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Foreign Office (FO) spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal on Wednesday said Pakistan will

take part in the upcoming round of a four-party meeting on the Afghan peace
process, scheduled to be held in Moscow.

During a weekly press briefing, Dr Faisal said the FO's additional secretary for
Afghanistan/West Asia will represent Pakistan at the meeting.

"Pakistan has been a part of all efforts and processes so far to discuss and
facilitate peace and reconciliation efforts in Afghanistan.

"Pakistan's role is particularly noteworthy in crystalising international

convergence for a peaceful resolution in Afghanistan," the FO spokesperson said.


In July, a round of the four-party meeting on the Afghan peace process was held in
the Chinese capital. This had been the third meeting of the trilateral forum, which
includes China, Russia, and the United States, but the first in which Pakistan was
also involved.

Read: US, Russia, China, Pakistan favour permanent ceasefire in Afghanistan:


At the time, US reconciliation envoy Zalmay Khalilzad had said the US, Russia,
China and Pakistan had endorsed the need for a comprehensive and permanent
ceasefire in Afghanistan, which should start simultaneously with the intra-Afghan

However, last month, US President Donald Trump had halted the talks with the

Earlier this month, a high-level Afghan Taliban delegation visited Pakistan. The
visit had coincided with Khalilzad's trip to Islamabad.

In response to a question regarding the upcoming talks, Dr Faisal today said: "The
next round is being held in Moscow at an opportune moment as it would provide an
important opportunity to review the currently stalled peace process."

He added that Pakistan will continue its efforts of "wholehearted support as its
part of shared responsibility for making the international peace efforts successful
in Afghanistan".

The spokesperson was also asked about the intra-Afghan dialogue being held in

"China has invited a delegation [...] to participate in the intra-Afghan dialogue,"

a Taliban spokesman, Suhail Shaheen, had said in a post on Twitter late on Tuesday.
However, Dr Faisal said that he did not have any update on this.

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