quantity Measured 7 | Range/Frequency | Instrument J i to | 1000 to 10k0 | | 10k9 to 1 Ma i | 1M to 10M0 al | 10M to 100Mo | 400Ma to 1000M0 i 6. +f insulation ip | Resistance? }00 kA to 1000 Ma }0GAt0 1 TA He to S0Hz @ (1 V)_ | 50H2 to 2MHz @ (1 V) Calibration by ‘Simulation of | Thermocouple (k Type} Calibration by | Simulation of | Calibration by | Simulation of | Thermocouple | (J Type)* ‘Temperature (©) 260°C to 400 | Calibration by Simulation of | Thermocouple Type) Shish, Ashish Kokran Convenor 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Page 2 of 27 Last Amended on - eg ration Measurement! Remarks ‘apability (+) 0.096 % 0 0.016 % | 0.010 % to0.0.010 % | 0.010 % to 0.018 % 0.018 % to 0.069 % 0.069 % to 0.60 % 0.60 % to 1.742 % 0.10 % t0 0.732 % 0.931 % to 7.65% 0.59 % 10 0.019 % 0.019 % to 0.009 % /0153°C Using Fluke Multi Product Calibrator 5502E By Direct Method | Using Decade ~ | Megohmbox Standard | By Direct Method Using Fake a Product CalibratorS502E _ By Dreci Wetnoe FUsing Product Calibrator 5602E By Simulation Method Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of india) QC! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number CC-2547 Page 3 of 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - | Quantity Measured / | RangeiFrequency }Calibration Measurement) Remarks | Instrument | Capability (@) / Calibration by Simulation of | Thetmocouple (N Type)* 10.70 °C | Calibration by | Simulation of | Thermocouple (RT ype}? | Temperature ~~ | Calibration by Simulation of Thermocouple (S Type)! [Temperature Calibration by ‘Simulation of | Thermocouple emperature | Calioration by | Simulation of | Thermocouple > TOE | Simulation of Thermocouple Avijit Das ‘Ashish Kakran Program Manager Convenor Se (e) National Accreditation Board for SF y Testing and Calibration Laboratories i. 4 (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Na@BL Qc SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISOMEC 17025: 2005 CC-2547 Page 4 of 27. 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - | Guantity Measured’ RangelFrequency ~~” Falibration Measurement) Remarks Instrument } ising Fluke Multi Calibration by Product Calibrator ‘Simulation of | | 5502E By Simulation | RTD Type | | Method | Current (AGIBC) % to 0.65 % 1 Using Fluke Multi ‘Source By 50 Turn 7 Product Calibrator | Current Coil (Bor 1 8502€ with Fluke | Transformer 2OAt0 1000 A(AC) 0.72 % 10 0.64 % Current Coil By | (Sine Wave)* | | | Direct Method [AC Induciance’ TkHz | F20% 00.10% | Using Decade 400 pH to 1000 mH | Inductance Box | | By Direct Method Capacitance’ THF to 100 mF |TA68% tO 135% | Using Decade | Capacitance Box / | Multi-Product Calibrator | | By Direct Method | | | | ‘ay’ io 60 Hz | Using Calmet C300B | 10 Active | 40.V to 300 V | Power Calibratorand | Cos #05101 | 120A to 50 mA 0.065 % t0 0.13 % | Tester By Direct Method | | 36 KW to 1W. | | | 50 mA to 20 ma 115 W to 0.4W Be ray 40 Fiz to 60 Hz | [Potcese | atienme aueee oni |Sin@#05101 120 Ato 50 mA i | | 36 kVar to 1Var i | 50 mA to 20 mA / | 18 Var to 0.4Var, wer /Energ) 3@ Active | 40 Vto 300V [120 A to 50 mA ‘Ashish Kakran ‘Convenor National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISONEC 17025: 2005 cC-2547 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Laboratory Accreditation Standard Certificate Number Validity Page 5 of 27 Last Amended on - |. | Quantity Measured / | Instrument Calibration Measurement] Remarks Capability (+) Range/Frequency | 108 kW to 3 W | 50 mA to 20 ma | 45.W to 1.2W ‘40 Hz to 60 Hz 40 V to 300 V 1120 Ato 50 mA 108 kVar to 3 Var 50 mA to 20 mA, 45 Var to 1.2Var Power /Energy” | 3 Re-Active [Sne@zostor “70.33% to 0.031% Voitage (0C)* 'Vollage OC)" ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor O1mVioimv AMV to 100mV | 100mv to 10V | 10v to 1000V FA mV io 10 mV 10 mV to 10V | 0.031% to 0.001% | 0.001% to 0.005% | 0.0005% to 0.007% 07 % to 0.007 % | 0.007 % to 0.058 % 7.633% | Using Fluke 85084 | 8% Digit Reference Multi | | Meter By Comparison’ Direct Method ig Fluke 88: 614 Digital Precision | MultiMeter By Comparison/Direct, | Method ing | High Voltage Probe and | Multimeter By Direct! | Comparison Method ising Fluke 80 K-15 | High Voltage Probe and | Multimeter By Direct! | Comparison Method ‘Aviit Das Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 CC-2547 Page 6 of 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - Laboratory Certificate Number Validity FGalibration Measurement) Remarks Si. | Quantity Measured / | RangeiFrequency Capability (2) | | | Instrument | Poat%t00.008% Using Fluke 65088 § 01005 %t0.0.022% |_| 8%4Digit Reference | 0.022 % t0.0.05 % Muli Meter By | Comparison Direct | Methoe HA to 100 mA” 100 mA to 1 A 1Ato20A uurrent (DC) 6518 % to 0.677% | Using Fiuke 88460 0.677 % to 0.100% 6% Digital Precision 0.100% 100.191% | MultMeter By | Comparison/Direct | | Moshod Bois io oH ; eats 4 mV to 100 mv 11.03% 100.018% | 84Digit Reference 100 mV to 1000V | 0.018 % 100.019 % | Muli Meter By | i | Comparison/Direct Method TUAto 10 yA | 10yAto 1A 1 Ato 10 Using Fike 88464 6% Digital Precision MultiMeter By Comparison! Direct Method 0 Hz to 10 kHz | 1 mV to 100 mv 100 mV to 100 V 100 V to 1000 V | 7.503 % to 0.131 % 0.131 % to 0.105 % 0.105 % to 0.117 % ign Vanage EF aa HR r | 1KV to 10kV. High Voltage Probe and — Multimeter By | Comparison/Direct Method sing Fluke 80 K48 | High Vottage Probe and Multimeter By Direct! | Comparison Method ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor ‘Avijit Das Program Manager Laboratory Accreditation Standard Certificate Number Validity Instrument |Current (AC 7. | Resistance® | Frequency/ Period” | Mish. ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor Testing and Calibration Laboratories (AConstituent Board of Quality Council of India) QC SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISO/EC 17025: 2005 cC-2547 Page 7 of 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - Si) Quantity Measured’ | RangeiFraquency ~~ FCalibration Measurement] Remarks” Capability (+) | [50 Hz to 1 kHz Using Fluke 8508A | 30 WA to 100 mA | 0.11% to 0.053% | 8% Digit Reference | 100 mA to1 A | 0.053% to 0.094% Multimeter By | 1A10 208 0.094% t0 0.12% ‘Comparison’ Direct j i Method (40 Hz to 70 Hz | 0.080% [Using Caimet C3008 0.5A to 100A 0.062% | By Comparison’ Direct | 100A to 120 A Method SO He to 70 KH Using Fluke 88464 6% 33 BA to 100 pA 0.431 % 10 0.252% | Digital Precision | 100 wa to 1 ma 0.252% 0 0.600% | MutiMeter By | 1mAto 10 mA 0.600 % to 0.251 % Comparison! 10mAto1A 0.251 % to 0.177 % Direct Method TAI 108 0.177 % 10 0.252 % 10 pO to SOU | {0 0.017% | Using Fiuke 86084 | | 50 uO totma 0.017% to 0.056% | 8% Digit Reference 1 mQ to 100mQ 0.054% to 0.011% | Multimeter and Multi | 100 mo to 10 | 0.011% to 0.021% | Product Calibrator | | By Vl Method dio 100k 16 (0058% to 0.0010% Using Fluke 8508A i 100kQ to 10MQ 0.0010% to 0.0025% 8% Digit Reference | | 40M0 to tooma | 0.0025% to 0.017% ‘Multimeter By | | 100Mato 1000M2_——|(0.017% to 0.20% | Comparison Direct | Method THz to 80 Hz G100086 % to 0.000017 % | Using Timer! Counter? 50 Hz to 100 kHz | 0.000017 % to ‘Analyzer By Direct / | | 0.000081 % ‘Comparison Method | 100 kHz to 2 MHz 0.0000081% to 0.005% qe Avijit Das, Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number C2547 Page 8 of 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - sured / | RangeiFrequency ‘Calibration Measurement’ Remé i fepanity (t) | Instrument | “VFrequency/ Period | 1 Hz to 50Hz 1'0.00081% to 0.00091% | Using Timer/ Counter / I | 50 Hz to 100kKHz | 0.00091% to 0.00082% Analyzer By Direct / | 100 kHz to 2MHz | 0.00082% to 0.0062% Comparison Method i } | SM5052 Sec. to 9900Sec. Sec to 3.06 Sec Using Time interval | 9900 Sec. to 54000Sec, | 1.41Secto 10.09Sec | Meter By Comparison | 54000Sec. to 86340Sec, | 10,09Sec to 22.10 Sec | Method } Time intervai* ~~} 7Sec. to 8800800. 0.07Sec to 747 Sec | | 9900 Sec. to 54000Sec. | 1.41Sec to 10.09 Sec | | S4o00Sec. to a6340Sec. | 10.085ec t02210Sec | Using Fluke 85084 87 0.036 °C ~ 10. | Temperature | (Cj 200 *C 10 373°C | Calibration by | Digit Reference Mult face | Simulation of Meter By simulation [fone (Kk Type) i Temperature 0.050 °C Calibration by | Simulation of | Thermocouple (E Type)? Temperature Calibration by | Simulation of Thermocouple | W Type | Temperature | Calibration by | Simulation of | Thermocouple | (T Type)* hich. ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cc-2547 Page 9 of 27 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - SL. Quantity Measured / | Range/Frequency F Calibration Measurement! Remarks eee | Instrument | Capability (2) eal L ~ | Temperature i | Calibration by | (-) 200 °C to 1300 °C 0.08: | Simulation of Thermocouple | (N Type)? “Temperature [TAB CI 1767S | Calibration by | Simulation of | Thermocouple | (RType}* perature ‘to 1767 °C | Calibration by | Simulation of, | Thermocouple | (S Type)* | Temperature 1600 °C to 4820 °C | 0.088 °C | Calibration by Simulation of | Thermocouple (B Type)* emperaiure Calibration by | Simulation of Thermocouple (LType) r Temperature | 0.030 °C Calibration by | | Simulation of | Thermocouple U Type)* omper Tosing| Calibration by | 8%Digit Reference | Simulation of RTD Multimeter By Simulation aaa peo Shiich Ashish Kakran Convenor Program Manager Certificate Number Validity National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISONEC 17025: 2005 cC-2547 Page 10 of 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - Quantity Measured 7 | RangelFrequency Calibration Measurement) Remarks | Instrument Power /Eneray* | 10 Active (Cos @ £05to1 1@ Re-Active Sin @ + 0.5 to1 | Power /Energy’ 3@ Active Cos B+05to4 Power /Energy 3 Re-Active Sin S+0.5to1 Bower TEneray” | 1@ Active/Reactive | Cos/Sin @ 0.5 to 1 | 3 Active/Reactive | CosiSin@ #05101 Ahish, ‘Ashish Kakran ‘Convenor | Cepabi ity (+) | 40 Hz to 60 Hz | Using Caimet | 40 V to 300 V | C3008 By Direct Method 120 A to 50 mA | 0.065 % to 0.13 % | 36 KW to 1W | 50. mA to 20 mA 15.W to O.4W |fovto 300 | 120 Ato 50mA | sehen avr 50 mA to 20 mA | eMartoowver 140 Hz to 60 Hz | 40 V to 300 V. ‘oAtesOmA 066% 10 0.075% ‘aaweaw omate20 mA Baw | 40 Hz to 60 Hz | 40 V to 300 V teoAtos0 mA Tos Vert 3 Var | 50 mA to 20 mA 45 Var to 1.2Var TBO HE | Using Caimet TE30 By | 63.5 V to 276V | Comparison Method | 120 Ato 50 mA 33.12 kWikVar to | 1.58 WiVer | 50H 63.5 V to 276 V 120 Ato 50 mA | 99.36 kWikVer to | a7awnver Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cC-2547 Page 11 of 27 Vi 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - SI] Quantity Measured’ RangelFrequency Calibration Measurement] Remarks | Instrument ‘Capability (2) | ‘ower /Eneray’ 50 Hz Using Caimet TESO 1D Active/Reactive | 63.5 V to 276 V [Cos#05t01/ | 120Ato50mA Sin #0501 33.12 kWikVar to 1.58 | Wer | 130 Hz 3G ActiveiReactive | 63.5 V to 276 V CosS#05to1/ | 120Ato50mA |Sin@20.5t01 | 99.36 KWikVar to | 4.74 War ito | Using DMM & Fiigh | 10 GO to 1T0 | 0.73% to 5% Voltage Probe (Upto | 5 kV) By Vil method 50 UA to F00u0 [0.857% to 0.415% Using Fiukes846A | 100 pa to 1oma | 0.418% to 0.046% | 6 Digital Precision | 10.mQ to 100m0 | 0.046% to 0.014% Multi Meter and Multi | 100 ma to 10 014% to 0.023% | Product Calibrator | | By Vil Method “ai0 166 | Dasa w ou Vang Fake BAER | 109 to Mo | 0.048% to 0.014%. | 6% Digital Precision 1M® to 10M 0.014% to 0.048% Multimeter By 410M0 to 100M | 0.048% to 0.938% Comparison! L100MA to 10002 _| 0.938% to 2.327% | Direct_ Method Bhish. Rshish Kakran Convener Avijit Das, Program Manager ol, 2 3 , < (ey National Accreditation Board for QQ Testing and Calibration Laboratories + (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) (ant PEPE Eee eee Eee Cee eee Here Qc SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cC-2547 Page 12 of 27 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - Quantity Measured 7 ~~ FCalibration Measurement| Remarks | Instrument ey “T WEIGHTS Wass Tims [0.007 mo ising Standar i | DUC: Analytical | 2mg | 0.001 mg Reference Weights! | | Weights of class | 5mg | 0.001 mg Masses in E1 Class and | | E18Coarser from | 10 mg | 0.001 mg | Micro Batance Semi | 11mg to 200 g 20mg 0.001 mg Micro Weighing Balance 50mg | 0.001 mg By Substitution Method | 100 mg | 0.001 mg | & ABBA Weighing | 200 mq 0.001 mg | Cycles as per | 500 mg 0.002 mg | OIML R-111-1: 2004 [19 | 0.003 mg. I l26 0.004 mg [59 | 0.005 mg | 109 | 0.006 mg | 0.007 mg | 0.010 mg | 0.014 mg | 0.024 mg 9 | DUC: Individual | Reference Weights/ Weights of class | Masses in E1 Class and | Ft & Coarser | Precision Weighing | | Balance of | Readability=1 mg By Substitution Method | & ABBA Weighing Cycles as per OIML R-111-1: 2004 Ashish Kakran Avijit Das ‘Convenor Program Manager Laboratory Accreditation Standard Certificate Number National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qcl SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISONIEC 17025: 2005 cC-2547 Page 13 of 27 20.10.2048 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - \ Quantity Measured / |'RangelFrequency ‘Calibration Measurement] Remarks Instrument DUC: Individual Weights of class | DUC: Individual | Weights of class | M1 & Coarser from | 10 kg to 20 kg DUC: Individual Weights of class M3 Bhish. ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor Capability (+) 2kg @ Using Standarcé | 5ko Reference Weights! Masses in F1 Class, and Precision Weighing of | Readability=10 mg | By substitution method & ABBA Weighing | Cycles as per OIML R-114-1: 2004 Using Standard | Reference Weights/ | Masses in F1 Class, and | Precision Weighing _ Balance of Readabilty= | 0.1 g By substitution method & ABBA | Weighing | Cycles as per | OIML R-111-1: 2004 sing Standard | Reference Weights! | Masses in F1 & M1 | Glass, and Precision | Weighing Balance of Readabilty= 59 By | substitution method & ABBA Weighing Cycles as per OIML 114-1: | | 2004 | ae ‘Avijt Das Program Manager 3 National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cC-2547 Page 14 of 27 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - Instrument () i. | Quantity Measured / | Range/Frequency FCalibration Measurement! Remarks DUC : Weighing Balances of SALA 710500mg | 2500 mg to 20 g [20g to 2009 Accuracy Class !and | Coarser Meal | DUC : Weighing | Balances of Accuracy Class | and | DUC : Weighing | Balances of | Accuracy Class Il fase | DUC : Weighing Balances of | Accuracy Class I! & | Coarser 4 ass" | DUC : Weighing Balances of ‘Accuracy Class Ill & | Coarser oo | DUC : Weighing Balances of | Accuracy Class IV & | Coarser Shish, Ashish Convenor [200 gto Tg Upto6kg Up to 20 ko Using €7 Class Standard Reference | Weights Based on OIML R 76-1 Using EY & Fi Cass Standard Reference Weights Based on | OIML R 761 Using F1 Class Standard Reference | Weights Based on OIML R 76-1 Standard Reference Weights Based on OIML R 76-1 ~ 7 Based on OIML R 76-1 “Avijit Das: Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, Laboratory 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cc.2547 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 | Quantity Measured / | Instrument ‘apability (+) 40 ul to 100 pl 044i | DUC: Micro pipettes | >100 pl to 1000 pl | 2 | 51000 uo 10000 wl | 50 pl | Volume 17 mito 80 mi Sul DUC :Measuring > 50 ml to 1000 mi | 0.3m! | Cylinders, Burettes, | >1000 mito 2000 mi 0.5 mi | Flasks, Beakers | Glass Wares, Other | Volumetric Vessels® | Hiv. DENSITY & VISCOSITY ensity / Specific ravity Hydrometer’ (Sp.Gr) 11.000 to 2000 (Sp. Gr) ‘f 5 _ Gravity Hydrometer | A (Sp. Gr.) | Ee DBhish, ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor Page Last Amended on - 15 of 27 RangelFrequency Calibration Measurement] Remarks & Using Standard Micro and Semi Micro Weighing Balance & Distiled Water By | Gravimetric Method as per ISO 6655-6 | atTemp. 27°C Weighing Balance & | Distled Water | By Gravimetric Method | as per ISO 4787: | 2010 at Temp. 27°C Using Standard | Hydrometers and Liquids of Appropriate | Density By | Comparison Method as | per IS-3104:1982 Using Precision Standard Reference | Weighing Balance & Standard Weight By Hydrostatic Weighing- (Cuckow's Method) Avijit Das, Program Manager Oy, SS National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qcl SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cC-2547 Page 16 of 27 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - SL”) Quantity Measured | RangsiFéquency ~~ FCaiibration eas Remarks | Instrument 10.32 Shore A&D Using Digital Weighing | Rubber Hardness | Oto 100 Shore Units Tester (Shore A & D)* | Balance as per ASTM- Rockwell Hardness 9 Re 1 Testing Machine* Hardness Blocks As per | | IS 1586-2-2012 Indirect Method | Brinell Hardness | 25/1675 T Using Reference Testing Machine | Hardness Blocks As per | 18 1500-2-2073 indirect | Method jad Push Pull Gauge! [010800 Tsing Standard weights | Mobile Force | | | 8s per VDEIVDI 2624 | Measuring pring Sie Torque Tools | | Using torque transducer | (Type 1)* | | wah gta deplay 2 | | per IS 6789:2003 [2 Forque Tools 7 Nm to 20 Nm Using torque transducer | (Type I) | 20Nm to 540. Nm | 10% with digital display as | | 540.Nm to 2000 Nm | | per IS 6789:2003 | ig Pet | Pressure Pressure Dead Weight | (Digital / Analogue | Tester As per DK Bhish, ‘Bshish Kakran ‘Convenor ‘Avijit Das Program Manager Accreditation Standard Ce Val si. National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh rtificate Number ity ISONEC 17025: 2005 C-2547 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 ~) Quantity Weasured | RangelFrequency Instrument instruments, Pressure | Transmitters with Electrical Outputs)® 1) iyerauie Bostive™ | Pressure | (Digital / Analogue | Pressure Indicator | Instruments, Pressure Transmitters with | Electrical Outputs)* ‘Pressure | Pneumatic Positive | Pressure (Digital / Analogue Pressure Indicator Instruments, | Pressure | Transmitters with | Electrical Outputs)* " Bheuiiatic Negative | Pressure (Digital / Analogue _ Pressure Indicator Instruments, Pressure | Transmitters with utputs)” Bhish. ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor (-) 30 mbar to () 1000 mbar {a ‘20 ber | 20 bar to 700 bar | | 700 bar to 1200 bar [Oto 2 bar | | 2 bar to 20 bar | 20 bar to 35 bar 1 bar to O bar ~) 10007 bar 17 of 27 Last Amended on - Page ration Measurement] Remarks (4) Pressure/ Vacuum Dead T Using Preumatie | Weicht Tester As per 0.012 %rdg 0.012 %rdg 0.050 %rdg Pressure Dead Weight, Tester As per DKD R-6-1 Using Standard ~ | Pressure Transmitter | with Indicator by Comparison Method As per DKD R-6-1 0.0002 bar i 0.002 bar 0.005 bar ing S Pressure Transmitter | with indicator by | Comparison Method As per DKD R-6-1 Avijit Das, Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of india) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISOJIEC 17025: 2005 cc-2547 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Laboratory Accreditation Standard Ce Valiclity T Quantity Measured / | Range/Frequency Page 18 of 27 Last Amended on - icate Number “¥Calibration Measuremen Instrument Capability (+) L far | Pressure to 700 bar (Digital Analogue Pressure indicator Instruments, | Pressure Transmitters with | Electrical Outputs)® (400 mbar to Ombar | 0 to 400 mbar | Low Pressure (Pneumatic) | (Digital / Analogue | Low Pressure Indicator Instruments | Low Pressure | Transmitter with | Electrical Output)* 0.7 bar (abs) to [0.0024 bar (abs) | Absolute Pressure 20 bar (abs) | (Manometer, Dial | | Gauge, Digital | Indicator, Barometer, | Transmitter & "Differential Pressure (Digital! Analogue Differential Pressure | Indicator | Instruments)* ‘Ashish Kakran ‘Convenor | Using Standard Digital] | Pressure Gauge by | | Comparison Method As _ | per DKD R-6-1 Using Standard Low Pressure Transmitter with Indicator by | Comparison Method As | per DKD R-6-1 | Pressure Transmitter with Indicator by | Comparison Method | As per (DKD-R-6-1) Pressure Transmitter with Indicator by Comparison Method as per (DKD-R-6-1) ‘Avijit Das: Program Manager Laboratory Accreditation Standard Certificate Number Validity Si Quantity Measured F | instrument (BASIC [i] Vernier Caliper™~ | (DialiDigital/Anzlog) LC.: 0.01 mm LC! 0.02 mm “Bap Verney | L.C.: 0.02 mm | External Micrometer* L.C.:0.001 mm Lever Dial® L.C.:0.01 mm L.C.: 0.001 mm L.C:0.002 mm 7 Bore Gauge™™ | (Transmission Error) | L.c:0.01 mm Convenor National Accredita' Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISONEC 17025: 2005 CC-2547 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Rangeifrequency Oto 150 mm © to 600 mm | 0 to 1000 mm. ae | 0 to 300 mm [0to25mm | 0 t0 450 mm | 150 mm to 300 mm | 3.8 pm 44 um 150mm io300mm 6B um 0100.8 mm 0100.2 mm | 0100.14 mm Page 19 of 27 Last Amended on - ~~ ¥€alibration Measurement] Remarks : Using Siip Gauge Sei, Caliper Checker, | Long Slip Gauge by ‘Comparison Method | (S 3651) — Using Gauge Biock Sef, | Surface Plate by Comparison Method | ds.4213) | Using Gauge Block Set, | Long Slip Gauge Set | by Comparison Method | us2067) | Using Slip Gauge | Accessories, Long Slip Gauges by Comparison | Method (IS 2966) | Using bial Calibration — Tester by Comparison Method (IS 2092) | Tester by Comparison Method (IS 11498) Using Dial Calibration” | Tester by Comparison Method ‘Avijit Das Program Manager i 4 | n Standard ‘ate Number Validity National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISONEC 17025: 2005 cC-2547 Page 20 of 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - ~~ | Quantity Measured / | Range/Frequency ration Measurement] Remarks | Instrument "Tape & Seale Calibrator i LC20.001 mm | | Measuring Tape’ : (LC. 1mm | al ee ‘Measuring Scaie® LC: 1mm | Feeier Gauge™ Plain Plug | Width Gauge / | Height Block® | | Bevel Protector™ | LC: 5 min, Combination Set7~ Angle Protractor® Let | ee ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor ® Using Gauge Block Set by Comparison Method | Using Gauge. Block Set | & Long Slip Gauge Set | 0 to 1000 mm (6.3 um | By Comparison Method | i | Using Tape & Scale Oto 30 mtr | 90VL pm Calibrator by | where is L is in mtr | Comparison Method | (IS 1269) | Using Tape & Scale 0 to 1000 mm | Calibrator by | Comparison Method |S 1269) | Using Digital Micrometer | by Comparison method | osat7e) lain Plug Gauge / | 2mm to 100 mm me hiai | Using Si | Comparator Stand by | Comparison method | ds 3455) | Using Angle Gauge | Block Set & Surface | Plate by Comparison | method (IS 4239 & 5812) O10 180° 35 Min “Using Angle Gauge | Block Set. & Surface Plate by Comparison | Method ie ‘Avijit Das Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of india) Qci SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard Certificate Number Validity cc-2547 Si. Quantity Measured/| RangelFrequency | Instrument 47. [Height Gaige TT | (@ialDigital Analog)* L.C.: 0.01 mm 78. | Tesi Sieves* ISONEC 17025: 2005 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 i4 mim to 425mm Page 21 of 27 Last Amended on - £ Calibration Measurement) Remarks ‘Capability (2) | | Using Sip Gauge & | Comparator Stand by | Comparison method | (US 2967) ing Long Slip Gauge / | Surface Plate by ‘Comparison method (iS 2921) Projector by Comparison Method (IS 460) zi Using Digital Caliper bby Comparison Method | (IS 460) ~~ Using Brofie Projector by Comparison method 8 8273) 20. "| Coating Thickness | Gauge | L.C:0.0001 mm ‘Ashish Kakran Convenor Using Thickness Fai by | | Comparison Method | | i Gauge Block by Comparison Method | Using Gauge Block Set, Long Slip Gauge Set by ‘Comparison Method Is 3455 “Avijit Das Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cC-2547 Page 22 of 27 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - Si] Quantity Measured/| RangelFrequency Calibration Measurement] Remarks | Instrument ‘Capability (+) | 23. | Profile Projector inea Using Linear Glass | LC:0.001mm 0 t0 200 mm | | Scale by Comparison | Method | Magnification 40 xo 100 X Digital Caliper by | Comparison Method (Angular 7 ~~ Using Angie Gauge by | 010 360° Comparison Method "RECELERATION & SPEED | Tachometer, Rotation | 100 rpm to 10000 rpm 4.3 rpm Using Precision Digital | Meter, RPM Tachometer with “Indicators, Encoder | Tachometer Calibration | and Taco Generator | Zig By Comparison | | with and without | | Electrical Outputs | (Contact Mode)" Tachometer, RPM | 100 rpm to 5000 rpm | 2 Using Precision Digital “Indicators (Non | 50007pm to 99909 rpm | 20 rpm | Techometer with Contacy Optical | Tachometer Calibration | | i | Mode) | | Zia By Comparison Method Calibrator by | Comparison Method nish, jn ‘Avijit Das ‘Ashish Kakran Program Manager ‘Convenor National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of india) Qcl SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number CC-2547 Page 23 of 27 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - Giiantiy Measured? | RangelFrequency fCalibration Measurement] Remar Instrument | Capability (t) | THERMAL CALIBRATION Thermocouples, | Resistance | Temperature | Detectors (RTD'sy) | Thermistors), Temperature | Transmitters with | Electrical Output | (Connected to | Sensors) | | Temperature Sensor | With Digital / Analogue Readouts | DUC: Digital | Thermometer, Temperature | Gauges, Glass | Thermometers, 280 °C to 690 °C | Muttichannel | Temperature | Indicators/Recorders | with Externally | | Connected Sensor | | Temperature [BOC to 200°C" | Switches: | Thermostat, Digital’ | Analogue Convenor ~~) Using Standard Fiake 7 Using Standard Fiuke RTD and Standard Precision Fluke Digital | Readout and LN2 By Comparison Method | Using Standard Fiuke | RTD and Standard | Precision Fiuke Digital | Readout and Liquid Dry Block Dry-Block | Calibrator By Comparison | RTD and Standard Precision Fluke Digital | Readout and Calibration | Bath By Comparison Method Using Standard Fluke | RTD and Standard | Precision Fluke Digital Readout and Calibration Dry Block By | Comparison Method Using Standar Precision Fluke “S Type Thermocouple, | Fluke Standard Precis Avijit Da Program Manager | —| National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (AConstituent Board of Quality Council of india) Qcl SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cC-2547 Page 24 of 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - ~T Guantiy Measured RanigelFrequency ~~ FCalibration Measurement] Remarks | instrument | Cepabilty i I Readout Temperature Externally Connected | Furnace Calibrator Sensor By Comparison Method Temperatures | Calibrators: Temperature Liquid Bath Calibrators, Temperature Dry | Block Calibrators, | Temperature Furnace® T re Only sing | Stand-Alone RTD and Standard | Temperature | Precision Fluke Digital | Indicators / i | Readout and Stabilized | Recorders | Temperaure Chamber | attery Operated): | By Comparison Method Temperature | | Loggers) Recorders | With Display & | Wanout Dispay” | | Relative Humidity " Using Standard | only: DUC: Thermo | | Precision Digital | Hygrometers, Digital A Readout & Humidity | Humidity Meters, Fixed Point Source | Humidity indicators, Fixed Point | Humidity Sensors, with Indicators, Humidity Tranemitter | With indicators, | Temperature & | Humidity Logger with | Display and without Display” Avijt Das, Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number cC-2547 Page 25 of 27 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - 7 Quantity WWeasured 7 | RangelFrequency ‘Calibration Measurement) Remarks | Instrument ity (2) | FUsing Standard | Relative Humicity | Precision Digital DUC: Thermo os if ___| Readout for | Hygrometers, Digital | Temperature and | Humidity Meters, | Relative Humidity and | Humidity indicators’, | Stable Relative | Humidity Sensors, | Humidity & Temperature | with Indicators, | | Chamber By | Humidity Transmitter ‘Comparison | With Indicators, | Temperature & | Humidity Transmitter, | Temperature & | Humidity Logger with | Display,and without | Display* | | inirared TC) 25°C to 60°C | Using ContactiNion | Thermometer: | 50°C to 600 °C 13 contact Thermometer as | DUC: Infrared | 600 °C to 120° | Reference thermometer | | Thermometer, | and Flat Surface | Infrared Temperature | | calibrator By | Sensor /Transmiter, | | | Comparison Thermal imaging i | Camera” | Calibration (Multi t | Using Temperature | Point Temperature | Recorder (Minimum 9 Mapping) : DUC: | Points) With Data | Temperature | | Acquisition System By | Chambers,Incubators Comparison | (for Non-Medical | Applications), | Refrigerators and Deep Freezers | Cold Rooms, | Goo! Rooms, Storage Rooms* Bhish ‘Ashish Kakran Built Das Convenor Program Manager B iS) LY Na@BL Laboratory Accreditation Standard Certificate Number Validity ~~ | Quantity Measured 7 | Instrument | Calibration (tu | Point Temperature & Humidity Mapping) DUC: Temperature & | Humidity (Stability) Chambers, Cold | Rooms, Cool Rooms, Storage Rooms? Calibration (Multi Point Temperature) DUC: Temperature Liquid Bath | Calibrators, | Temperature Dry | Block Calibrators, | Temperature Furnace | | Temperature Chambers, Incubators | (for Non-Medical | Applications), | Refrigerators and | Deep Freezers | Cold Rooms, Cool Rooms, | Storage Rooms* ‘emiperaiure Sensor Duc: | Thermocouples, Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD's)/ | Thermistors), Temperature LL Transmitters v National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh ISONEC 17025: 2005 cc.2847 Page 26 of 27 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - | RangelFrequency “FCalibration Measurement| Remarks | Kapability (4) 30 % RH to 90 % RH fe ing Wireless @=25 °C ____| Temperature & Humidity | 5 to 60°C Recorder (Minimum | | @=50 % RH | 9 Points) With Data | caution System By Comparison Taso 100° "Using emparaare lindas | | Poms) Win Da | Acquisition System | By Comparison -) 196°C Using Standard Fluke | RTD and Standard | Precision Fluke Digital | Readout and LN2 By | Comparison Method By Comparison Program Manager National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (A Constituent Board of Quality Council of India) Qc! SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory Oorja Technical Services Pvt. Ltd., 501-503, 520 Block MS1-A, 314-318 Block MS1-B, New Siyaganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Certificate Number CC-2547 Page 27 of 27 Validity 20.10.2018 to 19.10.2020 Last Amended on - | Quantity Measured / | Range/Frequency Calibration Measurement) Remarks | Instrument ‘Capability (2) lecirical Output / Using Standard Fiuke (Connected to | RTD and Standard | Sensors) | Precision Fluke Digitel | Temperature Sensor | Readout and Liguid/Dry Win Digtal/ | | Block D-Block | | Analogue Readouts Calibrator By DUC: Digital Comparison Method | Thermometer, L se aS | | Temperature ‘Using Standard Fiuke | Gauges, Glass | RTDand Standard | | Thermometers, | Precision Fluke Digital | | Multichannel | Readout and Calibration | Temperature | Bath By Comparison | Indicators! | Method | Recorders, [2b es | bo | Temperature (B50°C 10500 Using Standard Fiuke Switches: | | RTD and Standard | Thermostat, Digital | Precision Fluke Digital | Analogue | | Readout and | Temperature | Calibration Dry Block | Controller j | By Comparison Method [Temperetures / Calibrators: 590 °C to 1200S Using Standard | | Temperature Liquid Precision Fluke "S" | | Bath Calibrators, | | Type Thermocouple, | Temperature Dry | Fluke Standard | Block Calibrators, | Precision Diaital / Temperature | Readout Temperature | | Furnace’ i i | Furnace Calibrator | | | By Comparison Method {Measurement Capability is expressed as an uncertainty (2) at a confidence probability of 95% Sonly in Permanent Laboratory “Only for Site Calibration *The laboratory is also capable for site calibration however, the uncertainty at site depends on the prevailing actual environmental conditions and master equipment used. Bish ode ‘Ashish Kakran ‘Avijit Das Convenor Program Manager

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