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Amer J of Potato Res (2003) 80:195-206 195

The Rapid Visco A n a l y z e r (RVA) as a Tool for D i f f e r e n t i a t i n g

P o t a t o Cultivars on t h e Basis o f F l o u r P a s t i n g P r o p e r t i e s

J. S. H i g l e y 1, S. L. Love 2, W. J. P r i c e 3, J. E. N e l s o n ~, a n d K. C. H u b e r 1.

~Department of Food Science and Toxicology,Universityof Idaho, EO Box 441053, Moscow, ID 83844.
~AberdeenR & E Center, Universityof Idaho, Aberdeen, ID 83210.
~Statistical Programs, College of Agriculture,Universityof Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844.
*Correspondingauthor: Tel:208-885-4661;Fax: 208-885-2567;E-mail:

ABSTRACT tion, p e a k viscosity, breakdown, a n d final viscosity were

i d e n t i f i e d as p o t e n t i a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s for cultivar differ-
P o t a t o e s of two cultivars r e p r e s e n t i n g e x t r e m e s in e n t i a t i o n . D i s c r i m i n a t i o n of the c u l t i v a r e x t r e m e s was
p o t a t o t e x t u r e , R u s s e t B u r b a n k ( m e a l y ) a n d IdaRose affected by RVA r u n p a r m n e t e r s , a n d was maximized a t
(waxy), were lyophilized, g r o u n d into flour, a n d ana- m o d e r a t e h e a t i n g r a t e s (4 to 6 C min~), m o d e r a t e to
lyzed with a Rapid Visco A n a l y z e r (RVA) to i d e n t i f y flour high levels of p e a k t e m p e r a t u r e (85 to 90 C), a n d i n t e r -
p a s t i n g characteristics u n i q u e to each cultivar. A facto- mediate flour concentrations.
rial e x p e r i m e n t , which i n c l u d e d multiple levels o f heat-
ing rate, p e a k t e m p e r a t u r e , and flour c o n c e n t r a t i o n , was RESUMEN
employed to assess RVA r u n p a r a m e t e r a s s o c i a t i o n with
f l o u r p a s t i n g behaviors a n d the p o t e n t i a l to differenti- Papas de dos c u l t i v a t e s que r e p r e s e n t a n condi-
a t e cultivars according to the responses. P a s t i n g profiles clones e x t r e m a s , Russet b u r b a n k ( h a r i n o s o ) e IdaRose
o f the p o t a t o floiw provided a u n i q u e f u n c t i o n a l finger- ( c e r o s o ) f u e r o n Hofilizadas, molidas h a s t a c o n v e r t i r l o s
p r i n t for each cultivar flour, which embodies s t r u c t u r a l e n h a r i n a y a n a l i z a d a s con u n A n a l i z a d o r Visco Rapid
a n d molecular c o m p o n e n t s o f the n a t i v e p o t a t o tissue. (RVA) p a r a i d e n t i f i c a r las c a r a c t e r i s t i c a s especificas de
P a s t i n g profile viscosity a t t r i b u t e s were i n f l u e n c e d by la m a s a p r r o v e n i e n t e de la h a r i n a de cada cultivar. Un
v a r i a b l e levels o f h e a t i n g rate, p e a k t e m p e r a t u r e , a n d e x p e r i m e n t o factorial, el cual incluy6 niveles mdltiples
f l o u r c o n c e n t r a t i o n . At i n c r e a s i n g flour c o n c e n t r a t i o n s , de la t a s a de ca]or, t e m p e r a t u r a m~Lxima y c o n c e n t r a c i 6 n
RVA viscosity a t t r i b u t e s i n c r e a s e d i n m a g n i t u d e , b u t de h a r i n a se utiliz6 p a r a d e t e r m i n a r la asociaci6n del
possessed similar p a s t i n g curves. A variable h e a t i n g r a t e p a r m n e t r o de la m a s a y su potencia] p a r a diferenciar los
primarily affected e v e n t s occurring early w i t h i n the cultivares de a c u e r d o a l a s r e s p u e s t a s . Los perfiles de la
p a s t i n g profile ( t i m e to g e l a t i n i z a t i o n , time t o p e a k vis- masa p r o p o r c i o n a r o n lm p a t r 6 n tlnico de bandas, fun-
cosity, p e a k viscosity), while changes i n p e a k t e m p e r a - cional p a r a la h a r i n a de cada cultivar, lo cual incluye a
t u r e i n f l u e n c e d viscosity a t t r i b u t e s ( t r o u g h viscosity, los c o m p o n e n t e s e s t r u c t u r a l e s y m o l e c u l a r e s del tejido
b r e a k d o w n , final viscosity, t o t a l s e t b a c k ) a s s o c i a t e d n a t u r a l de la papa. Los a t r i b u t o s de viscosidad del perfil
with the l a t t e r p o r t i o n o f the viscosity curve. A high de la m a s a f u e r o n i n f l u e n c i a d o s p o r los niveles variables
p e a k t e m p e r a t u r e g e n e r a l l y r e s u l t e d i n i n c r e a s e d break- de la t a s a de c a ] e n t a m i e n t o , t e m p e r a t u r a mhxima y con-
down a n d t o t a l s e t b a c k a n d decreased t r o u g h a n d final c e n t r a c i 6 n de la harina. A1 i n c r e m e n t a r s e la concen-
viscosities. RVA viscosity a t t r i b u t e s , time to gelatiniza- t r a c i 6 n de h a r i n a las cualidades de viscosidad RVA
a u m e n t a r o n e n magnitud, pero p r e s e n t a r o n curvas simi-
lares e n la masa. Una t a s a v a r i a b l e de c a l e n t a m i e n t o

Accepted for publication February 21, 2003.

ADDITIONALKEY WORDS:Solanum tuberosum, starch, Russet Bur- Abbreviations:RVA= Rapid Visco Analyzer,RB = Russet Burbank, IR =
bank, IdaRose. IdaRose.

afect6 principalmente los e v e n t o s que ocurren inicial- molecular components within the tissue. Andersson et al.
m e n t e en el perfil de amasado ( t i e m p o para la gela- (1994) have provided a summary of factors that have been
tinizaci6n, t i e m p o p a r a la m a x i m a viscosidad, mtlxima reported to influence cooked potato texture: tissue total solids,
viscosledad), m i e n t r a s que los cambios e n l a t e m p e r - starch content, starch granule size, parenchyma cell size, pec-
a t u r a m a x i m a e j e r c i e r o n i n f l u e n c i a sobre los atributos tic substance nature and content, tissue specific gravity, and
de viscosidad (viscosidad inicial, deterioro, viscosidad calcium and other cation levels. Continued research efforts
final, r e t r o c e s o t o t a l ) , asociados con la filtima porci6n corroborate a multiple-factor basis (A1varez et al. 2001) for
de la curva de viscosidad. Una t e m p e r a t u r a m a x i m a gen- cooked potato texture that involves starch (Jarvis et al. 1992;
erulmente r e s u l t 6 e n el a u m e n t o del d e t e r i o r o y retro- Shomer 1995; Shomer et al. 1995; Agblor and Scanlon 1998;
ceso t o t a l y d i s m i n u y 6 la viscosidad inicial y final. Los Ormerod et al. 2002); cell wall and middle lamellae structural
a t r i h u t o s de viseosidad RVA, tiempo de gelatiulzaci6n, components (Ng and Waldron 1997; van Marle et al. 1994, 1997;
viscosldad maxima, d e t e r i o r o y viscosidad final f u e r o n A1varez and Canet 1998; Ormerod et al. 2002); and other minor
identificados como c a r a c t e r i s t i e a s p o t e n c i a l e s p a r a la tissue constituents (van Marle et al. 1997; A1varez and Canet
dfferenciaci6n de cultivates. La d i s e r i m i n a c i 6 n de los 1999; Blahovec et al. 1999; Binner et al. 2000). The involvement
e x t r e m o s del c u l t i v a r fue afectada por los parfimetros of multiple factors has complicated the ability to screen for or
RVA corridos, y lleg6 al mfiximo con t a s a s m o d e r a d a s de predict tissue textural characteristics on the basis of any single
c a l e n t a m i e n t o (4 a 6 C min-~), moderados a altos n i v e l e s attribute. While tissue specific gravity has proven to be the
de t e m p e r a t u r a m a x i m a (85 a 90 C) y e o n c e n t r a c i o n e s most useful, routine predictor of cooked potato texture to date,
i n t e r m e d i a s de h a r i n a . it does not reliably predict textural characteristics across culti-
var boundaries (McComber et al. 1988).

INTRODUCTION Rheological methods offer potential to account for multi-

ple effects through measurement of material properties, which
While the definition of quality is relative and varies are a function of the material collective composition and struc-
according to the intended end-use, almost all food applications ture. More specifically, viscometric analyses, which can be
of potato involve some aspect of heating (e.g., blanching, bak- used to monitor the viscosity of starch-containing materials
ing, boiling, frying), which affects the final texture of potato through a heating and cooling cycle, could prove useful for
tissue. As no single potato cultivar has been shown to be detecting subtle differences in cultivar pasting characteristics
appropriate for all food applications (Ereifej et al. 1997; Pardo corresponding to cooked potato texture. A similar approach
et al. 2000), a cultivar is selected for a specific end-use for its has been used successfully within wheat-breeding programs to
ability to provide optimum processing performance and prod- screen cultivars for white salted noodle potential (Crosbie
uct quality. For any end-use, texture is a key determinant of 1991; Konik et al. 1992; Panozzo and McCormick 1993; Bhat-
quality, which requires a potato to maintain a desired texture tacharya and Corke 1996; Batey et al. 1997).
through a heating process. Attempts to relate the pasting behaviors of isolated
Cooked potato texture has been traditionally classified in starches with cooked potato texture have met with variable
terms of mealiness and waxiness. McComber et al. (1994) success. McComber et al. (1988) reported no correlation
defined mealy potato cultivars as those that cook to yield a between potato mealiness and amylograph starch pasting
dry-appearing tissue that crumbles or sloughs readily. In con- attributes. While Hopkins and Gormley (2000) noted a ten-
trast, waxy potatoes possess a moist appearance, a gummy dency for a starch of a waxy-textured potato to exhibit low
mouth feel, and a fwm texture. Generally, mealy potatoes are peak paste viscosity and a high degree of setback (retrograda-
deemed more suitable for the majority of processed products, tion), it was acknowledged that isolated starch behavior did
while waxy varieties are most often utilized in boiling and can- not solely account for observed potato textural characteris-
ning applications where tissue integrity and fnmmess are para- tics. Starch swelling, gelatinization, and retrogradation behav-
mount (McComber et al. 1994). ior is draraatically influenced by other constituents within
The physical basis for cooked potato texture has been potato tissue (Suzuki and Hizukuri 1974, 1979). The use of the
attributed to the properties of both the cellular structures and entire potato tissue (rather than just the isolated starch) has

shown potential for differentiating cultivars on the basis of Potato Flour Preparation
their respective textural attributes. Uurau and Nyland (1957) Potatoes (20 lbs) of each cultivar were peeled, cut into
reported a positive correlation (r = 0.95) between amylograph strips (lxlx5-cm) using a manual french fry cutter, and trans-
maximum relative viscosity of whole-tissue flours and sensory ferred to deionized water (1 L) to rinse off residual starch and
mealiness scores. However, limitations associated with the inhibit enzymatic browning of tissue. Potato strips were then
length of time and the amount of material required for analysis drained, transferred to zip-lock bags, frozen, and stored at -20
likely discouraged additional investigation; no additional work C, after which frozen strips were lyophilized to a final moisture
was done to define run conditions that maximized cultivar dif- content of 1% to 3% (wwb) using a Labconco laboratory freeze
ferentiation. These earlier limitations may be overcome by use dryer (Kansas City, MO). Lyophilized strips were converted
of the Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA), which affords a reduced into flour using a Waring Blender, which was operated at high
sample requirement, shorter analysis time, and better control speed through a Powerstat ~ Variable Autotransformer (70 volt
of m n parameters, in comparison to earlier instruments. setting). Lyophilized tissue was blended (30 sec), after which
The long-range goal of this work is to assess the potential the ground material was passed over a sieve (US No. 20). Mate-
of the RVA to distinguish whole-tissue flours of potato culti- rial unable to pass through the sieve was returned to the
vars of differing textural classification. This study represents a blender for an additional grinding (10 sec), and passed over
fwst step toward accomplishment of this goal, with initial the sieve again. Ground material collected through the sieve
efforts focused on two cultivar extremes, Russet Burbank was retained and stored at -20 C until further analyzed.
(mealy texture) and IdaRose (waxy texture). Specific project
objectives were (1) to evaluate the effect of variable RVA n m Starch Isolation f r o m Tubers
parameter levels (heating rate, peak temperature, and flour Starch was isolated from RB and IR tubers using a slight
concentration) on cultivar flour viscosity attributes, (2) to modification of the method of Ganga and Corke (1999). The
identify RYA viscosity attributes of importance for differentia- modification entailed substitution of aqueous 0.007M sodium
tion of cultivar flours, and (3) to determine approximate RVA bisulfite solution (400 mL) for distilled water in the initial
run parameter levels that allowed maximal differentiation of potato maceration step to reduce browning of the tissue.
the two cultivar extremes. This information is expected to Extracted starch obtained from the procedure was washed
enhance the efficiency of potato-breeding programs by strean~- exhaustively with deionized water, recovered on a Btichner
lining new variety development and improxdng ability to objec- funnel, partially dehydrated on the filter with ethanol, and
tively select for desired quality traits. allowed to dry at ambient temperature.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Flour a n d Starch Compositional Analysis

The proximate composition was determined for RB and
Material Source IR flours to aid interpretation of rheological data. The mois-
Two cultivars representing extremes in potato texture ture content of dried flours was determined using AACC
and specific gravity, Russet Burbank (RB) (mealy texture, spe- Method 44-40 (AACC 2000). Flour protein content was esti-
cific gravity = 1.084) and IdaRose (IR) (waxy texture, specific mated by nitrogen combustion (%N x 6.25) according to AACC
gravity = 1.067), were the focus of this study. Experimental Method 46-30 (AACC 2000). Lipid content was measured
material was grown during the 2000 crop year at the University according to AOAC Method 920.39C (AOAC 1990) using
of Idaho Research and Extension Center located at Aberdeen, lyophilized flour (10 g). Flour ash content was conducted
ID, and harvested in the final week of September. Cultivar spe- according to AACC Method 08-01 (AACC 2000), while total
cific gravity values were determined according to the weight- carbohydrate was calculated by difference. Flour total starch
in-air/weight-in-water method (Kleinschmidt et al. 1984). content was determined using a Megazyme (Wicklow, Ireland)
Harvested tubers were placed into storage at 16 C, and gradu- Total Starch Assay Kit, AACC Method 76-13 (AACC 2000).
ally cooled to 5 C over a 5-wk period. Tubers remained in stor- Starch apparent amylose was determined as described by Mor-
age at 5 C (for at most 1 wk) prior to processing. rison and Laignelet (1983), while starch phosphorus, calcium,
and magnesium contents were determined by inductively c o u -

pled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (Anderson 1996) setback (Figure 1). Peak, trough, and final viscosity readings
All flour and starch analyses were conducted at least twice. were obtained directly from RVA pasting profiles at specified
points along the curve, while breakdown and total setback val-
Flour Thermal A n a l y s i s ues were derived from "peak minus trough" and "final minus
Gela~tization behaviors of lyophilized flour were ana- trough," respectively. RVA time to gelatinization was deter-
lyzed in duplicate by Differential Scanning Caloiimetry (DSC). mined as the n m time at which flour viscosity increased 30
For each cultivar, flour (10 mg) was weighed into sample pans, RVU units above baseline, while time to peak viscosity was the
mixed with deionized water (20 ILL), sealed, and allowed to run time at which peak viscosity was achieved. The RVA fac-
equilibrate overnight. Sample pans were heated from 20 C to torial experiment was replicated three times.
180 C at a rate of 10 C min 1using a Pyris-1 Thermal Analytical
System (Perldn ElmeL Norwalk, CT). Statistical Analysis
Cultivar mean flour and starch compositions were con-
Flour R a p i d Visco A n a l y z e r (RVA) A n a l y s i s trasted using two sample t-tests. Relationships between RVA
Pasting behaviors of cultivar flours were evaluated using run parameters (flour concentration, heating rate, and peak
the Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) to assess RVA run parameter temperature) and RVA viscosity attributes (Figure 1) were
influence on cultivar flour pasting behavior. Based on prelimi- investigated using correlation analysis and analysis of vari-
nary experiments, three RVA run parameters (heating rate, ance. To preserve the power of statistical tests, analyses for
peak temperature, and flour concentration) were selected for the effects of heating rate and peak temperature were con-
variation within a factorial design. The factorial design ducted for each flour concentration and cultivar separately. All
included five levels each of heating rate and peak temperature computations were carried out using SAS (SAS 1999).
and three different flour concentrations. For each run, an
appropriate amount of flour (2.5, 3.0, or 3.5 g, dwb) was
weighed into an RVA canister followed by the addition of
deionized water to achieve a final net weight (flour + water) of Potato Flour and Starch Characteristics
28.0 g. Flour suspensions were analyzed under conditions of Flours and starches of Russet Burbank (RB) and IdaRose
continuous shear (160 rpm) beginning with an initial hold at 60 (IR) cultivars were initiallycharacterized to provide insight into
C (2 min) followed by heating to the designated peak temper- their respective flour pasting properties. Mean compositions of
ature (75, 80, 85, 90, or 95 C) at a specified linear heating rate freeze-dried potato flours are contrasted in Table 1. The proxi-
(2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 C min-1). Upon attahlment of the desired peak mate composition of IR flour was not significantly different
temperature, suspensions were always subjected to a common from that of RB with exception of protein content, which was
hold (4 min) at peak temperature, followed by linear cooling to slightly higher for IR flour. Though flour carbohydrate contents
50 C (cooling rate mirrored heating rate), and a consistent final for the two cultivars were not significantly different, RB flour
hold at 50 C (4 mh0. The RVA viscosity attributes tracked possessed a significantly higher starch content, as might be
included time to gelatinization, time to peak viscosity, peak expected on the basis of its higher tuber specific gravity (1.084
viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity, and total compared to 1.067 for IR). Significant differences in starch

TABLE 1--Mean chemical composition ~b of Russet Burbank and IdaRose freeze-dried flours.
Proximate Composition
Cultivar Protein Lipid Carbohydrate" Ash Moisture Total Starch
Russet Burbank 9.36 _+0.09a 0.40 • 84.52 _+1.37a 4.15 _+0.64a 1.57 _+0.44a 74.32 _+0.43a
IdaRose 10.35 _+0.08b 0.17 • 82.97 _+1.27a 4.55 +0.64a 1.96 • 69.13 +0.20b
~Means _+standard deviations determined from at least duplicate measurements. Means within a column sharing a common letter were not signifi-
cantly different (P < 0.05)
bg 100g.~dwb
cDetermined by difference (flour wet weight minus protein, lipid, ash, and moisture)

900 130

800 Peak 120

700 Final 110

Time to Peak Viscosity
600 Breakdown - 100
500 90
o Setback
400 80
> +
300 70
200 60

100 Time of 50
0 I I I I 40
5 10 15 20
Time (min)
Sample RVA viscosity profile (bold line) and temperature profile (normal line) depicting time to gelatinization, time to peak, peak
viscosity, breakdown, trough viscosity, total setback, and final viscosity.

TABLE 2--Mean chemical composition a of Russet Burbank and IdaRose c o m p o s i t i o n w e r e also evident b e t w e e n the
isolated starches. t w o cultivars (Table 2). While amylose con-
t e n t s of b o t h cultivars coincided with previ-
Cultivar Apparent Amylose b Phosphorus r Calcium r Magnesiumr
ously r e p o r t e d values (amylose:amylopectin
Russet Burbank 22.74 +0.11a 815 _+5.00a 18.00 _+0.00a 53.00 +0.00a
IdaRose 24.07 +0.22b 695 +15.00b 27.50 _+0.50b 91.50 _+l.50b ratio of 1:3) for p o t a t o s t a r c h ( J o h n s t o n et al.
1968, O r m e r o d et al. 2002), IR s t a r c h c o n t a i n e d
~Means _+standard deviations determined from at least duplicate measurements. Means
within a column sharing a common letter were not significantly different (P < 0.05) a slightly higher a p p a r e n t amylose c o n t e n t
bg 100g ' dwb c o m p a r e d to t h a t o f RB (Table 2). Russet Bur-
'gg g ~dwb
b a n k s t a r c h p o s s e s s e d slightly higher levels of
p h o s p h o r u s , w h i c h o c c u r s primarily as phos-
p h a t e m o n o e s t e r covalently linked to s t a r c h
TABLE 3---Thermal analysis ~b of Russet Burbank and IdaRose freeze-dried
a m y l o p e c t i n (Lira a n d Seib 1993: J a n e et al.
1996), while IR s t a r c h p o s s e s s e d significantly
Cultivar T.(C) Tp(C) Tr AH Jg-~ h i g h e r levels of divalent cations (calcium a n d
Russet Burbank 63.10 +0.05a 67.40 _+0.12a 73.02 ~0.25a 11.44 +0.29a magnesium).
IdaRose 66.27 _+0.03b 70.48 +0.24b 76.49 +0.18b 11.10 _+0.06a Thermal analysis of flours d e m o n s t r a t e d
,'Means • standard deviations determined from at least duplicate measurements. Means significant differences b e t w e e n the gelatiniza-
within a column sharing a conunon letter were not significantly different (P < 0.05)
tion b e h a v i o r s of t h e t w o cultivars (Table 3).
bTo = onset gelatinization temperature; Tp = peak gelatinization temperature; Tc = com-
pletion gelatinization temperature; AH = gelatinization enthalpy While b o t h flours e x h i b i t e d nearly identical

enthalpies and gelatinization temperature ranges, gelatiniza- and did not appear to confound the main effects. For both cul-
tion onset (To), peak (Tp), and completion (To) temperatures tivars, heating rate exhibited a significant effect on virtually all
for RB flour were approximately 3 C lower than those of IR. flour viscosity attributes with the exception of time to gela-
tinization for RB. In contrast, peak temperature influenced the
Influence of RVA Run Parameters magnitude of RVAviscosity attributes beginning with or down-
A primary objective of this study was to analyze the influ- stream of peak viscosity for IR and RB flours, respectively.
ence of RVA run parameters on the pasting behaviors of RB Correlation analysis was used to further relate heating
and IR flours. While previous researchers have sought to dif- rate and peak temperature effects to RVA viscosity attributes,
ferentiate potato cultivars on the basis of starch pasting behav- and to explore interrelationships amongst the various RVA
ior, such studies have primarily utilized (1) isolated potato viscosity attributes. In general, heating rate gave the strongest
starch and (2) standard pasting methods. Prelinfinary RVA tri- relationships with the flour pasting events leading up to and
Ms utilizing both flours and isolated starches of the same cul- including peak viscosity (Tables 5 and 6). For all combinations
tivar revealed fundamental pasting differences between the of RVA run parameters, RB flour consistently gelatinized faster
two materials (data not shown). The report that non-starch than IR (Figure 2), which observation agrees with flour gela-
components within potato tissue influence starch gelatiniza- tinization data obtained by DSC (Table 3). The higher mnylose
tion and pasting behavior (Suzuki and Hizukuri 1979) and divalent cation contents of IR starch, as well as the higher
prompted use of whole-tissue flour within our experiments. phosphorus levels within RB starch, are consistent with a
Both RB and IR pastIng curves/profiles were similarly more rapid swelling and gelatinization for the latter (Suzuki
influenced by flour concentration; thus, a variable flour con- and Hizukuri 1979; Bergthaller et al. 1999; Ormerod et al.
centration did not appear to offer any advantage for discrimi- 2002). Though heating rate exhibited a strong negative corre-
natIng the two cultivars. Increasing the flour concentration lation with time to gelatinization for IR flour, RB was unaf-
simply increased the magnitude of all RVA viscosity attributes, fected by differences in heating rate (Tables 5 and 6).
but did not alter the overall shape of the pasting curves. Nev- As anticipated, heating rate was also inversely correlated
ertheless, the intermediate flour concentration (3.0 g) pro- with time to peak viscosity (Tables 5 and 6). Russet Burbank
vided the greatest level of precision, and therefore will be the flour consistently attained peak viscosity prior to IR flour (up
focus of farther discussion unless othet~vise specified. to a 10 min differential was observed between cultivars) in
The RVA run parameters (heating rate and peak tempera- good agreement with Hopkins and Gormley (2000), who sug-
ture) significantly impacted potato flour pasting behavior gested that a waxy potato starch required a longer time to
(Table 4). Significant interactions between heating rate and achieve peak viscosity compared to a mealy potato starch. A
peak temperature were seen for several RB viscosity attrib- higher concentration of divalent cations, calcium and magne-
utes, though no such Interactions were observed for any IR vis- sium, and/or a higher amylose content (Ormerod et al. 2002)
cosity attributes. Nevertheless, interactions were not severe within its starch (Table 2) may have impeded the achievement

TABLE 4--Analysis of variance resultsa for RVA run parameters b in response to RVA viscosity attributes in Russet
Burbank and IdaRose freeze-dried flours.

RVAParameter Time to "lime to Peak Breakdown Trough Total Final

Gelatinization Peak Viscosity Viscosity Setback Viscosity
Russset Burbank
HR N/S <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0003 <0.0001
PT N/S N/S N/S <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
HR*PT N/S N/S N/S 0.0005 0.0011 0.0165 N/S
HR <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0446 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
PT N/S N/S 0.0282 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
"N/S = not significant (P < 0.05)
bHR = Heating Rate; PT = Peak Temperature
2003 HIGLEY et al.: RVA P O T A T O CULTIVAR D I S C R I M I N A T I O N 201

600 FIGURE 2.
Select RVA profiles (flour concentra-
tion = 3.0 g; heating rate = 6 C mini;
500 peak temperature = 90 C) for Russet
> Burbank ( t h i n l i n e ) and I d a R o s e
t~ (bold line).



0 5 10 15 20
Time (min)

TABLE 5 - - P E A R S O N correlation coefficients among RVA r u n parameters and RVA viscosity attributes o f Russet B u r b a n k
(flour concent~ution = 3.0 g).
Peak Trough Final Total Time to Time to Peak
Viscosity Viscosity Viscosity Setback Gelatinization Viscosity

Heating Rate 0.80* 0.09 0.23* 0.14 0.20 -0.04 -0.91"

Peak Temperature -0.06 -0.97* -0.95* 0.96* 0,85* -0.07 0.00
Peak Viscosity 0.17 0.27* 0.12 0.07 -0.30* -0.87*
Trough Viscosity 0.97* -0.96* -0.89* 0.07 -0.10
Final Viscosity -0.90* -0.75* 0.08 -0.24*
Breakdown 0.91" -0.16 -0.15
Total Setback -0.04 -0.19
Time to Gelatinization 0.18

*significant at P < 0.05

TABLE 6 - - P E A R S O N correlation coefficients a m o n g RVA r u n parameters and RVA viscosity attributes o f IdaRose (flour
concentration = 3.0 g).

Peak Trough Final Total Time to Time to Peak

Viscosity Viscosity Viscosity Setback Gelatinization Viscosity

Heating Rate 0.88* 0.15 0.47* 0.12 0.13 -0.80* -0.79*

Peak Temperature 0.12 -0.85* -0.38* 0.87* 0.94* -0.01 0.12
Peak Viscosity 0.08 0.47* 0.21 0.23* -0.83* -0.75*
Trough Viscosity 0.76* -0.96* -0.88* -0.09 -0.18
Final Viscosity -0.60* -0.36* -0.40* -0.43*
Breakdown 0.93* -0.15 -0.05
Total Setback -0.16 -0.06
Time to Gelatmization 0.77*

* significant at P < 0.05.


of peak viscosity for IR flour (Suzuki and Hizukuri 1979; nomenon was more readily apparent with RB than IR flour. At
Bergthaller et al. 1999). high peak temperatures, there was a greater tendency for RB
Heating rate exhibited a positive correlation with peak flour to undergo enhanced breakdown, resulting in a lower
viscosity for both cultivars (Tables 5 and 6); thus, a more rapid final viscosity, in contrast to that of IR (Figure 2). Further, total
heating rate produced higher flour peak viscosities. As starch setback values were enhanced at high peak temperatures for
gelatinization for both flours occurred over a range of both cultivars (Tables 5 and 6).
temperatures (Table 3), a faster heating rate likely facilitated The differential response of RB and IR flours to changes in
more starch granules simultaneously in the swollen state, pro- heating rate and peak temperature suggests that pasting charac-
ducing a higher peak viscosity. In contrasting the two cultivars, teristics are distinct to cultivar. Moreover, manipulation of RVA
RB flour without exception exhibited a higher peak viscosity run parameters could serve to maximize discrimination of culti-
than that of IR (Figure 2) across all RVA run parameter com- vars on the basis of theft- respective RVA viscosity attributes.
binations evaluated. This observation was most likely a func-
tion of flour starch content (relatively higher for RB; Table 1), Interrelationships between RVA
though noted differences in starch phosphate monoester, amy- Viscosity Attributes
lose, and divalent cation contents (Table 2) may also offer Since several RVA viscosity attributes could potentially
some explanation (Suzuki and Hizukuri 1979; Wiesenborn et provide a basis for cultivar disc~nination, correlation coeffi-
al. 1994; Collado and Corke 1997; Zeng et al. 1997; Bergthaller cients among the various RVA viscosity attributes were com-
et al. 1999; Sasaki et al. 2000; Hoover 2001). For both cultivars, puted to narrow the research focus (Tables 5 and 6). This
relatively poor correlations were observed between heating process enabled the identification of attributes of greatest
rate and all RVA pasting attributes downstream from peak vis- importance and the elimination of redundancy. While pasting
cosity (trough, breakdown, final, and total setback viscosities; events leading up to and including peak viscosity were not
Tables 5 and 6). Thus, a variable heating rate primarily affected strongly correlated with downstream RVA viscosity attributes,
events occurring early on in the pasting profile. early pasting events were interrelated. For both cultivar flours,
In contrast, peak temperature exhibited limited effects on a significant inverse relationship was observed between peak
and did not correlate well with early pasting events (Tables 4, viscosity and time to peak. Peak viscosity was retained as a
5, and 6). For both cultivars, flour peak viscosity values more meaningful and interpretable attribute, while time to
remained constant across all peak temperatures evaluated. peak was eliminated from further consideration. Since the
While it is possible that starch granules may have reached strength of correlation between time to gelatinization and
maximum swelling capacity at even the lowest peak tempera- peak viscosity differed with cultivar, time to gelatinization also
ture values within the study, RVA viscosity attributes down- was selected for additional investigation.
stream from peak viscosity were dramatically affected by peak Those attributes downstream from peak viscosity were
temperature. Alternatively, increased starch granule swelling also strongly interrelated. The attribute, breakdown, exhibited
at higher peak temperatures may have been offset by strong negative and positive correlation with trough and total
increased granule susceptibility to breakdown in the presence setback viscosities, respectively. High levels of breakdown
of shear forces, negating any net increase in peak viscosity. were likely associated with a high degree of collapse of
In support of the latter, breakdown exhibited strong posi- swollen starch granules (low trough viscosity) corresponding
tive correlation with peak temperature for both cultivars to a greater release of solubihzed starch capable of reassocia-
(Tables 5 and 6) with the greatest degree of breakdown tion during the cooling portion of the RVA profile (high total
observed at high peak temperatures. Flour of RB consistently setback). Increased breakdown generally resulted in a
experienced more breakdown than that of IR (Figure 2). In reduced fmal viscosity (paste viscosity losses due to high lev-
general, enhanced breakdown at high peak temperatures was els of breakdown were not generally overcome by increased
paralleled by decreases in both trough and fmal viscosities, total setback). Though breakdown was inversely correlated
which were both correlated to peak temperature (Tables 5 and with final viscosity, the strength of the relationship varied
6). While a decrease in Final viscosity corresponding to a rise according to cultivar. Thus, from the latter portion of the past-
in peak temperature was observed for both cultivars, this phe- ing curve, breakdown (trough and total setback were elimi-

nated due to strong correlation with breakdown) and final vis- Selection o f RVA Run P a r a m e t e r s
cosity attributes were also retained for further investigation. To obtain additional insight into the RVA run parameters
Thus, four RVA viscosity attributes (time to gelatinization, that provided maximal discrimination of RB and IR cultivars,
peak viscosity, breakdown, and final viscosity) were selected three-dimensional surface plots w e r e constructed for each of
for further analysis, because they appeared to account for the the four selected RVA attributes. Each plot depicted the mean
majority of flour pasting behaviors. difference in a RVA attribute b e t w e e n the two cultivars across



6 8

-3.27 (C min-I)
88.33 81.67
Peak Temperature (C) 75.00 2

Mean differences (RB minus IR) in time to gelatinization b e t w e e n Russet Burbank and IdaRose flours across all experimental
levels of heating rate and p e a k temperature.




~ 74.1

44.8 ate (C m i n )
88.3 81.6
Peak Temperature (C) 75.0 2

Mean differences (RB minus IR) in peak viscosity b e t w e e n R u s s e t Burbank and IdaRose flours across all e x p e r i m e n t a l levels of
heating rate and peak temperature.



-= 89
n "l)
Peak Temperature (C) 75.00 2

Mean differences (RB minus 1R) in breakdown b e t w e e n Russet Burbank and IdaRose flours across all experimental levels of
heating rate and peak temperature.

~ 24

95.00 ~ / 4
88"33 . . . . . 81 67 HeatingRate (C rainl)
reaK lemperature (~) ' 75 00 2

Mean differences (RB minus IR) in final viscosity b e t w e e n Russet Burbank and IdaRose flours across all experimental levels of
heating rate and peak temperature.

all experimental levels of heating rate and peak temperature ing rate (2 C min-'). As noted previously, peak temperature exhib-
(Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6). ited minimal effect on time to gelatinization (gelatinizationevent
The differential response of IR (varied with heating rate) always occurred prior to attainment of peak temperature).
and RB (unaffected by heating rate) flours with regard to time to The mean difference in peak viscosity between RB and IR
gelatinization resulted in a sloped surface (Figure 3). Maximum flours exhibited tittle change across all combinations of RVA
cultivar differentiation was achieved at the lowest level of heat- rtm parameters (Figure 4), though a slight optimum was

achieved at intermediate levels of heating rate (4 to 6 C rain -I) for differentiating the two cultivar extremes. As maximal dis-
and peak temperature (85 to 90 C). Nevertheless, it would crimination of cultivars did not generally occur with typical
appear that flour peak viscosity values are strongly inherent to standard RVA run parameter profiles, differential cultivar
cultivar, and that suitable cultivar differentiation will be response to RVA ran parameters was exploited to maximize
achievable at nearly any RVA run parameter combination discrimination of the two cultivar flours. A moderate to high
based on this variable. The potential use of peak viscosity as a heating rate (4 to 6 C rain-') combined with a moderate to high
point of quality discrimination among mealy and waxy potato peak temperature of (85 to 95 C) provided the optimum sepa-
cultivars was first suggested by Uurau and Nyhind (1957) and ration on the basis of peak viscosity, breakdown, and final vis-
Kulhn et al. (1959), both of whom reported a preliminary cor- cosity. A slower heating rate (2 C min-1) enhanced cultivar
relation between maximum (peak) viscosity and mealiness. discrimination with regard to time to gelatinization. Thus, dif-
Hopkins and Gonnley (2000) also noted that starch of waxy ferentiation of the two cultivar extremes was possible on the
potatoes tended to exhibit a reduced peak viscosity. basis on their respective flour pasting behaviors. Using the
With regard to breakdown, optimal differentiation of cul- noted RVA rm~ parameters, future work will focus on an
tivars was achieved at intermediate levels of heating rate (4 to expanded number of potato varieties possessing a standard-
6 C min-1) and peak temperature (85 to 90 C) (Figure 5). Break- ized range of textural characteristics to assess the potential of
down provided excellent discrimination of RB and IR culti- the RVA to discriminate cultivars.
vars, and produced the greatest magnitude viscosity
differential (>200 RVU) of any particular RVA viscosity attrib-
ute evaluated. This observation concurs with previous reports
that cultivars high in dry matter content (high specific gravity) We recognize and thank the Idaho Potato Commission for
are generally more prone to viscosity breakdown (Wiesenborn providing financial support to this project, and acknowledge
et al. 1994; Hopkins and Gormley 2000). Thus, breakdown the USDA-NRI (Grant No. 1999-03660) for granting funds for
holds great potential as a means of cultivar differentiation. the purchase of the RVA instrument. Univ. of Idaho Agric. Exp.
The final viscosity of both cultivars exhibited dramatic Stn. Paper no. 03B01.
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shown in Figure 6, an inte~znediate to high peak temperature
(85 to 95 C) and a moderate heating rate (4 to 6 C min L) LITERATURE CITED
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Chemists, St. Paul, MN.
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