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新年在家过团圆~!22 道年菜食谱


的 22 道年菜食谱吧!学会新菜式,让回到家乡的家人一起享用美味的年菜吧!

8. 红 烧 羊 肚 菌 汁 小 鲍 鱼 |Braised Baby Abalones with Morel

材料 A(羊肚菌酱汁):
津白菜(切段) 300 克|无调味鲜鸡汤 800 毫升|羊肚菌 6-8 朵|老姜 2 片|浓缩鸡
精露 2 汤匙|玉米粉水(勾芡用) 适量
Ingredients A (Morel Gravy):
300g Chinese cabbage/wong bok, trimmed |800ml unseasoned fresh chicken stock|
6-8pcs morel mushrooms, soaked till soft|2 slices old ginger| 2 tbsp concentrated
chicken stock| some cornstarch solution (for thickening)

材料 B:
罐装小鲍鱼(10 头-12 头)1 罐
Ingredient B:
1 can baby abalones (10-12 count)

小奶白菜(烫熟) 6-8 棵
6-8 pcs baby naibai green, blanched

1. 将津白菜放入鸡汤中,煮沸后转小火,加入羊肚菌和姜片,焖煮 20 分钟。
2. 将鲍鱼放入酱汁中,焖煮 15 分钟。
3. 将津白菜放在碟上,取出鲍鱼,连同羊肚菌和小奶白菜排放在津白菜上。
4. 将浓缩鸡精露加入酱汁中调味,加入玉米粉水勾薄芡。将红烧汁舀在鲍鱼
1. Boil Chinese cabbage with fresh chicken stock. Reduce to a simmer and add in
morel mushrooms and ginger. Braise for 20 minutes. Drain, reserve the cabbage,
mushrooms and stock. Discard the ginger slices.
2. Braised abalones in the reserved cabbage and morel stock for 15 minutes.
3. Place cabbage on a serving dish. Remove abalones from gravy and arrange over
the cabbages. Add in morel mushrooms and naibai greens.
4. Season gravy with concentrated chicken stock. Thicken slightly with cornstarch
solution and spoon gravy over the abalones.
9. 网中蒸鱼|Steamed Fish In Net

白鲳鱼 1 条(600 克) |猪网油 1 块|盐 1/2 茶匙|猪油渣 1 汤匙
1 (600g) white pomfret|1 pc lace fat|1/2 tsp salt|1 tbsp pork lard

1. 白鲳鱼洗净,鱼身两面均划上斜十字花刀,再把盐均匀抹在鱼身上。
2. 猪网油洗净,沥干。葱、姜和红辣椒剁碎。
3. 将鱼放在蒸盘上。
4. 调味料拌匀,然后淋在鱼身上,再用猪网油覆盖整条鱼。
5. 将鱼放入蒸锅内,以大火蒸 20 分钟。
6. 取出,淋上猪油渣,趁热配白饭一同享用。
1. Clean fish thoroughly. Using a sharp knife to score the fish in a criss-cross pattern
on both sides. Rub salt all over the fish.
2. Rinse lace fat and drain. Chop spring onion, ginger and red chilies.
3. Place the fish in a steaming plate.
4. Mix Seasonings and pour the mixture all over the fish. Cover the whole fish with
lace fat.
5. Arrange the fish in a steamer and steam over high heat for 20 minutes.
6. Remove and drizzle pork lard over. Serve hot with rice.

10. 富贵卷|Wealthy Roll

材料 A:
紫菜 1 片|蛋皮 1 片|蟹柳 6 条|芦笋 6 条
Ingredients A:
1 pc seaweed| 1 pc fried egg skin| 6 crab sticks| 6 asparagus

材料 B:
鱼胶 400 克|芫荽(切碎)1 棵|葱(切碎)1 棵
Ingredients B :
400g fish paste|1 stalk coriander, chopped|1 stalk spring onion, chopped

脆粉 100 克|水 100 毫升|油 2 汤匙
Batter (MIXED WELL):
100g crispy flour |100ml water |2 tbsp oil

1. 将紫菜和蛋皮分别剪成 6 份。
2. 材料 B 拌匀,然后分成 6 份。
3. 将一份鱼胶混合料均匀抹在一片蛋皮上,再盖上一片紫菜。
4. 将蟹柳和芦笋放在紫菜上,然后卷起。
5. 将紫菜卷放入蒸锅内,蒸 10 分钟。
6. 取出紫菜卷,沾上面糊,然后放入热油内炸至金黄色。
7. 取出,切块后即可食用。
1. Divide seaweed and fried egg skin into 6 portions each.
2. Mix Ingredients B and divide the mixture into 6 portions.
3. Spread a layer of the fish mixture onto a piece of fried egg skin, and cover the top
with a piece of seaweed.
4. Place crab stick and asparagus onto seaweed, and roll it up.
5. Arrange the rolls into a steamer and steam for 10 minutes.
6. Remove and coat the steamed rolls with batter. Deep-fry in hot oil until golden
7. Remove, cut into pieces and serve.

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