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Izvirni članek/Original article

Evaluation of theophylline therapeutic drug

monitoring service
Vrednotenje procesa terapevtskega spremljanja
serumskih koncentracij teofilina
Neža Rugelj,1 Katja Čvan Trobec,2 Mitja Pišlar,1 Pika Meško Brguljan,2 Mitja Košnik,2
Aleš Mrhar1

Faculty of Pharmacy, Zaključki: Raziskava je pokazala, da bi bilo v
University of Ljubljana, Izhodišča: Pri teofilinu je zaradi ozkega terapev- klinični praksi potrebno izboljšati storitev TDM
tskega območja in individualne variabilnosti v teofilina in vanjo vključiti farmakokinetično in-
University Clinic of farmakokinetiki potrebno terapevtsko spremlja- terpretacijo izmerjenih serumskih koncentracij.
Respiratory and Allergic nje serumskih koncentracij (TDM). V naši razi-
Diseases Golnik, Slovenia
skavi smo ovrednotili proces TDM v slovenskem Abstract
kliničnem okolju, kjer se izmerjenih serumskih Background: Therapeutic monitoring of the-
Korespondenca/ koncentracij teofilina farmakokinetično običaj- ophylline serum levels is required due to its
Correspondence: no ne vrednoti. narrow therapeutic range and marked interindi-
Aleš Mrhar, PharmD, vidual pharmacokinetic variability. We evaluated
PhD, e: ales.mrhar@ffa. Metode: V retrospektivni raziskavi smo ovre- therapeutic drug monitoring service for theoph-
dnotili 127 naključno izbranih meritev serum-
ylline in Slovenian clinical setting, which cur-
ske koncentracije teofilina, ki so bile izvedene
Ključne besede: rently includes no pharmacokinetic evaluation
leta 2010 v slovenskem terciarnem kliničnem
farmakokinetika teofilina; of measured theophylline serum concentrations.
ozko terapevtsko okolju. Iz podatkovnih zbirk bolnikov smo pri-
območje; meritve dobili njihove demografske podatke, informacije Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 127 ran-
serumskih koncentracij; o odmerjanju teofilina in podatke o odvzemu domly selected theophylline serum level de-
individualiziran režim krvnih vzorcev. Pri procesu TDM smo vrednotili terminations performed in 2010 in a tertiary
odmerjanja ustreznost odločitve za TDM, časovno pravilnost clinical setting in Slovenia. Demographic data,
odvzema vzorca za merjenje serumskih koncen- information on theophylline dosing and blood
Key words:
theophylline tracije ter pravilnost ukrepanja zdravnikov po sampling were collected from patients’ data files.
pharmacokinetics; prejemu rezultata o serumski koncentraciji teo- Authors evaluated the appropriateness of the fol-
narrow therapeutic filina. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov smo razvili lowing procedures: indications for theophylline
range; serum level populacijski farmakokinetični model ter z nje- serum concentration measurement, timing of
measurements; govo pomočjo ponovno ovrednotili ukrepanje blood sampling and dosage adjustments made
individualized dosage
schedule zdravnikov glede prilagajanja odmerkov teofili- after theophylline levels had been reported. On
na po meritvi njegove serumske koncentracije. the basis of collected data, a population pharma-
Citirajte kot/Cite as: cokinetic model for theophylline was built and
Rezultati: Izmed 127 meritev serumske koncen-
Zdrav Vestn 2015; further used for the evaluation of dosage adjust-
84: 191–202 tracije teofilina je bil razlog za meritev upravičen
v 107 primerih (84,3 %). Skoraj polovica meri-
tev (44,9 %) je bila izvedena pred vzpostavitvijo Results: Out of 127 cases, 107 (84.3 %) had clini-
Prispelo: 27. apr. 2014, stacionarnega stanja teofilina. 65 % izmerjenih cally justified indication for theophylline se-
Sprejeto: 5. okt. 2014 koncentracij je bilo subterapevtskih, povprečna rum level measurement. Near half of the mea-
izmerjena koncentracija (53.1 μmol/L) pa je bila surements (44.9 %) were performed before the
pod terapevtskim območjem. Kljub subterapev- steady state of theophylline concentrations was
tskim koncentracijam se odmerki teofilina v ve- established. 65 % of measured concentrations
čini primerov niso povečali. S pomočjo farma- were subtherapeutic and the average measured
kokinetičnega modela smo izračunali povprečni concentration was below the therapeutic range
optimalni dnevni odmerek teofilina, ki je bil zna- (53.1 μmol/L). Despite subtherapeutic concentra-
čilno večji od povprečnega dejanskega dnevnega tions, the dose of theophylline was generally not
odmerka (876 mg vs. 572 mg, p < 0.001). increased. Pharmacokinetic model enabled the
calculation of average optimal daily dose which

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Izvirni članek/Original article

was significantly higher than the average actual Conclusions: Theophylline TDM service should
daily dose used (876 mg vs. 572 mg, p < 0.001). be optimized and pharmacokinetic interpreta-
tion of theophylline serum levels should be inte-
grated into clinical practice.

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is ciprofloxacin, enoxacin, erythromycin, flu-
defined as clinical laboratory measurement voxamine, propranolol, thiabendazole, ticlo-
of drug concentration that will directly in- pidine and verapamil.11-19 Drugs that decre-
fluence drug prescribing procedures when ase the serum theophylline concentrations
accompanied with appropriate medical in- by induction of liver enzymes CYP 450 are
terpretation.1 It plays a major role in mini- phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine,
mizing adverse drug reactions and enhan- rifampicin and ritonavir.20-28
cing optimal therapeutic response.2 While Theophylline is a methylxanthine deri-
proper interpretation of measured concen- vative with spasmolytic and anti-inflamma-
trations provides valuable information, ina- tory effects. It has been replaced by inhaled
ppropriate use of TDM leads to unnecessary beta-2-adrenergic receptor agonists and
costs for healthcare system, can be mislea- anticholinergics in the treatment of chro-
ding and even dangerous for the patient. To nic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
avoid misinterpretation of measured drug since it is less effective and less well tolerated
concentrations, use of pharmacokinetic than inhaled long-acting bronchodilators.
(PK) models, supported by computer simu- However, it has a modest bronchodilator
lation, has been integrated into clinical prac- effect and symptomatic benefit compared
tice.3,4 This enables the estimation of indi- with placebo in stable COPD and is therefo-
vidual PK parameters and determination of re still used as an alternative choice in all sta-
safe and effective dosing regimens. ges of COPD, especially in elderly patients
Only a minority of drugs fulfilling certain who have difficulty with inhalers.7,29
criteria are suitable candidates for TDM.5,6 According to the literature data,7,30 thera-
Theophylline has a narrow therapeutic ran- peutic range for theophylline has been set to
ge, marked pharmacokinetic variability, 55–110 μmol/L (which equals 10–20 mg/L).
poor correlation between doses and serum However, some anti-inflammatory effec-
concentrations and close relationship bet- ts were shown to be exerted even at lower
ween serum levels and clinical effect. Con- theophylline concentrations31-33 and some
sequently, TDM is an important and useful adverse effects of theophylline occur already
tool in optimizing and individualizing the- below the upper limit of the interval.34 This
ophylline pharmacotherapy.7,8 has to be considered when interpreting the-
Poor correlation between doses and se- ophylline levels in clinical practice.
rum concentrations is mainly caused by the
variation in the rate of theophylline metabo- Aim of the study
lism which could be affected by concomitant
disease, altered physiology, pharmacokine- Several studies have evaluated the appro-
tic interactions with other drugs, smoking priateness of TDM for various drugs.35-40
status, age and diet. Serum theophylline The aim of our study was to assess appropri-
concentrations are increased in heart fai- ateness of theophylline TDM service in our
lure, hepatic cirrhosis, acute hepatitis and tertiary clinic as acknowledged in the article
febrile infections, and decreased in cystic of Gross et al.6 For this purpose, a pharma-
fibrosis, hyperthyroidism and by chronic cokinetic model for theophylline based on
smoking.9,10 Drugs that increase the serum measured theophylline concentrations was
theophylline concentrations by inhibition developed and further used for the evalua-
of liver enzymes CYP 450 are cimetidine,

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Izvirni članek/Original article

tion of theophylline dose adjustments made valence study for Teotard® prolonged-relea-
by clinicians. se capsules.43 The values of ka and tlag were
fixed at 0.102 h-1 and 1.54 h, respectively.
Methods Consequently, the base model was estima-
ting parameters such as absorption fraction
Data collection (F), clearance (Cl), and volume of distri-
bution (VD). Inter-individual variability of
This retrospective study was conducted
the parameters was included as log-normal
at the University Clinic of Respiratory and
model. In order to explain parameters inter-
Allergic Diseases Golnik in Slovenia. We se-
-individual variability the stepwise covariate
lected all determinations of theophylline se-
model building was used.44 The following
rum levels performed in the year 2010, whi-
covariates were evaluated: weight, height,
ch had been measured by kinetic interaction
age, gender, smoking status, heart failure,
of microparticles in a solution (KIMS) on
pneumonia, COPD, concomitant drugs po-
Cobas 501 system (Roche Diagnostics) using
tentially interacting with theophylline, body
an original application.30 Single measure-
mass index (BMI), body surface area (BSA)
ments were grouped if they were performed
and lean body weight (LBW). LBW was cal-
during the same hospitalization. From this
culated using the method of James (Equa-
initial pool of data we randomly selected 100
tions 1 and 2)45,46 and BSA was calculated
hospitalizations using an on-line program
using the Mosteller formula (Equation 3).47
“Research Randomizer”.41 Hospitalizations
The final model was built using an automa-
that were shorter than 24 hours were exclu-
ted covariate model building method where
ded because we could not obtain enough
only covariates that are statistically signifi-
data about theophylline dosage schedule to
cant according to inclusion and exclusion
evaluate theophylline TDM service. The fol-
criteria are incorporated into the model.44
lowing information was retrieved from pa-
Inclusion of a covariate was considered sta-
tients’ data files: demographic data (gender,
tistically significant if the objection functi-
age, weight and height), smoking status, con-
on value decreased by 3.84 units (p < 0.05).
comitant diseases and conditions that could
Subsequently, each included covariate was
influence theophylline pharmacokinetics,
retested with statistically significant level of
concomitant drugs potentially interacting
p < 0.01.
with theophylline, theophylline dosage
schedule, date and time of blood sampling
and measured serum theophylline concen-
Equation 1
Population pharmacokinetic
For population pharmacokinetic (PPK) Equation 2
analysis, only those cases for which the-
ophylline dosing schedule was available for
at least two days before theophylline serum
level determination were included. A PPK Equation 3
model of theophylline was established with LBW–lean body weight (kg)
nonlinear mixed effect modeling approach, W –body weight (kg)
H –height (m)
using program NONMEM®.42 A one-com- BSA –body surface area (m2)
partment model with first-order absorption
and elimination was assumed as the base
model. Absorption rate constant (ka) and Evaluation of TDM service
lag time (tlag) were previously determined by
The appropriateness of theophylline
analyzing average values of serum theophyl-
TDM service was evaluated with regard to
line concentrations obtained in the bioequi-
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Izvirni članek/Original article

the following aspects: indication for the- Concentration of 83 μmol/L was assu-
ophylline level monitoring, time of blood med as optimal average theophylline se-
sampling in relation to theophylline admini- rum concentration because it represented
stration and appropriateness of theophylline the arithmetic mean of theophylline thera-
dosage adjustments made after the laborato- peutic range (55 to 110 μmol/L). The actual
ry report was available. We defined indicati- average theophylline concentration at ste-
ons for theophylline level monitoring, which ady-state was calculated using PPK model
were considered clinically justified (Table 4). in NONMEM based on the estimated AUC
Indications that could not be classified into in the last 12 hours before blood sampling.
any of the categories mentioned were consi- After the calculation of optimal daily doses
dered inadequate. Time of blood sampling (Equations 4 and 5), the doses were rounded
was considered appropriate if it was done to the nearest value that could be achieved
after steady state had been attained (defi- by a combination of 200 mg and 350 mg
ned as 2 days, which is approximately 5 half- capsules, which are currently available on
-lives after theophylline initiation or dose the Slovenian market. Comparison between
change).48 Dose adjustments made after the actual and optimal daily doses was made by
laboratory results had been reported, were paired sample t-test, which was performed
evaluated with PK model. Therapeutic ran- using SPSS version 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicha-
ge for theophylline was specified between 55 go, IL). A p-value of less than 0.05 was con-
and 110 μmol/L.
The evaluation of theophylline dosing
Figure 1: Selection of Dose adjustments, made after the the-
theophylline serum
level determinations for ophylline serum level was reported, were
analysis considered appropriate if the dose was ele-
vated in cases of subtherapeutic concentrati-
ons, reduced in cases of toxic concentrations
and remained unchanged in cases of the-
rapeutic concentrations. Dose adjustments
were also evaluated with the use of deve-
loped PPK model. We compared the actual
daily doses that patients were given within
24 hours after the blood sampling with op-
timal daily doses that were calculated using
Equation 4 and 5.

Equation 4

Equation 5

D (optimal) – optimal dose for a patient

D (optimal daily dose) – optimal daily dose for a
D (actual_before) – the last theophylline dose
before the blood sampling
Css (actual_before) – actual average theophylline
serum concentration in the last 12 hours before the
blood sampling

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sidered statistically significant for all statisti- The evaluation of time within
cal analyses. the therapeutic range
Evaluation with PPK model requires data We simulated two different theophylline
on the theophylline dosing regimen before serum profiles within 72 hours after blood
and after each blood sampling, so only me- sampling. One profile was based on the ac-
asurements with sufficient data were inclu- tual dosing of theophylline and the other on
ded. Moreover, Equation 4 is based on the the optimal dosing (as described in the pre-
assumption that blood was sampled in stea- vious section). The percentage of time when
dy state and we therefore excluded all mea- theophylline concentration was within the
surements that were not performed in stea- therapeutic range was estimated for both
dy state condition. profiles and compared with paired sample

Table 1: Patients’ characteristics (N = 90)

Male: N (%) 55 (61 %) 90
Age in years: average (range) 72 (55–88) 90
Body size descriptor
Body weight (kg) 76.7 19.8 81
Height (cm) 164.3 9.1 84
BMI (kg/m2) 28.3 6.9 79
BSA (m ) 1.9 0.3 79
LBW (kg) 52.4 10.1 79
Diagnosis (% of patients)
COPD 67.7 %
Chronic heart failure 43.3 %
Pneumonia 26.8 %
Hypothyroidism 6.7 %
Liver disease 2.2 %
Smoking status (% of patients)
Current smokers 6.7 %
Former smokers 60.0 %
Non-smokers 30.0 %
No data available 3.3 %
Concomitant therapy (% of patients)
Drugs potentially a rate of 2.4 %
theophylline metabolism 1
Drugs potentially b rate of 32.3 %
theophylline metabolism 2

SD–standard deviation, BMI – body mass index, BSA – body surface area, LBW – lean body weight, COPD
– chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
carbamazepine, rifampicin
ciprofloxacin, amlodipine, verapamil, nifedipine, isoniazid, haloperidol, sertraline, bicalutamide,

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Table 2: Characteristics of theophylline serum level measurements (N = 127)

Average measured theophylline serum level (µmol/L) 53.1 29.5
Average dose (mg) 572 148
Theophylline serum level (N, % )
Subtherapeutic concentration 83 (65 %)
Therapeutic concentration 39 (31 %)
Toxic concentration 5 (4 %)
Route of administration (N, %)
Oral 83 (65 %)
Intravenous 12 (9 %)
Oral + intravenous 13 (10 %)
Via percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy tube 1 (< 1 %)
No data available 18 (14 %)

SD–standard deviation

Results clearance in the final PPK model (covariate

model is described in Equation 6). They re-
Data collection duced the interindividual variability (IIV) of
Out of 431 theophylline serum level de- Cl and VD, from 39 % to 31 % and from 71 %
terminations made in year 2010, 127 were se- to 56 %, respectively. COPD was modeled as
lected for further analysis. The flow chart of dichotomous variable (1 – no diagnosis of
selection process is shown in Figure 1. COPD, 0 – diagnosis of COPD). Both LBW
Patients were mostly male, at an avera- and COPD increased the clearance of the-
ge age of 72 years. 68 % of included patients ophylline. No covariate was found to be a
had COPD and the majority of patients significant predictor of volume of distribu-
were former smokers (Table 1). Chronic he- tion.
art failure was common comorbidity in our The goodness-of-fit-plots for the final
population (more than 40 % of patients). PPK model are presented in Figure 2. Ge-
Complete demographic information was
not available for every patient, but the scar-
city of data was present in less than 15 % of
Equation 6
The average measured theophylline Cl – clearance, TVCl – typical value of clearance
concentration was 53.1 (standard deviation (clearance for a typical patient with LBW 53.36 kg
and COPD diagnosis, LBW – lean body weight,
29.5) μmol/L, which is below the defined COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
therapeutic range (Table 2). Indeed, 65 % of k1 – covariate constant for LBW, k2 – covariate
measured concentrations were subtherape- constant for COPD)
nerally, there was good agreement between
Population PK analysis the observed and population model-predic-
ted concentrations, as well as between the
Eighty theophylline determinations in 53 observed and individual model-predicted
patients were included in the development concentrations. By the ranges of scattered
of population pharmacokinetic model. Out dots and the trends of regression lines it can
of all covariates tested, LBW and presence of be seen that the inclusion of covariates si-
COPD statistically influenced theophylline

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Table 3: Estimated pharmacokinetic parameters

Parameter Estimated value IIV(%)

TVCl (L/h) 1.66 31
VD (L) 16.8 56
Ke (h ) 0.0988
t1/2 (h) 7.0
F (%) 68.6
k1 (kg-1) 0.0187
k2 (-) 0.628
Residual variability
Wa (µg/mL) 1.48
Wp (%) 0.183

IIV – interindividual variability, TVCL – typical value of clearance, Vd – distribution volume, F – extent of
absorption, Wa – additive residual variability, Wp – proportional residual variability, CV – coefficient of
gnificantly improves the accuracy of model was achieved, while 57 (44.9 %) measure-
prediction. ments were done before steady state con-
Evaluation of TDM service
The evaluation of theophylline dosing
Out of 127 theophylline serum levels Actions undertaken by the correspon-
measured, 107 cases (84.3 %) were assessed ding physician, after he received the labo-
as having an appropriate indication, while ratory report on the measured theophylline
20 (15.7 %) had no appropriate indication concentration, were evaluated in 120 out of
(Table 4). In 70 out of 127 (55.1 %) cases, 127 theophylline measurements. One pati-
measurement of theophylline levels was ent died soon after theophylline level mea-
performed after steady state concentration surement, and for 6 patients there were not

Figure 2: The goodness

of fit plots for the final
PPK model:
a) Scatter plot of
population model-
predicted concentrations
without included
covariates versus
observed concentrations.
b) Scatter plot of
individual model-
predicted concentrations
with included covariates
versus observed
Concentrations from the
same patient are bound
together with dashed
line, identity (x = y) is
shown by a full line and
linear regression line is
represented by a bold
full line.

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Table 4: Indications for measurement of theophylline concentration

Frequency, N (%)
Appropriate indication
Initiation or restart of theophylline therapy 18 (14.2)
Change of theophylline dosage regimen 25 (19.7)
Initiation or discontinuation of a drug that interacts with theophylline levels 6 (4.7)
Admission to hospital 39 (30.7)
First theophylline level determination during hospitalization 19 (15.0)
Inappropriate indication 20 (15.7)

except after stopping theophylline
before receiving the first dose of theophylline in the hospital
sufficient data about theophylline dosage concentration remains within the therapeu-
regimen after its measurement. The acti- tic range 72 hours after measurement would
ons were considered appropriate only in 38 increase from 36.6 % to 92.6 % if optimal do-
(31.7 %) out of 120 actions (Table 5). Most sing were used (p < 0.001) (Table 6).
common inappropriate action was no dose
adjustment in patients with subtherapeutic Discussion
theophylline concentrations (49 % of ca-
ses). In this study, the current status of the-
Since the evaluation with PK model ophylline TDM service in our tertiary clinic
requires more data on the theophylline do- was reviewed. The service was most often
sing regimen before and after each blood applied in elderly population of former smo-
sampling, we were only able to implement kers with COPD, which is the target popu-
this method in 41 level determinations that lation for theophylline use. The indications
were performed in steady state and provi- for theophylline measurement were found
ded sufficient data on dosing regimen. Ac- appropriate in a majority of cases, althou-
tual daily dose was significantly lower than gh our assessment was done retrospectively.
calculated optimal daily dose (572 mg vs. 876 However, we did not examine the underuse
mg, p < 0.001) (Table 6). of theophylline TDM, which could in some
cases be helpful in speeding up optimal do-
The evaluation of time within
the therapeutic range
When evaluating the time of sampling,
The optimal dosing regimen, provided we found that near half of the cases mea-
with the use of PPK model, would enable sured theophylline concentration before
the patients to remain within the therape- the steady state was achieved. The interpre-
utic range for a significantly longer period tation of such results without PPK model
of time. The percentage of time theophylline can be misleading and potentially dange-

Table 5: Physician’s action after receiving the laboratory report of theophylline concentration (N = 120)

Dose increase No dose adjustment Dose decrease

or theophylline
Subtherapeutic concentration 13* 59 8
Therapeutic concentration 4 21 11
Toxic concentration 0 0 4

*Bolded numbers represent the actions that are considered appropriate.

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Table 6: Average optimal and actual theophylline doses and percentage of time theophylline
concentration was within the therapeutic range (N = 41)

Optimal Actual Difference p-value

Theophylline dose in mg (SD) 876 (207) 572 (148) 304 (168) < 0.001
% of time within the therapeutic range (SD) 92.6 (5.5) 36.6 (44.2) 56.0 (41.0) < 0.001

SD–standard deviation
rous. Moreover, in 68 % of cases, physician cluded only elderly patients at an age from
did not make the correct theophylline dose 55 to 88 years.
adjustment, which poses a question of the The comparison of actual daily doses
reasonability of theophylline measurement. with calculated optimal daily doses using
Most outstanding is probably the fact that final PPK model revealed that the patients
out of 80 patients whose serum theophylli- should receive on average 300 mg higher
ne levels were subtherapeutic, only 13 were daily doses. The recommended daily dose of
switched to increased doses. On the other Teotard® is between 400 and 700 mg. Our
hand, all 4 patients with toxic theophylline patients received on average 572 mg daily,
levels were immediately switched to lower which is in line with the recommendation,
doses or were discontinued. It has to be but the calculated average optimal daily
stressed, however, that because of the re- dose was much higher (876 mg). Clearly,
trospective study design we were not able patients do not reach the desired therape-
to consider all the factors that contributed utic concentrations with the recommended
to physicians’ decisions about dose adjust- daily doses. The same was observed in study
ments. of McKay et al., where 1200 mg daily dose
In the final PPK model, the observed was needed in order to achieve a mean con-
clearance and distribution volumes were centration of 18 mg/L in COPD patients.55
lower than literature data, although the Malabsorption of theophylline could be the
comparison among different studies is hin- cause since our population consisted of el-
dered by heterogeneous study populati- derly COPD patients. Indeed, the absorption
ons.49-52 However, the calculated half-life (7 fraction we estimated with final PPK model
hours) is comparable to the findings of the was only 70 % while in the Summary of Pro-
previous studies (6.7 h,53 7.1 h54 and 9.2 h48). duct Characteristics for Teotard® the com-
From all measured and calculated covaria- plete absorption is stated. However, in some
tes, only LBW and COPD were identified studies absorption fractions for theophylli-
as significant covariates influencing the- ne in healthy volunteers were comparable
ophylline clearance. According to our phar- to our results and thus argue the proposed
macokinetic model, theophylline clearance mechanism.56,57
increases with the increase in LBW and is In 65 % of the values measured, the-
higher in patients with COPD. The impact ophylline concentration was below therape-
of COPD in our model is not in line with utic range and in a majority of these cases
our expectations and could be due to the the physicians did not increase the dose of
fact that we run a small study population theophylline. Since the final PPK model su-
and that non-appropriate coding of COPD ggested much higher doses, exceeding the
diagnosis could be present. In the study general recommendations, it is understan-
of Tanigawara et al., they found theophyl- dable why the physicians decided not to
line clearance to be increased in smokers increase the dose. Since it has recently been
(+ 12 %), decreased in elderly patients (> 65 suggested that anti-inflammatory actions
years) (- 13 %), and reduced in the presence of theophylline are exerted at concentrati-
of COPD (- 35 %).49 In our model, the effect ons lower than 55 μmol/L, this could also
of age on theophylline pharmacokinetics affect the clinical decision.31,32 Regarding
was not observed since our population in- this, it would probably seem reasonable to

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evaluate the theophylline dosing with re- Conclusion

spect to the wider therapeutic range (28
µmol/L–110 µmol/L). In this case, the thera- Our study identified the need for the-
peutic window is so wide that the majority ophylline TDM optimization in our cli-
of our patients are expected to be within the nical setting. Theophylline level measure-
therapeutic range even without any dose ments are sometimes requested without an
adjustments. This would put the usefulness appropriate indication, almost half of blood
of theophylline monitoring under question samplings are done at incorrect time po-
and may lead to justification of monitoring ints and most of the results are left without
only in cases where theophylline toxicity is appropriate dose adjustment, especially in
suspected. patients with theophylline concentrations
We have also shown that the percentage below the therapeutic range. With the use
of time when theophylline concentration of PPK model, we were able to predict op-
lies within therapeutic range can be signi- timal individual doses and to significantly
ficantly increased from 36.6 % to 92.6 % by increase the time when theophylline con-
using PPK model for dose optimization. centration was within the therapeutic range.
With the use of PPK model in TDM process, In order to improve the safety and efficacy
dosage regimen could be individualized in of theophylline treatment and to reduce
order to reach desired serum concentrations unnecessary costs caused by inappropria-
and eventually improving the efficacy and te sampling times and lack of appropriate
reducing the toxicity of theophylline. More- dose adjustments, higher involvement of
over, the use of PPK models has the additi- clinical laboratory professionals and clinical
onal advantage of utilization and interpreta- pharmacists in TDM service is warranted.
tion of measurements done at inappropriate Moreover, the interpretation of laboratory
sampling times. results with PPK model would furthermore
improve the accuracy of theophylline do-

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