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Original Review

Beyond Labor: The Role of Natural and Synthetic

Oxytocin in the Transition to Motherhood
Aleeca F. Bell, CNM, PhD, Elise N. Erickson, CNM, C. Sue Carter, PhD

Emerging research raises questions that synthetic oxytocin during childbirth may alter the endogenous oxytocin system and influence mater-
nal stress, mood, and behavior. Endogenous oxytocin is a key component in the transition to motherhood, affecting molecular pathways that
buffer stress reactivity, support positive mood, and regulate healthy mothering behaviors (including lactation). Synthetic oxytocin is widely used
throughout labor and postpartum care in modern birth. Yet research on the implications beyond labor of maternal exposure to perinatal synthetic
oxytocin is rare. In this article, we review oxytocin-related biologic pathways and behaviors associated with the transition to motherhood and
evidence supporting the need for further research on potential effects of intrapartum oxytocin beyond labor. We include a primer on oxytocin at
the molecular level.
J Midwifery Womens Health 2014;59:35–42  c 2014 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.

Keywords: oxytocin, birth, mothering, Pitocin, labor, stress, mood, postpartum depression, lactation, breastfeeding

INTRODUCTION mechanisms. The peptide oxytocin continues to accumulate

Consequences of routine childbirth interventions on human in the posterior pituitary, and at term those inhibitory mech-
maternal behavior have been understudied. Synthetic oxy- anisms are removed for labor to occur. Oxytocin also becomes
tocin (Pitocin, Syntocinon) stimulates uterine smooth muscle more available at term through the reduction of enzymatic ac-
contractility and is widely used in the United States for labor tivity that metabolizes oxytocin in the brain. According to an-
induction, augmentation, and third-stage management. Al- imal studies, the expression of oxytocin receptors (OTRs) in-
though the judicious use of synthetic oxytocin has many ben- creases throughout pregnancy in key areas of the brain that
efits, the biologic and behavioral effects of synthetic oxytocin regulate mood, stress, and attachment behavior. In humans,
beyond the immediate clinical uses remain largely unknown. the availability of OTRs in uterine muscle also increases dra-
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Preven- matically at term, preparing for the surges of oxytocin about
tion National Vital Statistics Report, induction more than to be released during birth.
doubled from 1990 (10%) to 2010 (23%).1 The best current
estimate of the augmentation rate in the United States is 57%.2
Although endogenous oxytocin is well known for its role in la- The Neurologic Origin of Oxytocin
bor and lactation, a large body of evidence documents numer- Oxytocin is a small neuropeptide consisting of 9 amino acids.7
ous oxytocin-mediated molecular and endocrine pathways Throughout the human life span, specific neurons manufac-
that buffer stress reactivity, support emotional and mental ture oxytocin; these cells are abundant in distinct areas of the
well-being, and promote prosocial and bonding behavior.3, 4 mammalian hypothalamus: the paraventricular and supraop-
These behaviors are critical for the successful transition to tic nuclei. Oxytocin from these cells is carried to and released
motherhood. Given the predominance of synthetic oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland into circulation and from
in clinical practice, research is needed on how synthetic there is distributed throughout the body. Within the central
oxytocin may affect the intrinsic regulation of endogenous nervous system, oxytocin reaches nearly all parts of the brain
oxytocin and subsequent oxytocin-related outcomes. In this stem, midbrain, cortex, and spinal column. In addition to the
review, we examine the hypothesis that exposure to syn- hypothalamus producing it, peripheral organs and tissues also
thetic oxytocin during childbirth may play a role in maternal may secrete oxytocin, but the pituitary is believed to be the
stress reactivity, mood, and mothering behaviors (including predominant source of oxytocin in circulation.7

OXYTOCIN ON THE MOLECULAR LEVEL Oxytocin Receptor: How Oxytocin Affects Physiology
Profound changes occur in the oxytocin system during the in the Brain and Body
perinatal period.5, 6 To prevent preterm birth, oxytocin neu- To affect target tissues, a receptor must be present, and
rons are kept quiescent during pregnancy through inhibitory oxytocin presumably must bind to that receptor before
it can exert cellular action. Oxytocin receptors are found
throughout the body, with particularly high concentrations
Address correspondence to Aleeca F. Bell, CNM, PhD, Department of
Women, Children and Family Health Science, University of Illinois at in the limbic regions of the brain, spinal column, heart, in-
Chicago, College of Nursing, 845 South Damen, MC 802, Chicago, IL testines, immune tissue, uterus, and breast. The OTR be-
60466. E-mail: longs to a large family of receptors called G-protein-coupled

1526-9523/09/$36.00 doi:10.1111/jmwh.12101 
c 2014 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives 35
✦ Downstream molecular effects of synthetic oxytocin have rarely been investigated in the context of human birth care.
✦ The role of natural oxytocin includes molecular pathways in the transition to motherhood, such as buffering stress reac-
tivity, supporting positive mood, and regulating healthy mothering behaviors.
✦ Given the action of natural oxytocin on various endocrine pathways, we anticipate that any effects of intrapartum synthetic
oxytocin would be dose dependent and influenced by individual context and maternal history.
✦ With the ubiquitous use of synthetic oxytocin in modern birth care, research questions abound regarding the long-term
implications of manipulating the oxytocin system during labor — a complex transitional window of development for both
mother and infant.

receptors, manufactured by the cell and inserted into the cell leads to the release or inhibition of oxytocin. In addition, oxy-
membrane, where they are available for hormone binding.7 tocin binds to other types of receptors, such as vasopressin re-
G-protein-coupled receptors loop in and out of the cell mem- ceptors exerting agonist or antagonist effects, thus extending
brane 7 times and are coupled to a G-protein located on the in- and diversifying the consequences of oxytocin’s actions.
side of the cell. Many varieties of G-proteins are known, each
initiating a different cascade of events (second messengers)
within the cell, which provides specificity to the hormone’s ac- Oxytocin-Mediated Pathways Beyond Muscle
tion. The OTR is coupled to a G-q␣. This type of G-protein
leads to a rise in intracellular calcium (Ca++) and a muscle Within all cells, not just neurons, 3 other important func-
cell contraction, of particular importance to milk letdown and tions of the OTR lead to an array of possible cellular actions.
uterine contractions (see Figure 1).7, 8 First, through intracellular G-protein activation, phospholi-
However, when an OTR is on a neuron, the response may pase C causes an even greater amount of Ca++ release into
be the subsequent release or inhibition of other hormonal the cell from internal stores. This Ca++ can serve as an in-
neurotransmitters and modulators, such as serotonin, en- dependent signal for various functions within the cell, es-
dogenous opioids, and corticotrophin-releasing factor.3 These pecially nerves. Second, another function is the creation of
nervous system interactions are key to understanding how eicosanoids or prostaglandin that can directly increase pain,
oxytocin released in the brain influences a variety of mental inflammation, and likely uterine contractions as well. And,
states and behavior. It may also help to explain how the ner- third, OTR activation may lead to a broad category of cel-
vous system is stimulated in response to a human or animal’s lular events by activating a specific kinase, an enzyme that
environment (both external and internal) and subsequently catalyzes the addition of a phosphate group on a specific

found in the
bloodstream or
Found in neurons, brain
uterine muscle cells,
breasts, heart cells,
intestine, spinal nerves Oxytocin
ane Receptor
ic cell membr

Influx of Ca
Other cell signaling actions G-q from cell
cGMP vasodilation, ion channels
channel regulation Protein Ca
action depends on cell type
Kinase C Smooth muscle cells uterine
Phosphorylation contractions & milk ejection
events MAP/ERK, cell Neurons neurotransmitter
cycle & growth factors release
Release of internal Ca
Prostaglandin synthesis

Figure 1. Oxytocin Cell Signaling

36 Volume 59, No. 1, January/February 2014

target molecule or protein. In this instance, protein kinase ing), thereby protecting them during periods of hypoxia (ie,
C is activated and requires Ca++. The downstream effects the birth process). However, whether synthetic or endoge-
of OTR activation will depend on what type of cell the nous oxytocin penetrates the maternal brain directly has yet
receptor is located on. This kinase may initiate a specific to be proven. Although oxytocin does leave the posterior pi-
action itself or cause another kinase to activate and then an- tuitary and is released into circulation, this occurs following
other, creating a cascade of events.7 These events can ulti- neuronal activation (action potential). Getting the peripher-
mately lead to modifying gene transcription, regulation of the ally circulating hormone into the brain would require either
cell cycle, apoptosis, and/or neurogenesis. The end result for 1) an active transport mechanism to penetrate the tight junc-
each oxytocin-initiated pathway depends on the type of cell tions guarding the microvasculature of the central nervous
involved (uterine, brain, heart, etc.) and the type of response system (which has yet to be proven) or 2) a more porous bar-
initiated within that cell. Oxytocin receptor activation has the rier to allow for diffusion.17 The blood-brain barrier (mater-
potential to induce long-lasting biologic alterations. nal or fetal) may become more porous in states of illness or
Last, the brain may receive information about periph-
CHALLENGES IN STUDYING OXYTOCIN ON THE eral levels of oxytocin through feedback from the peripheral
nervous system. Peripheral nerves may communicate infor-
In the intrapartum setting, the half-life of Pitocin is believed mation about oxytocin levels to the brain, presumably via a
to be only a few minutes,9 and intrapartum plasma levels cor- feedback loop (eg, cervical dilation, adrenal gland activity,
relate with Pitocin dose and rate of administration,10 yet the touch/nipple stimulation). There are also well-studied effects
dose delivered intravenously may or may not result in an ef- of intranasal administration of synthetic oxytocin on mood
fective uterine contraction pattern. Similarly, oxytocin levels and social behavior, yet it remains unknown whether the in-
in plasma cannot always be interpreted as being meaningful tranasal route allows oxytocin to enter the brain directly or
in a particular effect on brain activity. To understand how extraneuronally, or whether it stimulates feed-forward effects
perinatal oxytocin exposure has the potential for lasting bi- on endogenous oxytocin via ascending or afferent neuropath-
ologic consequences, it is helpful to understand some of the ways (ie, the vagus, or 10th cranial nerve), which are well
constraints that can limit research or the interpretation of re- known to have OTRs.14, 18 Peripheral feedback effects of oxy-
search in this field. Many research studies examining endoge- tocin, which may be relayed to the brain, are difficult to mon-
nous oxytocin in animals and humans have relied on blood itor but further complicate the study of synthetic oxytocin.
measurement of the hormone in response to a treatment or Whether the maternal brain will reliably respond to exoge-
intervention, for example, a stressful event or a social interac- nous oxytocin by decreasing or increasing the synthesis or
tion. There are several challenges in the interpretation of these release of endogenous oxytocin is unknown. In the clinical
measurements. setting, this type of feedback might be seen when Pitocin is
First, central nervous system oxytocin is secreted contin- used to initiate an induction of labor but then can sometimes
uously acting within the brain and spinal cord, but oxytocin be shut off while the woman continues to labor without the
is also released in pulses into the bloodstream through the drug. Likely, feedback from peripheral nerve messaging about
posterior pituitary. Pulsatile release of oxytocin occurs when cervical dilation to the brain is in action, which promotes the
oxytocin neurons of the posterior pituitary depolarize, usu- woman’s endogenous oxytocin release, and this is more prob-
ally in response to specific stimuli (eg, uterine stimuli or cues able than the idea that Pitocin penetrates the maternal brain
from an infant).11, 12 This activation of neurons pulses oxy- directly.
tocin into the bloodstream. Data collected in rats suggest cor- However, given all these variables, altered maternal
relations between endogenous peripheral (bloodstream) and plasma levels persisting beyond the end of labor have been
central oxytocin levels, although the degree and significance suggested in one study that evaluated postpartum oxytocin
of these correlations vary.13 levels in response to breastfeeding 2 days after birth in women
In addition, there is controversy regarding whether pe- who had different intrapartum and postpartum exposures to
ripherally administered oxytocin (ie, Pitocin given intra- synthetic oxytocin (N = 40).19 Compared with all other study
venously or intramuscularly) crosses the blood-brain bar- groups, women exposed to Pitocin in labor combined with an
rier. Whether any oxytocin that does cross changes neu- epidural demonstrated significantly lower oxytocin levels dur-
ronal action significantly within the nervous system has yet ing breastfeeding. Overall, the total quantity of synthetic oxy-
to be determined.14 In theory, oxytocin cannot pharmaco- tocin administered during parturition was negatively corre-
logically cross because of its relatively large size and hy- lated with levels of oxytocin in plasma 2 days following birth.
drophilic nature; however, some animal studies have reported All these women had vaginal births, and the newborns had
low levels of oxytocin found in the brain following admin- normal Apgar scores. In these studies the mean duration of la-
istration in blood.15 Interestingly, some electrophysiology- bor did not differ significantly between groups, nor did blood
based animal studies suggested that maternal oxytocin plays a loss or newborn weight. The women all initiated breastfeed-
neuroprotective role within the fetal brain during the birth ing within minutes of birth and had the same average number
process, which means it would have to cross both the pla- of feeds in the days prior to the blood sampling. If replicable,
cental barrier and fetal blood-brain barrier.16 The findings this finding suggests that in some cases exposure to Pitocin
from these studies suggest that maternal oxytocin inhibits cer- may have maternal consequences that last beyond the birth
tain excitatory (GABA) fetal neurons from firing (depolariz- experience.

Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health r 37

Altering the Oxytocin Receptor Could Change How epigenetic modulation. For example, methylation is a mech-
Oxytocin Works anism through which gene expression is downregulated. At-
As reviewed above, the OTR must be present for oxytocin to tachment of a methyl group (CH3 ) can occur on specific sites
exert its action. An important consideration for whether syn- along the DNA sequence. A receptor gene that is more heav-
thetic oxytocin may affect maternal physiology is the capacity ily methylated selectively silences the gene, preventing acti-
of the OTR to become saturated. In response to saturation, vation for transcription. Methylation of the OTR gene is an
sometimes a receptor is internalized (ie, removed from the example of a mechanism that can downregulate OTR gene
cell membrane, where it is presumed to be unavailable and expression, with effects that may be heritable. For example,
potentially degraded). In the presence of high levels of an ag- if the OTR gene is silenced, less OTR will be available on the
onist, receptor internalization may begin within minutes. The cell membrane. In turn, the OTR is less available to bind with
reverse process has been shown to take approximately 4 hours oxytocin, potentially resulting in diminished biologic and be-
to resensitize after the agonist is removed.20 However, work on havioral outcomes.20
sensitization has focused on myometrial cells, studied in vitro, There are sensitive periods during mammalian devel-
and it is unknown if OTRs on neurons will internalize and re- opment during which the environment can shape DNA
sensitize on the cell membrane in vivo. If neuronal OTRs un- methylation.22 For instance, rodent models show that early
dergo a comparable process, this could have implications for maternal care can be linked to patterns of methylation in both
maternal behavior. maternal and offspring phenotypes with a transgenerational
Another strategy against saturation is that receptors may effect.23 Emerging evidence supports the hypothesis that epi-
be internalized and then downregulated through a pause in genetic modification of the OTR has a role in social cogni-
mRNA gene transcription for the receptor.20 Research on in- tion, stress reactivity, and social behavioral disorders.24 For
duced labor in humans has focused on sampling the my- example, one study examined the role of methylation of the
ometrium for expression of the OTR gene.21 One example is a OTR in autism-affected persons. Hypermethylation of the re-
study that compared women in spontaneous labor with those gion of DNA controlling the OTR was seen in blood sam-
undergoing induction of labor and 29 women who planned ples of affected individuals compared with individuals serv-
elective cesarean birth. Eighteen of the 33 women in the spon- ing as controls (n = 20 matched pairs). This effect also was
taneous group eventually received augmentation with syn- demonstrated in postmortem brain sampling of 8 matched
thetic oxytocin, whereas 26 of the 30 women in the induced patients and individuals serving as controls, showing a cor-
group did as well. All laboring participants underwent ce- relation between brain and blood methylation of the OTR.25
sarean birth (indicated for failure to progress or fetal intol- Pilot data in rodents suggest that normal birth with endoge-
erance to labor), and the myometrium was sampled at that nous oxytocin, as well as exposure to intrapartum synthetic
time. Oxytocin binding, as well as mRNA levels of the OTR, oxytocin, may produce epigenetic modulation of the OTR by
was significantly affected by use of synthetic oxytocin. Partic- increasing methylation of sites in the OTR gene of the mater-
ipants with oxytocin-induced labor had a 300-fold downreg- nal hypothalamus.26
ulation of the OTR gene in uterine muscle, when compared
with receptor availability in spontaneous labor.21 This study OXYTOCIN AND TRANSITION TO MOTHERHOOD
suggests that the OTR can downregulate in the uterus during
The experience of giving birth and becoming a mother, partic-
augmented or induced labor and points to the need to study
ularly for the first time, demands a high level of physical and
oxytocin binding in other areas of the body such as the mater-
social interaction. Being able to sensitively care for the needs
nal brain, breast, heart, intestine, or immune system. Whether
of the infant through synchronous mother–infant interaction
active management of the third stage of labor also results in
is vital to the continuation of the family and species. The
downregulation of receptors has not been reported, but given
postpartum period is also characterized by drastic hormonal
the prevalence of this practice, it deserves consideration.
shifts, transition to motherhood, coping with new stressors,
The duration of mRNA downregulation in the OTR in
physical pain, lactation, and attachment—all of which in-
response to synthetic oxytocin is not yet known. Consider-
volve the endogenous oxytocin system. Furthermore, mod-
ing that the cellular mechanism for receptor regeneration
ern parenting can include financial strains, work obligations,
would include mRNA transcription, translation, protein
social isolation, limited support, and sociocultural constructs
assembly/folding, and transport to the cell membrane, this
about good mothering. Within this context, a difficult tran-
could take many more hours than simple internalization of
sition to motherhood holds the potential to lead to dysreg-
the receptor, and full restoration of a functional OTR might
ulated stress reactivity, mood disturbances, susceptibility to
require days. Also, after a given tissue is no longer exposed
less sensitive mothering, asynchronous mother–infant inter-
to a saturating agonist (labor) and if there is no stimuli for
action, and poor infant attachment.
releasing endogenous oxytocin (eg, touch, breastfeeding), the
response to the perceived need of the system may be different
between different types of birth and postpartum experiences. Stress Reactivity
The maternal brain is a distinctive biologic state characterized
The Role of Epigenetic Regulation of the Oxytocin by a host of biochemical mechanisms supporting the well-
being and survival of both mother and infant.6 Significant
On a more long-term level, receptor regulation also can oc- adaptations occur in the maternal oxytocin system, includ-
cur at the level of gene transcription for the receptor through ing protection from the stress and demands of the perinatal

38 Volume 59, No. 1, January/February 2014

period. The dramatic rise of oxytocin during physiologic birth Although there are well-known predictors of postpartum
may play a role in buffering the stress hormones released by negative mood (eg, poor social support, stressful/adverse life
fear and pain during labor according to animal studies and events, and history of depression/anxiety), subjective and ob-
some human studies.27 This adaptive response is likely a pro- jective birth variables (ie, complications, mode of birth in-
tective mechanism during the perinatal period, a time of in- creased use of interventions, and maternal perception of the
tense stress. experience) also may be predictors of maternal outcome.33, 34
The relationship between oxytocin and the hypothalamic- However, little is known of the biologic underpinnings linking
pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) in the body’s response to birth variables to postpartum mood, the specific effect of ex-
stressful stimuli has been investigated primarily using ro- posure to synthetic oxytocin has not been teased apart. Use of
dent models.3 These demonstrate that pregnant animals synthetic oxytocin is often associated with preexisting compli-
have reduced reactivity to stressors via lowered plasma lev- cations, but even in low-risk situations synthetic oxytocin can
els of corticotrophin-releasing factor, adrenocorticotropin- precipitate a cascade of interventions and subsequent birth
releasing factor, and cortisol. There is inhibition of both oxy- complications.35 Whether exposure to synthetic oxytocin dur-
tocin and HPA neurons during pregnancy, mainly because ing childbirth affects postpartum mood is unknown. How-
of an inhibitory opioid mechanism from increased allopreg- ever, based on our knowledge of the actions of oxytocin in
nanolone (a metabolite of progesterone).6 During lactation, other situations and in tissues outside the central nervous sys-
oxytocin pulses in the brain increase, and the hormone is se- tem, we would anticipate that any effects of synthetic oxytocin
creted into circulation. Meanwhile, brain levels of oxytocin would be dose dependent and would show individual differ-
also increase and influence the neurons linked to the stress- ences, influenced by context and the history of the mother.36
response system. Lactating females react less to stressors and Rodent models can elucidate molecular pathways of
display less anxiety-like behavior than nonlactating females. mood that have been evolutionarily conserved in mammals.37
In response to stress, oxytocin increases, possibly as a pro- For instance, serotonin and dopamine are mediators of oxy-
tective mechanism against continued stress. This can be seen tocin’s anxiolytic actions in both humans and rodents. When
when cortisol and adrenocorticotropin-releasing factor de- endogenous oxytocin is genetically or pharmacologically
crease after the administration of synthetic oxytocin. Con- blocked, anxiety-like and depression-like behavior increases
versely, when an oxytocin antagonist is given to rats, their in oxytocin-deficient knockout mice compared with wild-
levels of cortisol increase. However, in humans the relation- type mice.38 In responding to a stressor, rats bred for high
ships among oxytocin, HPA function, and stress reactivity are anxiety exhibit a higher release of central oxytocin and greater
less well characterized. Measurements of salivary oxytocin in anxiety-like and depression-like symptoms than rats bred for
lactating women suggest that oxytocin may increase prior to low anxiety.39 Oxytocin is one of the evolutionarily conserved
feeding, when women are preparing to breastfeed.11 There is molecular pathways of mood.
also a decrease in circulating HPA hormones immediately af- In humans, numerous studies have found that atypical pe-
ter breastfeeding is initiated. Likely this is because of oxytocin ripheral oxytocin levels (very high or very low) may be asso-
within the brain exerting an effect on neurons that activate ciated with elevated symptoms of depression, anxiety, or post-
the HPA axis and corticotrophin-releasing factor. Lactating traumatic stress.40 In one perinatal example (N = 74), low
women show increased vagal tone, decreased blood pressure, levels of oxytocin in late pregnancy were associated with ele-
and decreased heart rate compared with nonlactating women, vated symptoms of depression at 2 weeks postpartum, control-
especially in response to a stressor.28 As discussed earlier, the ling for prepartum symptoms, sociodemographics, and birth
vagus nerve detects elevated levels of oxytocin within the body outcomes.41 Individual context, adversities across the life cy-
and can provide feedback to the brain via afferent pathways. cle, history of trauma, genotype, and epigenetic processes are
There is increasing evidence of a role for oxytocin in buffering all factors that may program the oxytocin system, altering
stress reactivity, suggesting that oxytocin and the HPA systems (and possibly increasing) sensitivity to synthetic oxytocin dur-
are intricately linked.27 ing childbirth.

Maternal Mood
Mothering Behaviors
As with stress reactivity, a well-regulated oxytocin system
is anxiolytic and confers protection against negative mood. Endogenous oxytocin’s role in mediating the initiation of ma-
Several studies have shown that intranasal administration ternal behavior has been demonstrated in numerous nonhu-
of synthetic oxytocin has an anxiolytic effect in psychiatric man species. Perinatal manipulation of the oxytocin system in
disorders.14 Whether intrapartum synthetic oxytocin confers animals provides strong evidence of subsequent dysfunctional
the same protective function as endogenous oxytocin on ma- maternal behaviors.42-46 For instance, in rats, oxytocin clearly
ternal mental health is more difficult to determine, especially mediates the initiation of maternal behavior.44 In ewes, mater-
in light of the complexity of contemporary birth practices. nal acceptance of their own lambs occurs after identification,
Maternal depression in the postpartum period is estimated yet a central injection of synthetic oxytocin can promote ma-
to affect up to 19% of women.29 Women experiencing nega- ternal acceptance of alien lambs.43 Optimal maternal behavior
tive mood are less likely to show positive mothering behaviors is blocked in ewes and heifers when central oxytocin is not
and are less sensitive to infant needs.30 The decreased quality released in physiologic birth because of regional anesthesia
of mother–infant interaction may lead to suboptimal infant and subsequent lack of vaginocervical stimulation.46 In non-
attachment,31 placing infants at risk for poor development.32 human primates, optimal maternal behavior can be altered

Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health r 39

by a central injection of synthetic oxytocin or by an oxytocin epidural were case-control matched with 351 women who did
antagonist.42, 45 not receive an epidural.55 Breastfeeding success was negatively
One particular animal model has been useful for under- associated with epidural use. Importantly, women who were
standing the role of oxytocin in forming social bonds. The augmented with synthetic oxytocin were 3 times less likely to
socially monogamous prairie vole forms pair bonds, an un- initiate breastfeeding in the first 4 hours and 2 times more
common phenomenon among rodents of the opposite sex. It likely to give artificial milk by the time of hospital discharge.
is postulated that the role of oxytocin buffers stress reactiv- Another small study (N = 20) examined breastfeeding dura-
ity as a function of social interaction and bonding.4 Research tion in relationship to intrapartum exposure to synthetic oxy-
with this model points to the possibility of altering social be- tocin during induction or augmentation of labor. All mothers
havior as a function of exposure to synthetic oxytocin early had epidural anesthesia. Authors reported an inverse relation-
in life. For example, in prairie vole pups, exposure to syn- ship between synthetic oxytocin dose and a shorter duration
thetic oxytocin on the first day of life had lasting and dose- of exclusive breastfeeding by 3 months.56
dependent effects on the capacity to form pair bonds in later
life. In this model, exposure to a low dose of synthetic oxytocin
facilitated pair bonding later in that pup’s life, whereas expo- Consequences for the Offspring
sure to a high dose inhibited pair bond formation.47 Exposure
to an oxytocin antagonist in the same period inhibited subse- Evidence for long-term negative consequences for social be-
quent social behaviors including the typical willingness to care havior and the management of stressful experiences has re-
for unrelated infants (alloparenting), possibly mediated by in- peatedly appeared in animal studies of offspring exposed to
creases in anxiety.47 In addition, physiologic birth itself may manipulations by oxytocin in early life. For example, work in
be critical in the initiation of prairie vole maternal behavior. piglets revealed that exposure to intranasal oxytocin in early
Female voles born by cesarean have demonstrated infanticidal life produced atypical, nonreciprocal social behavior and an
behavior, whereas females born vaginally (and that underwent altered capacity to respond to stressful experiences in later
a sham surgery following birth) did not.48 life.57 Several studies in rodents similarly support the hypoth-
A growing body of evidence suggests a link between esis that exposure to synthetic oxytocin, especially at high
oxytocin and optimal mothering behaviors in humans as levels, during the perinatal period can have effects on the
well.49, 50 Optimal mothering behaviors include affectionate offspring.4
touch, eye-to-eye contact, positive affect, and affectionate lan- Studies of the long-term consequences of perinatal oxy-
guage, which are characterized by sensitivity to infant cues tocin exposure for children are less common. However, au-
and synchronous mother–infant interaction.50 Synchronic- thors recently reported—based on a study in New York City
ity in mother–infant interaction has a strong effect on in- of 3000 full-term infants—that Pitocin-treated infants showed
fant affective states. Numerous studies have found an asso- an increase in multiple adverse outcomes including reduc-
ciation between atypical peripheral oxytocin levels and less tions in Apgar scores (indexed by increased pulse, breathing
optimal mothering behavior.50 Genetic variation (ie, risk alle- rate, and reflex irritability) and increased admission to the
les) and decreased central binding of the OTR gene have also neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).58 Increased admission
been associated with less optimal mothering behavior.49, 51, 52 to the NICU and other adverse effects, with an estimated 30%
A recent fMRI study of 15 parent–infant dyads found 2 dis- increase in measures of morbidity, also were seen in a 2012
tinct brain-behavior-oxytocin profiles in mothers displaying study from Australia.59 Neurodevelopmental risk for the off-
synchronous versus intrusive mothering behavior.53 Moth- spring also was suggested by the finding that the occurrence
ers who displayed synchronicity in mother–infant interaction of attention deficit disorders was twice as likely in children ex-
had plasma oxytocin levels correlating with neural organiza- posed to Pitocin during birth.60
tion in reward-related motivational areas of the brain (left nu- Several studies have linked exposure to synthetic oxytocin
cleus accumbens and right amygdala). In contrast, mothers to reductions in lactation and diminished feeding-related be-
who displayed intrusiveness in mother–infant interaction had havior in the newborn.56, 61 These studies underscore the need
no significant correlation between activation of neural reward for further research, especially taken in the context of a grow-
areas and oxytocin levels. In addition, the role of oxytocin in ing experimental literature in animals linking long-term be-
mothering behavior has been linked with the woman’s affil- havioral outcomes to exposure to synthetic oxytocin in the
iative experiences throughout her life (eg, her own parents, perinatal period.
partner, and infant).54 Again, it is unclear if any of these rela-
tionships are derived or influenced by the birth experience or
use of synthetic oxytocin. However, these findings do suggest CONCLUSION
that oxytocin plays a key role, beyond labor, in the transition Oxytocin is a neuroendocrine hormone with complex actions
to motherhood. throughout the body and effects vital to the mother–infant
dyad and social well-being. Much remains to be understood
about the role that oxytocin plays in the transition to mother-
hood; however, emerging research in both animal and human
The physiologic transition to motherhood also includes estab- models highlights the need for a deeper understanding of
lishing lactation. A few recent studies have examined lactation the role of physiologic birth in mother–infant biobehavioral
in the context of synthetic oxytocin and use of epidural anes- outcomes important to the disciplines of midwifery and
thesia. For example, in Sweden 351 women who received an obstetrics.

40 Volume 59, No. 1, January/February 2014

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Skuse D, eds. Motherhood in Human and Nonhuman Primates: theme issue.

42 Volume 59, No. 1, January/February 2014

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