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Catedrático(a): Mayra Jacome

Presentado por:
Brian Darío Rodríguez

No. De cuenta:

Short story

Inglés IV

Puerto Cortés, Cortés, 16 de abril de 2019

My uncle´s story

Geovanny is the oldest of my mother's brothers, but he was the son with whom
my grandparents were the strictest, he studied at school and worked with my
grandparents' business in his spare time. My uncle had to reveal himself to do
his high school homework.

He was a very calm and obedient boy with my grandparents. But they treated my
uncle badly because since he was a child he was effeminate and that's why my
grandfather beat him and said ugly things. Even at school, classmates bullying
him for his way of being… Once a classmate was physically assaulting him, he
hit his nose and eye, blows that made him bleed.

But then, my uncle Geovanny's younger brother, my uncle Danny, heard about
what happened and became so enraged that he went to look for my Geovanny
uncle's aggressor and grabbed him with punches, leaving his disfigured face.
When he was lying on the floor, he told him never to go back to his family.

My uncle Geovanny suffered a lot in his childhood and adolescence. But one day
he decided to run away from my grandparents' house and went to Mexico illegally.
Over time he managed to get a job in a restaurant and when he achieved stability,
he decided to immigrate to Dallas, United States, with a friend he met in Mexico.

In the United States he also got a job in a restaurant, but after a year he and his
friend who eventually became his partner, decided to start with his corn cart
business for sale. Over the years he had the ability to invest in more corn carts
to expand at several Dallas gas stations. Thank to God his business is
succeeding, is happy with his partner and lives very well, I consider him an
example of overcoming.

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