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A. Intimate C.

B. Casual D. Frozen
B. Consultative

_____1. Introduction of each other between acquaintance.

_____2. Pia shares to her bestfriend about her family problems.

_____3. During the job interview

_____4. A tribal chieftain leading the ritual before planting.

_____5. The PTA president is giving an inspirational talk during the reading of honors.

_____6. A group of friends in the cafeteria talking about their upcoming party.

II. What would be your response if you hear the following statements?

1. I like your sense of humor.

2. You did a job in your performance task.

3. You don’t deserve your friend’s kindness.




1. Perlocution Act refers to the literal and direct meaning of the utterances.

2. Illocutionary Act refers to the understanding a communication act on the basis of the speaker’s
intention, the context when it was said or as dictated by social conventions.

3. Communicative strategies help you in conversations.

4. Turn yielding means the speaker gives up his or her turn so that other speakers can say something.

6. One of the common violations of turn-taking is interruptions.

1. What do you think is the importance of knowing the different speech style?

2. Why are communication strategies important to students like you? Cite examples of when you use
these communication strategies in daily life.

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