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5 Basic Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot basic software and hardware problems common in digital learning environments

For this artifact, I chose four of my instructional screencasts that I have created over the years to help
our faculty and staff solve some of the common problems that they have with the technology available
to them. Each of the videos that are featured in this artifact were responses to questions that were
posed by various teachers. In most cases, the teacher requested help and I provided these instructional
videos in cases where I was unable to go to the teacher during the day.

This artifact demonstrates mastery of this standard because there are four examples of me
troubleshooting and teaching teachers how to solve their problems and how to use specific features of
digital tools. Since the videos are in response to teacher questions, my ability to troubleshoot the issues,
solve the problem, and help the teacher solve the problems are evident throughout. This is also a
process I use to help students. When I assign students assignments that require them to use new
technologies, I will create a Frequently Asked Questions page in which I provide solutions to the
problems that I anticipate they will run into.

During the completion of this artifact, I learned that teachers are a lot more comfortable asking
questions to improve their digital resources when they do not have to travel or track someone down to
do it. Utilizing screencasting allowed me to help teachers without taking time out of their day or my day
to have to meet face to face. One thing that I would like to do to make these artifacts better, is to collect
all the instructional videos I have created and build a website or Google Sheet so that teachers can refer
to these videos whenever they need to.

The work that went into making this artifact impacts faculty development because it helps them solve
problems they run into when utilizing instructional technology. The more help teachers can receive in
this method, the most use of the tool can be seen. The impact of these artifacts can be seen in
classroom observations or teacher reports on the tools that they use. Increased use of instructional
technology within a teachers classroom can also be an indication of the impacts.

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