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Martin Luther king Jr

1 Research Paper planning

What did Martin Luther King Jr. do for his country?

Answer: Martin Luther King Jr. freed the african-american community, from the exclusion, from
the discrimination, from the lack of respect towards them, among many other things.

How did he do it?

Answer: Martin Luther King Jr. did it because he was not afraid to defend his rights, nor those of
others, he stood up for what he believed was right no matter what other people said, he did not
conform with the way he had to live, he was brave enough to make a direct message to society, a
message of love, inclusion, respect, and understanding.

Martin Luther King Jr. Freed the African-American community, from the exclusion, from the
discrimination, from the lack of respect towards them, among many other things.

He did all of this because he was not afraid to defend his rights, nor those of others, he stood up
for what he believed was right no matter what other people said, he did not conform with the way
he had to live, he was brave enough to make a direct message to society, a message of love,
inclusion, respect, and understanding.

1. Childhood background
2. Education
3. Major contributions he made
4. Problems along the path
5. Important awards

Bibliography card 1


SparksNotes by Barns & Noble.

“Childhood and Family Background”
(Accessed June 26,2019)

Bibliography Card 2

EDUCATION, Author Intentionally Anonymous”

“ The schooling of Martin Luther King Jr.”
(Accessed June 26, 2019)

Bibliography card 3


“The contribution of Martin Luther King Jr to US affairs”

July 23, 2016
(Accessed June 26, 2019)
Bibliography card 4


Library of Congress
“King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail”
(Accessed Jul 11 ,2019)

Bibliography card 5


LSU Libraries
(Accessed Jul 11,2019)

THESIS: Martin Luther King Jr. Freed the African-American community, from the exclusion, from
the discrimination, from the lack of respect towards them, among many other things. He did all of
this because he was not afraid to defend his rights, nor those of others, he stood up for what he
believed was right no matter what other people said, he did not conform with the way he had to
live, he was brave enough to make a direct message to society, a message of love, inclusion,
respect, and understanding.
I. Childhood Background
A. Family
1. His father was an important preacher in Atlanta.
2. His mother was the daughter of the Reverend of a well-established Baptist
3. King, Jr. and his siblings were born into a financially secure middle-class family.
II. Education
A. Early years
hg1. His mother taught him to read before he even entered school.
2. He attended David T. Howard Elementary School.
3. He entered college when he was 15 years’ old due to his intelligence.

B. Higher education

1. King graduated from Morehouse College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in

2. MLK Jr. attended his first integrated school, Crozer Theological Seminary in
3. MLK became Dr. Martin Luther King when he earned his PhD on theology from
ggggBoston University.

III. Major contributions he made

A. Negro community
1. He was the leader of the entire civil rights movement in the 1960s that called for
b working out conflicts with kindness and love as opposed to hate and violence.
2. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for and achieve mandatory equal voting rights in b
bbAmerica for blacks and whites.
3. Because of Martin Luther King Jr., it is no longer legal in the United States to
gggsegregate or discriminate based on skin color.
B. Pacific protests
1. By sticking with his Christian ideals and his skills as an orator King Jr. managed to
make himself heard without using violence.
2. The non-violent Lunch Counter Protest in 1960 was to challenge the whites only
lunch counters in 54 cities across the old south.
3. King´s well organized and peaceful boycott contributed to the Rosa Parks trial.
IV. Problems along the path
A. Jail
1. In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested and send to jail because he and
others were protesting the treatment of blacks in Birmingham
2. In Birmingham black people were poorly treated, everything was segregated
3. While King was in jail, he wrote a letter explaining why he had broken the law.
V. Important recognitions
A. Awards
1. Nobel peace prize
2. Who´s who in America
3. Man of the year
B. Honorary degrees
1. Doctor of divinity
2. Doctor of humanities
3. Doctor of civil laws

First Draft

Martin Luther King Jr. born on January 15, 1929, was the son of Martin Luther King Sr. an
important preacher in Atlanta, and Alberta Williams King the daughter of the reverend of a well-
established Baptist church, he and his siblings were born in a secure middle-class family.

His mother was a school teacher, and taught him to read before he even entered school,

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