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PIRECTIA GENERALA INVATAMANT } Shusistenti.koucariny Manors SECUNDAR SUPERIOR $1 RDUCAyIF. p MiNIST RU RoUCAr ET MADONALE aU MANENTA a Ms ATARE PE 1 INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR ee TR GATARE TE TOT PARCURSUL VIET nr Dif.» ‘al Municipiului Bucuresti AL JUDETULYI IALOMITA Q. \o Oe Catre, Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean... fh atentia Inspectorutui Scotar General Inspectorului Scolar de Spectatitate responsabil de aria curriculard Arte Ya informim, prin prezenta, cu privire la desfaisuraréa evenimentul Organrene Marea Neagr’, marea care he uneste™, organizat de Secre Orgatizatiei de Cooperare ta Marea Neagra(OCEMN) la initiativa Minis Afacerilor Religioase din Grecia, Concursul este adresat elevilor din statele membre OCEMN, ct fucratile vor exprima in limba} plastic deca suterace despre rolul OCEMN th dezvoltarea prieteniei $5 cooperérii intre statale membre $i important intreaga regiune. Formatul de concurs - A3, tehnica - ta alegere, Fecare tard membr& OCEMN va trimite Organizatorilor lucrarea cstigitoare la nivel national pana la data de 31.10.2019, P stionaig.” (2 Mivelul fiecarui judet va fi selectionati:o lucrare selectia nationala, Judetele care vor si Participe vor trimite lucrarea selectionata, pind ladata de 75.10.2019, pe adresa Bucuresti, Str. General Berthelot nr. 28-40; Sector 1, 010168, cu Taeatiunea "pentru concursul Marea Neagr’, mares uneste”, impreun’ cu {otesrafia lucrarié ta rezolitia de 300 dpi if format electronic, ta adresa de e-mail lui concursului ‘etariatul Permanent al Isterului Educatiet si care va participa la Detalii suptimente Va adresim pe ac interesar % ay Ne g Adrian ae INSPECTOR, Adrian BRAESCU pene / COGA Bena 263, sec 104, eg 6101405 6809, tac eaait at #1782 P.00Z /oo4 Drawing Competition on the Black Sea CONCEPT Note [Tigi of Education and Religious Affairs, under the Hellenic Chalrmanship-ine Gflce of the BSEC, nas the pleasure ta nun adrawing competition entitled “Black Seas the Sa that unites us" The competition wit take place in all memberstates of the BSEC, starting 'n September and ending on the 31of October 2019, and conduct Seualance wth tht own iepuston and rlewtten ere ur Tough their participation in the compet ‘opportunity ta ITIRESEC More Sates ae invites to participate in the competition voluntarily ucational nrocedures, ‘ion, young students wili have the we name of the Black Sea and relative its name, as well as-the name of the ster information on BSEC’s Member States, the "anguage/s spoken, the r ‘cat habits, and custome, ‘£014 aBouE the historical relations of tne poops 9K in the broader geographical area os (formed en the natural richness of the Black Sea and its importance fer the Sone ne™. {9 better protect it from polltion, saa sre "sks Involved for tne planet as a result of the climate change Finally, Crganizatons and their contribution ts tne Prosperity of their peoples sgl ofthe competition isto stimulate tne interest of the ASEC Member states’ Tosterng atts the wider Black Seo region eases” I™Portant role that BSEC piays in {osteringrendship and cooperation amoneiern® [o4eh the collection of the above-mentioned 'nformation, students of the BSEC ating il Be better prepares to aperoasn ane {onic of the Competition and create cach ee atk Sept he importance ofthe lace ¢ for tre wider cegion, as perceived by 28cH1 one of thein He competition is addresseg *e Secorulary education students, aged 1415, Zhe Partcination in the camoetition of both Schools and students of the asec "vemberstates i not comouisory #1781 P.003 /008 Students who are interésted In participating are expected to draw on the specific {Ps on A3 paper (or other material le, expressing themselves In thelr pevconey style and Using painting materials of their choice, ore naaeaember State is ited to Select one (0%) work, The work Selected by the competent education writes shou'd be photographed and saved in a digital fle st ‘ resolution of 300 dpi The Participating BSEC Member States are expected to send the photograph of the mane Melenie Minty of feueation by e-mail (8SEL_craw.compeiomcng, gover), indlgtal form, before tre deadline (33 October 2019) 2 work of painting, in dig! form, should be accompanied by one Ad age with {Rename ane the surname of the student, te name ofthe schoo’ he/she attends, 9s well as hone number and e-mail, postal address, and Reacting: 21st October 2049, Soth the orginal work and the dlgtl fie containing the photograph should be kept Sh, ihe resnectve school authorities of cacn BSEC Member fate untl es announcement of the results, Tae elec Ministry of education (the Directorate for European an International Affairs, in Athens, an ac hoe non-remunerated Committee wi be Set up, to select three (03), Deinting works out of the total sent by e-mail ta the Ministry within the doa [he Committee will be composed of administrtorsof the General Directorate for Cetera, European Airs, Education of the Greeks ef the Oiassors ana fotercultural Ration the Directorate fer European and ternational flare: we Oakes Icternational Relations and the adminstative: employee who Is responsible for eho Competition and roreiga Aree Sunt 1 the BSEC. 3s wal. 95 one representative ftom the Helene Ministry of seein Afi Directorate 802) and one representative from the Poteeee International Seertatat (PERMIS) ofthe QSEC. The works of al the participants, wesee digital form, will be examines by the said Commit Yhe selection of the winners by November 2019 and the results wil token part in the competition ¥ the Committee wil take place no later than 20 | Be announced to all the ASEC Member States that hove Selection enteria: Degree af the work's * relevance to the subject of the competition, We aesthetic and artistic incegrt ly of the work @ well as the degree of originality (rovely/ereativty| of the artistic approach of the subject. ‘Three (03) prizes will bg awarded, as Follows: [stand 2nd prizes: One method for learning 6 and adults (edited by the Center for the Grea Aélish Dictionary (edited by the reek (levels At and A2} for adolescents * Language, KE.C.), accompanied by one Greck te for Language and Speech Processing, LF Wirot 2.008 000 ‘pete: One method for learning Greek (vel At) for adolescents and adults (edited By fhe Center for the Greek Language, KET), accompanied beam Gace English Dictionary (eited by the Greek instute lar Language and Speech Proceneng es ) [ng three (03) winners wil bo offciay announced during the meeting of the BSE GIDE Grou on Edkcetion, on 28 November 2019, in stanbul and tne eevee ain be awarded by the Secretary General of BSEC, On the saine accasion, te Working Group wil! explore how to best ensure vsility ofthe awarded drawings Me inte al the BSEC Member States to duly inform their competent Minsries Peete Combetion and encourage them to postvely respond fo the vate the pelenie Chairmanahia, whicn aims a further promoting the spit f cooseraeee between Brake eats te RSEC Member States a well as alsing awareness ofthe Inoeraresce ‘Of BSEC in the wider Black Sea region,

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