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Name: Leila A.

Alarte Section: STEM 11-Saint Claire

Subject: EAPP Date: February 27, 2019

Social Networking Sites: Distract Students from Education

Social networking sites are becoming more popular among

students. The social media are a set of websites and
applications where an individual can acquire any information,
express their own thoughts, and honest opinions, communicate
with other people, be entertained, and many more. Today, it
plays a big role for everyone. However, social media sites
remarkably affects a student concerning their education.
Banning social networking sites is necessary in order to
make a student to be more focused and concentrated in their
studies and academic performances. Social media is a huge
distraction to everyone especially the students for the
reason that it is a tool where you can find everything that
you need, and want to be entertained and preoccupied. A
student’s attention can be diverted easily to the social media
applications and can lead them to ignore their school home
works and activities. The use of social networking sites can
cause an impact to the grades and performance of the students
as a result of being too much distracted. For example, when
a student is bored, the first that will come to their mind is
to open their cellphones and use their social media accounts.
Without social media applications, it will be a tremendous
help for the students since they will be more focused and
dedicated to their learning and studies.
Today, everyone lives where it is dominated by the
technology. Too much use of social media can lead to
addiction. Social networking sites controls each of us. It is
true that social media is useful but still, there are many
negative effects lying around which can disturb a student’s
concentration on their studies and interest to learn. There
are no doubt about both positive and negative aspects but the
users should use their own discretion on the usage of social
networking sites. As you can see, may people do not know how
to cope with their social media. A student must balance
everything in order to be victorious and successful. Social
media is a controversy topic in today’s society. Social media
plays obviously significant role in the life of students.

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