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The re-election in Monday’s federal polls challenges Canadian Prime

Minister Justin Trudeau to pursue the ruling Liberal party’s core agenda on
race, refugees, gender and the environment — which secured him his first
term in 2015. Despite trailing behind the Conservatives in opinion polls
almost until election date, the incumbents have managed to regain voter trust,
just enough to retain power. Short of at least 13 seats for a majority of 170 in
the House of Commons, he will now depend on broadly left-of-centre parties
as he sets out to run a minority government. Among them is the New
Democratic Party (NDP) of Jagmeet Singh with 24 seats, down 15, and the
Greens with three. Having lost party status in 2015, the Bloc Québécois,
rooted in Quebec’s sovereignty movement, has emerged as the third largest.
The electoral arithmetic would now compel Mr. Trudeau to focus on building
a consensus around common policies, mostly with smaller parties. All the
same, as the government would necessarily rely on support, depending on
particular issues, the Liberals cannot discount the Conservatives, who
command 121 seats and a higher vote share than the Liberals.
Monday’s verdict also affords Mr. Trudeau another chance to rebuild his
tarnished domestic record of recent months. His government has made major
strides in reducing child poverty, the introduction of a carbon tax and the
legalisation of recreational cannabis. On the world stage, his robust defence
of globalisation and multilateralism helped ease tensions during the 2018
Group of 7 nations gathering. More concrete were his efforts to renegotiate
the regional trade pact with the U.S. and Mexico. Nevertheless, young
Canadian voters felt in the poll run-up that Mr. Trudeau had failed to live up
to his promise in his 2015 bid of “sunny ways” in politics. The perception
grew following accusations that he had interfered with investigations into
allegations of corruption by the engineering multinational SNC-Lavalin.
Matters were made worse when Jody Wilson-Raybould, the charismatic
former Attorney General and Justice Minister, was first shifted and then
dropped from the Liberal party. She has now won as an independent. Mr.
Trudeau’s defence in the Lavalin case that he was concerned about the risk to
Canadian jobs may have struck a chord among trade unions. But that
seemingly lopsided logic could have done little good to his gender-inclusive
credentials. With their fresh mandate, the Liberals ought to rethink their
general stance in order to live down their image as those who all-too-easily
sacrifice principles. Leading a minority government, Mr. Trudeau would be
aware of the task that lies ahead.

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