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Once a upon a time there was a little girl.

When she played hide and seek, she

went to another world. She was exciting to explored the world. She saw many
kind animal but she feel scared because it’s a doll. There is honey bear,donkey,
kangaroo,rabbit,owl,and piglet. At the first time she ran without thinking if she
can getting lost. When she was in the middle of the forest, in that time she
realized if she was got lost. She was knew that anything dangerous can happen
in the forest. She cry all the time and fall a sleep directly. While she was sleeping,
she had a bad dream. The dream is the biggest animal came to her and ate her.
When she woke up there is a biggest mammoth. She shouted loudly, she said
“please someone help me I don’t wanna die in here”. She ran as fast as she could
at the same time she met a group of animals that she saw yesterday. At the
moment she said “ help me there is a biggest mammoth in there!”. They answer is
“ where is it ? we cant see it.”. the little girl bring them to that place when she
met a mammoth. After arrived at the place they think how to drive away that
mammoth. 1 hour later they decided to talk with mammoth with a brick sound.
They said “can you leave this place?” and his repond “ of course why not I got lost
to in here.” They laugh together after have a small dialogue. After that they
became a bestfriend forever.

Moral value:a. don’t judge someone by the cover.

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