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Acceptable Use Policy & Internet Safety

By signing this, I recognize that this is a contract between the teacher, the
student and the student’s guardian(s) that states an understanding to yield to the
policies made in order to have access to internet using classroom technology devices,
such as tablets and computers, once signed. Failure to do so can result in loss of
privilege to technological devices. I, the student, agree to the following:

I.Students must wash BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER use of devices.
II.Students must handle devices with both hands at all times.
III.Students will not purposely use other resources on the internet that are
inappropriate and irrelevant to classwork.
IV.Students will not upload, link, embed any images of anything on any
website unless instructed to do so.
V.Students will not request, give, or post their personal information to and/or
from anyone else.
VI.Students will follow websites and instruction provided by the teacher only.
VII.Students will not damage technological devices
VIII.Students will not use technology to promote cyberbullying or negatively
communicate to ANYONE
IX.Students will not confide in use of devices, allowing teachers to be aware of
the use of technology at all times.
X.Students must follow technological procedures at all times.

Print Student Name ___________________ Student Signature____________________

Parents: I have read and agreed with the policies of the Acceptable
Use Policy & Internet Safety and give permission for my child to use
classroom technology and other resources. I understand the risk my child is
at by exploring the internet and the possible exposure that I, and the school
officials, may deem inappropriate or irrelevant to educational matters.

Print Parent Name_____________________ Parent Signature___________________

*Students will not be able to use classroom technology unless signed.*

Please return, signed, to the teacher as soon as possible!
Print Parent Name_____________________ Parent Signature___________________

*Students will not be able to use classroom technology unless signed.*

Please return, signed, to the teacher as soon as possible!

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