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Didactic games for cooperative learning

The cooperative games worldwide have been the pillars of all tradition and modern
education, mission games, relays, hide and seek, strategy games among others.
Cooperation also provides valves that must be worket on, so as not to fall into bad
competition. We speak of teamwork, solidarity, respect for ones parther, learnig to
lose and to win.
Poor coexistence and intolerance are factors associated with the social phenomenon
that is evident in the schools; in this case, bad interpersonal relations are a
problem of behavior that generates abuses and mistreatment between partners.
Strategy that meets all the requirements, in order to improve and at the same time
prevent bad interpersonal relations, since these can be presented in different
ways, as they are: by friendships, by family and/or related, by fellow students and
teachers, by some social and/or cultural link, etc. On many occasions, the school
environment becomes unbearable, even for teachers, but there are others in which
the climate is quite optimal and even affective bonds of friendship are established
that go beyond academic barriers.
On the other hand, cooperative games create an affective climate, which makes each
person feel free from pressure (by performing more or less than others),
eliminating competition, free from the struggle for the result and free to seek
solutions in a harmonious and relaxed environment, as is intended in the
application of the pedagogical manual within the classroom sessions. In this way it
is sought to make possible new meaningful interpersonal relations between
It is therefore important to socialize and find a way to communion, ending revenge,
suicide and lack of opportunities; for this reason, which has determined that
cooperative games are a useful tool for each student to explore his or her bodily
possibilities and integrate moments of learning that facilitate

the adaptation of the movement, multiple situations of teamwork, presented in the

different activities to be developed within the classroom.

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