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Martha Nussbaum The Cosmopolitan Tradition – ficha y notas

Martha Nussbaum (2019) The Cosmopolitan Tradition. A Noble but Flawed Ideal. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

1. World Citizens
Recurre a la vieja historia de Diógenes el cínico –
“A Greek male refuses the invitation to define himself by lineage, city, social class, even free birth, even gender. He
insists on defining himself in terms of a characteristic that he shares with all other human beings, male and female,
Greek and non-Greek, slave and free. And by calling himself not simply a dweller in the world but a citizen of the world,
Diogenes suggests, as well, the possibility of a politics, or a moral approach to politics, that focuses on the humanity we
share rather than the marks of local origin, status, class, and gender that divide us.” 1

2. Duties of Justice, Duties of Material Aid: Cicero’s Problematic Legacy

3. The Worth of Human Dignity: Two Tensions in Stoic Cosmopolitanism

4. Grotius: A Society of States and Individuals under Moral Law
5. “Mutilated and Deformed”: Adam Smith on the Material Basis of Human Capabilities
6. The Tradition and Today’s World: Five Problems
7. From Cosmopolitanism to the Capabilities Approach

Michael Walzer (2010) Reflexiones sobre la guerra. Barcelona: Paidós.

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