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Dystopia Analysis Essay

DEF: an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a
totalitarian or environmentally degraded one.

1. Read a Dystopia book

2. Figure out what the author is telling you about our society (e.g. humans destroy
their environment) (Uglies); our society is too competitive (Hunger Games); We
are overly concerned with body image (Uglies); The government and media
controls what you think (1984).

3. Write an essay, similar in structure to those you have already done, which does
the following:

a) Explains how the book shows a problem or set of problems with our world (first
paragraph). Use explicit details from the text.

b) Explains why this is a problem (Do research and cite your research findings)
(second paragraph)

c) Explains what should be done about this problem (Do research and cite your
research) (third paragraph)

The essay should be between 300-450 words.

Rubric [Reading and Writing]
1 2 3 4
Essay CLEARLY explains, using details
from the book, how the book critiques
particular aspects of our society
Essay shows evidence of research into the
aspect of our society being critiqued.

Essay CLEARLY shows why this is a

significant problem.
Essay CLEARLY shows what should be
done about this problem. It is evident that
research has been carried out to support
the writer’s claims and opinions.

Grammar and citation rules have been

 Alternate history
 Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
 Biopunk
 Cyberpunk
 New world order (politics)
 New World Order (conspiracy theory)
 Self-fulfilling prophecy
 Social science fiction
 Societal collapse
 Soft science fiction
 Utopian and dystopian fiction

Dystopian literature shows us a nightmarish image about what might happen to the
world in the near future. Usually the main themes of dystopian works are rebellion,
oppression, revolutions, wars, overpopulation, and disasters. On the other hand,
utopia is a perfect world – exactly opposite of dystopia.



2. Battle Royale (2000)
3. The City of Lost Children (1995)
4. Twelve Monkeys (1995)
5. Minority Report (2002)
6. The Matrix (1999)
7. Gattaca (1997)
8. Children of Men (2006)
9. Dark City (1998)

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