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1. Choose an issue. When choosing one, keep the following guidelines in mind.
- The issue should be debatable—you won't able to take a stand if the topic is not debatable.
- The issue should be current relev ant.
- The issue should be written in a question form and answerable by yes or no.
- The issue should be narrow and managable.

2. Begin the writing process by conducting an in-depth research on the issue.

3. Make sure to define unfamlliar terms when you first mention them.

4. Be aware of the v arious positions about the issue and explain and analyze them objectiv ely.

5. Reflect on your position and identify its weaknesses..

6.Cite valid and reliable sources to establish the creditibily of your arguments.

7. View the issue in different perspective so you can present a unique approach.

8. Limit your position paper to two pages.

9.Arrange your evidence logically using an inductive or deductive approach.

10. Summarize the others side's counterarguments and use various evidence and data to refuse

11. Use an active voice as much as possible to achieve a dynamic firm tone.

12.Arrange your evidence logically using an inductive or deductive approach.

A. In an inductive approach, you discuss specific information first, and then look for patters to
create a general conclusion. In essence, an inductive approach entails a flow from specific to
general ideas.

B. In deductive approach, you take something general and then branch out and think of
specific things that could apply to it. Basically, this is a type of reasoning where the flow of
discussion starts with a general theory and moves to specific hypothesis.

13.Check your argument for fallacies and eliminate them. Fallacies, errors in reasoning weaken
your argument.

14. Use ethical, logical, and emotional appeal. An ethical appeal relates to your credibility and
competence as a write; a logical appeal refers to a rational approach in developing an argument;
while an emotional appeal uses arguments in a way that evokes feelings.
• Choose an issue that is up for debate. The topic you choose must be characterized by some
discussion of differing views.

• Don’t assume that a succesful essay must be address a polarizing, hot button issue. It can be
easy to want to join the debate about controversial issues, especially when they are of
national or international concern. You should not feel that this is your only option. In fact,
exploring a regional/local issue or an ongoing issue that is being discussed from a new
perspective might help you articulate a position that is truly your own.

• Select an issue that is important to you but once you are able to respectfully engage
oppposing opinions.
• Position arguments can address topics that are serious or whimsical, timely, or
timeless. An effective arguments is marked by deep engagement with the
conversation sorrounding an issue and the precise and logical explations of good
reasons to support that positon. The nature or weight of the arguments itself will
not make or break a position argument essay.

• Pick a newspaper, read a community bulletin board skim a professional

publication, browse the feed of your favorite social media site, or check out your
favorite magazine. Any of these sources can help you identify an issue up for

• Open by (1) defining the situation or issue that calls for your attention, (2)
Establishing an audience who is (or should be) invested in this debate, and (3)
explaining why the issue warrants further consideration.

• Provide a qualified thesis that succinctly states your position on the issue.
• Supply evidence that supports your claims and explain how this evidence
reinforces your claims.
• Acknowledge and respond to others viewpoints.
• Conlude by answering the so what questions for readers, perhaps by providing a
sense of the larger implications for your position, by making a recommendation
for action, or by identifying how your position appeals to shared beliefs.

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