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Script - What is Applied Behaviour Analysis

Welcome to the ministry of education online module entitled “What is

Applied Behavioural Analysis?” My name is Renita Paranjape And I will be
your presenter today.

In this module you will learn about the science of
behavioural analysis, its rich history, its characteristics and its function utility
in our everyday lives.

 You will discover why using behavioural analysis is
important, what exactly it entails, as well as who should be using it.

we get started into what is ABA, it is important to learn where it came from.

There are 3 main parts of behavioural psychology – the first is behaviourism:
which is the philosophy of the science of behaviour, and it is based only on
theory, and not on experimental analysis.

 The second is the experimental
analysis of behaviour – which includes basic research with the purpose to
clarify the theories of behaviourism.

 Applied behavioural analysis however is
applied research with the purpose of the practical application to prove
behavioural principles to improve socially significant behaviour.

there were many contributors to the field of behavioural psychology: three
main prominent figures emerge as leaders in the theoretical concepts and
the applied research.

 Pavlov discovered the conditioning reflex during his
study with dogs and he established classical conditioning as a learning
method; his research demonstrated that an environmental stimulus like a
ringing bell could be used to stimulate a conditioned response like a dog
salivating at the sound of the ringing bell.

 John B.

 Watson extended Pavlov’s
theory to apply to human behaviour; in 1913 he published “Psychology as
the behaviourist views it” which was a landmark article, and established
behaviourism as major school of thought.



 Skinner later introduced the
concept of operant conditioning, which assumes that all behaviour is learned.

Skinner’s initial work was in labs with pigeons and rats.

 He constructed what
is now known as a Skinner box - whereby he placed rats in a chamber, and
when a lever was pressed a sugar pellet would be dispensed.

 He was able to
train rats on various schedules of reinforcement and was even able to show
discrimination training.

 For example the rats were able to learn that when a
green light was on in their chamber sugar pellets were available, and when a
red light was on the food was not available and they would not even
approach the lever.

You may be asking yourself, how do these concepts relate
to the work that we do in education and with children with special needs? It
is important to learn about Dr.

 Ivar Lovaas.

 In the 1960s he pioneered
applied behavioural analytic interventions to decrease severe challenging
behaviours and establish communicative language.

 Later he sought to
improve outcomes by emphasizing early intervention for preschoolers with
autism; his studies indicated that many children who received early intensive
ABA made dramatic gains in development.

 He devoted nearly half a century
to groundbreaking research and practice aimed at improving the lives of
children with autism and their families.

So what is ABA? The formal definition
of ABA is the following “Applied behavioural analysis is the science in which
procedures derived from the principles of behaviour are systematically
applied to improve socially significant behaviour to a meaningful degree and
to demonstrate experimentally that the procedures employed were
responsible for the improvement in behaviour”.

 Well, that was certainly a

 In plain English – applied behavioural analysis is where we
research the relationship between the behaviour and the environment.

then design methods to change that behaviour, and then we systematically
apply these methods to improve behaviour.

 It is as simple as that.

 We have
now finished the very brief history section of this module.

 We will now move
on to the characteristics of ABA.

There are 7 dimensions of ABA that were
identified in a seminal article by Bayer, Wolff, and Risely in 1968.

 We will
spend some time going through each of these dimensions.

 The first of the
important characteristics of behavioural analysis is the fact that it is applied.

This means that the goal is to increase socially significant behaviour in order
to improve day-to-day life experiences.

 It is the responsibility of those
applying the science to select appropriate behaviours to change.

example – would you teach a 17yr old to drink from a baby bottle? Definitely

 Selecting goals that are age-appropriate and socially significant is the
responsibility of the clinician.

The next critical dimension is that applied
behavioural analysis is behavioural.

 This means the behaviour must be
observable and measurable in order to study it.

 When changes in behaviour
are observed.

 Reliability checks are then conducted, whereby two observers
record data to ensure accurate measurement.

 Applied behavioural analysis is

 A functional relationship is demonstrated between a behaviour in
the environment, and the clinician should also be able to demonstrate the
occurrence or non-occurrence of the behaviour based on manipulations of
the environment.

 Using data to make decisions.

 What a novel idea! This is a
key component of applied behavioural analysis.

 Treatment decisions
including the discontinuation or modifying programs are only made after an
in-depth analysis of the data.

 This way we can always be sure that our
teaching is effective, and if it is not – we can change it.

 ABA is technological.

What do we mean by this? This simply means that procedures are written
clearly using objective terms and can be replicated easily.

 The procedure
description should be written clear enough that a typically trained reader can
replicate the procedure, but most importantly can also produce the same

 For example – in a procedure description, we want to ensure we enlist
what to do if the student responds correctly but also if the student responds
partially correctly or incorrectly altogether.

ABA is conceptually systematic.

This means that the procedures used are based on the principles of

 We never want our treatment to be a collection of tricks, but
rather a sound and systematic procedure which is based on the basic

 ABA is effective.

 Interventions that are implemented are
measured for their success.

 If data are not increasing for skill training
programs and decreasing for behavioural intervention programs – the
program is revised and tweaked until the student responds in the way that
we want.

 In fact – quality programs ensure that revision criteria are always
included for all programs.

 For example, you may determine that you will
collect data on a skill, and if you don’t see an improvement in that skill, or
you see a deterioration in that skill – after 5 days the program is modified.

order for programs to be effective – they must be generalizable.

 That is – the
desirable behaviour must last over time in multiple environments and across

 Generalization and maintenance of behaviour is a large part of a
quality ABA program.

 If the student can only demonstrate the skill in one
condition, in one place, over a short period of time – we would not consider
this program mastered.

 This concludes the characteristics section of the

 We will now move on to discuss why we should use ABA, what it
includes, and who exactly should use it.

 So why should we use ABA? The
main reason one should implement the principles of applied behavioural
analysis into a program is so that we can increase positive behaviour and
teach new skills.

 We have already talked a little bit about maintaining

 For us – we often think about skills in terms of riding a bike.

have learned it before and it should be relatively easy to do it again.

what if you take a skill like polynomials in algebra? Although you probably
knew it well in high school – do you think you could solve those algebra
problems now without any practice? That is why the idea of maintaining skills
overtime is so important.

We have also already talked about generalization.

What if you were only able to exhibit a skill in one location? Lets take
brushing your teeth – you have been exhibiting that skill at home in your
bathroom and you have grown quite proficient at it.

 If the skill of tooth
brushing was not generalized.

 You would be unable to brush your teeth while
staying at a friend’s house or in a hotel.

 In behavioural analysis, this is
always taken into consideration, and training for generalization is imperative.

We also use the principles of behavioural analysis to narrow the conditions
under which interfering behaviours occur.

 That is – we modify the learning
environment to ensure an optimal learning environment.

 Can you think of
any examples?Take a look at the pictures on your screen.

 Which desk would
you prefer to work at? I think most of us agree that by altering our
environment, we increase the likelihood of demonstrating more productive

 A large part of behavioural analysis is to teach skills,
communication and positive behaviour.

 However at the same time – the
same principles are used to reduce behaviours that may interfere with this
skill development.

What else might ABA be used for? There are a few areas
where the principles of applied behavioural analysis are used.

 You are
probably taking part in this online training because you are working with or
know someone with special needs.

 However you must know that ABA is used
in many different domains beyond intervention for autism and other
developmental disabilities.

 There is some cutting edge research being
conducted in behavioural analysis on important topics such as: childhood
obesity, workplace productivity, and inmate behaviour in prisons.

complicated aspect of applied behavioural analysis is the terminology.

 It is
common to hear many different and new terms – all being touted as different
from ABA.

 It is extremely important to understand that these methodologies
are simply derivations from applied behavioural analysis and include the
exact same basic principles.

 Myth - ABA is no longer justified when children
are past preschool age Fact – ABA has received significant recognition for the
impact at the preschool level; however it also remains the best documented
approach for older learnersMyth – ABA is a one size fits all approach Fact –
ABA is based on the principles of human behaviour, which apply to all ages,
and ABA programs are based on assessment of a student’s individual skills
and is applied with a focus on maximizing his or her strengths.

 Myth – ABA is
limited to 1 or 2 specific strategies such as discrete trial training Fact – ABA
incorporates a variety of effective teaching strategies that increase a
student’s skills.

Myth – ABA can only be used on a 1 to 1 basisMyth – ABA is
just for children with autismFact - ABA is a framework for teaching anyone

 Fact – ABA examples exist is everyday lifeFact - ABA methods have
proven effective in teaching many skills.

Who can practice ABA? Anyone can
practice the principles of ABA under the supervision of a board certified
assistant behavioural analyst, a board certified behavioural analyst or a
board certified behavioural analyst at a doctoral level.

 To find out more about
behavioural analysis, behavioural analysts, please visit www.



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