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Project Based Learning

Project Base Learning is attractive learning way for teacher and learner. PBL teaching method focusing on
the “problem”. Teacher role in PBL different in another teaching method. In PBL, teacher give solutions
that will be solved by students. The problem given is usually related to students' real life. The teacher's next
role is that the teacher provides some references to solve students' problems. Students solve problems by
critical thinking, communication and collaboration or as called as 3C. First, in critical thinking, learners
must answer the question that has given by teacher. Next, in the communication stage, learner asked to
create educational video, slide power point, or poster that related by their problem solving. The last stage,
collaboration. In this stage, student divided into a group and answer the question that has given by teacher.
This teaching method use student centered and isn’t retention but project based learning.

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