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50 Best Self-Help Books of All Time That

Will Change Your Life
Written by Kolyanne Russ
14-18 minutes

Books can provide us with such a wealth of support, knowledge, and inspiration in many areas of
our lives. I remembered the books that I picked up which became two of my favorite best self-
help books were How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and Six Pillars of

These books that put me on the path of self-healed and understand the behaviors and attitude that
I need to have in order to move forth successfully in any life projects that I decide to embark on.

Personal Development Books

How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

First published in 1930, this preeminent pioneering book became an instant success and is
considered one of the best self-help books if not the best ever published. One of its core
principles is the understanding that you change another’s behavior by your reaction to their

Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

Ryan posits that the true enemy to our achieving our own greatness is not the outside world, but
actually found within; in the form of the ego. The lessons in this book will help free us from the
ego’s impeding effect and allow us to achieve the impactful work that is ours to accomplish.

Six Pillars of Self-Esteem: The Definitive Work on Self-Esteem by the Leading Pioneer in
the Field by Nathaniel Branden

This book is considered a must-read for anyone who has a personal or professional interest in the
topic of self-esteem. Branden describes the six pillars – six action-based practices to take place
daily that provide the foundation for self-esteem.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
by Mark Manson

Nothing is sugar coated about this particular piece of work. The author boldly suggests that we
embrace the less than lovely-our fears, faults and uncertainties and basically confront the painful
truths that can be found in life. Then we will be able to source such attributes as courage,
perseverance, and forgiveness. It is indeed a real-talk book, grounding and refreshing.

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

Don is a shamanic teacher, and healer shares a simple yet effective code of conduct learned from
his Toltec ancestors. The four agreements are as follows: Be impeccable with your word. Don’t
take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best. This book reveals the
source of self-limiting beliefs.
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life by Dr. Henry
Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

These authors offer biblically based answers to such questions as “Can I set limits and still be a
loving person?” and “What are legitimate boundaries?” In this way, you receive support in
understanding what it means to set healthy boundaries.

The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine
N. Aron

According to the author, HSPs (Highly Sensitive Person) make up 15 – 20 percent of the
population This book offers a window into their world and how to understand the impact of this
sensitivity on various areas of life; as well the gifts that attend the same.
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome
Life by Jen Sincero

If you are ready to think outside the box and start living the life you deserve, this is the book for
you. The author serves up 27 chapters filled with in-your-face, humorous advice to help silence
the inner critic and to have you get on already with your life!

Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being,
Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington

Ms. Huffington draws from her own personal journey to show that the societal drive for success,
defined generally as money and power, intrinsically leaves us unbalanced and in sometimes
severe, need of restoration and balance. In her book, she uses scientific findings along with
personal anecdotes to address this phenomenon.

#ASKGARYVEE – One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, & Self-

Awareness by Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk, the no filter man and a marketing and business genius, had the foresight to use
social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., to reach an untapped audience. In this book, he
shares valuable and timely advice on entrepreneurship, marketing, and social media.

Overcoming Failure Books

Rock Bottom to Rock Star: Lessons from the Business School of Hard Knocks by Ryan

Ryan Blair knows of what he speaks. He was once an at-risk youth living in a shack. Now a
massively successful entrepreneur, he shares valuable advice culled from the school of hard
knocks in the hopes you can avoid some of his mistakes and reap benefit from where it has gone
right for him.

The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
by Mel Robbins

Mel began her career as a criminal defense attorney and is now teaching movers and shakers in
the business world how to break the habits of self-doubt and to build ones of courage and
confidence. The 5 Second Rule deals with how we hold ourselves back. Read it to discover

Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration by Meera Lee Patel

This interactive journal uses chart-making, writing and drawing to encourage reflection and
contemplation. Presenting quotes from artists, writers, and other visionaries, this journal
encourages our getting to know ourselves and discovering our true dreams.

The Power of Positive Thinking: 10 Traits for Maximum Results by Dr. Norman Vincent

An international best-seller, this book has helped men and women around the world achieve
fulfillment in their lives. From believing in yourself and everything you do to developing the
power to reach your goals and more, this book offers impactful and wonderful advice.
Celebrating Failure: The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Thinking Big by
Ralph Heath

The author expounds upon the positive to be gained from failure, that there is so much to had
from seeing it as a learning tool toward achieving ever greater goals rather than a negative. He
offers practical steps to changing one approach toward failure and risk taking.

Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success by John C. Maxwell

The author posits that the difference between average and achieving people is their relationship
with failure. How one perceives and responds to it is key. He teaches how to make failure your
friend and how to keep moving forward.
On Becoming Fearless…in Love, Work, and Life by Arianna Huffington

Arianna draws from her own experience to expound upon courage, strength, and resiliency. She
outlines steps that can be taken to conquer fear.

Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: How I Went from Gang Member to Multimillionaire
Entrepreneur by Ryan Blair

Ryan shares his journey from very troubled youth to becoming a multimillionaire. He includes
the salient detail of mentoring received that helped him turn the corner.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

This well-known author offers jewels of wisdom regarding how to access our creativity and the
approaches, attitudes, and habits that will support this unfolding and lead to wonder and joy.
It’s Not Over Until You Win: How to Become the Person You Always Wanted to Be No
Matter What the Obstacle by Les Brown

Les Brown writes about how he has overcome obstacles, and how you can do the same, too.
Don’t let someone’s opinion of you becomes your reality, people want you to fail, that are their
problems, not yours. So go do whatever you want or always dream of.

Books on Success
Think and Grow Rich: This Book Could Be Worth a Million Dollars to You by Napoleon

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” says the author. First
published in 1937, this book teaches the famous Carnegie formula for money-making based upon
13 proven steps.
The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded, and Updated: With Over 100 New Pages of Cutting-
Edge Content by Timothy Ferriss

This book offers numerous suggestions for how to make more money in much less time, which
includes drawing upon the principles of a forgotten Italian economist. The author went from
making $40,000 a year working 80 hours a week, to $40,000 per month working four hours a

The Magic Of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.

This book describes ways of thinking and behaving that will help you attain great success and
$100 Start-Up-Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What you Love and Create a New
Future by Chris Guillebeau

Chris Guillebeau has a genius for turning ideas into income. He describes folks who were able to
discover parts of their personal passion that could be monetized and then structure their lives to
reflect more freedom and fulfillment.

The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph by Ryan

This book derives its inspiration from stoicism. Stoics focus on what they can control, let go of
what they cannot and turn every obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger and tougher.

Find Your Extraordinary – Dream Bigger, Live Happier, and Achieve Success on Your
Own Terms by Jessica Dilullo Herrin

How does one take life from ordinary to extraordinary? By cultivating that entrepreneurial spirit
that allows you to embrace your individuality. This book speaks to that.

The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own
Terms by Danielle LaPorte

Danielle LaPorte, very independent, no filter and honest opinion reframes popular self-help and
success concepts, such as life balance is a myth and being well-rounded is over-rated.

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

These laws are drawn from Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and others and though they can be very
different, each law holds one thing in common; an interest in total domination.
The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill

A precursor to the book, “Think and Grow Rich,” this one will help you understand why some
people have the edge over others.

The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn describes parallels between the changing seasons and life, and how to successfully
utilize each season. This book is great for anyone who is going through difficult times because it
helps them that nothing last forever, even bad times, that winter will eventually turn to spring.
One of my best self-help books that I consider till today to pull me out hard times.

Self-Esteem Improvement Books

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace
Who You Are by Brene Brown

Brene describes a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness, that no matter
what we are worthy of love and belonging.

You Are Here: An Owner’s Manual for Dangerous Minds by Jenny Lawson Drawing

On the tenets of art therapy, this book is filled with the author’s intricate illustrations.
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns

The author describes the ways depression can be cured without drugs and with remarkable,
scientifically proven techniques.

Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Dr. Karyl
McBride Ph.D.

Narcissistic mothers teach their daughters that love is not unconditional. This book addresses the
feelings of inadequacy, disappointment, sadness etc. that can ensue.
Stop Saying You’re Fine: The No-BS Guide to Getting What You Want by Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins, a very funny lady teaches about pushing past self-imposed limits. This book is not
about platitudes and easy fixes and can help catapult you into a better life.

Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement by Anthony Robbins

This book is about harnessing the power of the mind and how to have, achieve and create
anything you want for and in your life.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen

Covey this book has guided readers for the last 25 years. It is a comprehensive program which
helps create the awareness of how perceptions and assumptions hinder success.

My Philosophy For Successful Living by Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn, my favorite motivational speaker has the knack of taking timeless principles and
making them simple. His philosophy “Six Steps for Leading and Extraordinary Life,” and much
more are described.
Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle by Jim Rohn

This bestselling guide provides insight and ideas for those in search of a better life. You will get
an in-depth look into the reasons why certain people succeed and others don’t. It covers the key
components to success – philosophy, attitude, activity, results and lifestyle

Make Every Man Want You by Marie Forleo

This is unlike any other dating book you have ever read. It encourages loving yourself inside and
out and dissolving your bad relationship habits. It is funny, personal and you will learn how to
love yourself first of all else.

Find Your Passion and Life Purpose Books

The way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives by Dan Millman

Based on the author’s story, this book follows his journey into the realm of romance, magic and
other dimensions of the body, mind, and spirit.

Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional,
Physical and Financial Destiny! by Anthony Robbins

A leader in the science of peak performance, the authors share strategies and techniques to
master your emotions, relationships and other areas of your life.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Series by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

This book series, with over 250 titles, collects uplifting and inspiring stories regarding themes as
diverse as “The Power of Gratitude” to “The Dating Game.”

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone

This best selling book has helped millions by describing the power of a positive mental attitude
as a key to personal success.
The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau

In his travels in an attempt to visit every country on the planet, the author met with ordinary
people working toward extraordinary goals.

You Can by George Matthew Adams

This book is filled with encouragement, inspiration, and advice to improve yourself personally
and professionally.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
In contrast to the rise of the extrovert ideal and how it has permeated our culture, this book
celebrates the value and contributions of introverts.

The Compound Effect: Jumpstart your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy

Publisher of Success Magazine, he presents an easy-to-use, step by step operating system that
allows you to multiply your successes.

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

The author describes the new science around habits and how this can impact our businesses,
communities, and lives.
Best Self-Help Books Final Thoughts
There are endless of best self-help books that we can spend our entire life reading but in the most
crucial time in our lives, picking up the right one will change the course of our lives forever.
Knowledge can end poverty, self-doubt, life negativities and draw the path to your purpose and
passion. So why not take some time daily to read? What do you get to lose? See what draws you
as you read about these various best self-help books. May your continued exploration yield much
joy and contentment!

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