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Classroom Climate Plan

Classroom Expectations:
1. Listen and follow directions.
2. Raise your hand before speaking.
3. Ask before you leave the classroom.
4. Respect your classmates and teachers.

Students will also be involved in the creation of classroom expectations.

Classroom Procedure:

Leaving the Classroom:

Star student of the week will be the line leader when having to leave and come back to the
classroom. The privileges are only held if the student is responsible with their duties. The line
leader is responsible for deciding when to leave and that everyone is ready. They will watch for
everyone to be quiet and ready to walk.

During Teacher Directions:

When the teacher is at the front giving directions students should remain in their seats. Students
can wait to sharpen pencils and go to the bathroom until after instructions.
If a student is talking or disrupting during instructions, they will be given non-verbal warnings
used by teacher proximity and silent cues to lessen the disruption.

Student Infractions:
Students will be asked to write up a student discipline form for serious infractions.
Infractions include but are not limited to:
 Swearing
 Yelling
 Name-calling
 Bullying
 Stealing

During Lessons:
Students will be made aware of the various voice levels that are expected for students.
Voice levels:
Movie theater – no talking
Fancy restaurant– talking only so your partner can hear
Family dinner – talking so everyone at your table can hear you.

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