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You do not hear an inter- mittent sound from the horn when all of these conditions occur: - The

No. 1 thrust lever is set more than 33° above idle - The stabilizer, flaps and speedbrakes are not in
the takeoff position. A failure in the thrust lever switch or circuit Do the procedure in Fig. 103. You
hear an intermittent sound from the horn when all of these conditions occur: - The thrust levers
are set more than 33° above idle - The stabilizer, flaps and speedbrakes are in the takeoff position.
A failure in the warning switch Do the procedure in Fig. 106. The parking brake is on or there is a
failure in the parking brake switch, relay, or nose red light and takeoff warning card in module
M983. Put a chock at the wheels, as necessary. Release the parking brakes. If you still hear the
horn, examine the parking brake switch, S100, and relay, R274 (WDM 32-31-01). If the problem
continues, examine the relay input to the takeoff warning card in module M983 (WDM 32-64-02).

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