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Book Review

Michio Kaku: Future of the mind

Author: Michio Kaku
Publisher: Random House
Price: US$ 25
Year of Publication: 2014

Mind has always been a mysterious concept in our technology will make the concepts of telepathy C. R. Sridhar
daily discourse. Various hypotheses and definitions and tele‑kinetics shift from magic to reality. Just
have been offered, but none has been accepted as imagine the advantage a criminal investigator E‑mail:
a universal definition. Mind remains ubiquitous has trying to extract accurate information from a
and undefinable. Is mind substantive? Is it made suspected criminal! The applications are vast and
up of some “mind stuff?” Or it is nonmaterial but can make a huge impact.
energy? These have been the questions without
definitive answers. Equally difficult is the concept The more difficult but an important question is: Is
of consciousness. Enormous stuff has been written it possible to put thoughts into person’s mind
on consciousness by the erudite from science to without his/her knowledge? Even this question
spirituality, but the concept has escaped all of the is answered in the affirmative by the author. This
erudition. However, what is universally accepted technology has enormous medical applications
is that the brain is the seat of the mind. Thoughts but also can be a potential threat to the society at
appear in the mind. Hence, a safe definition large. Schizophrenics, for example, can be cured by
seems to be “one’s mind is the collection of one’s deadening certain parts of the brain and activating
thoughts.” Since thoughts are made possible by the other relevant parts. The neural structures in any
brain they can be “controlled” by manipulating the part of the brain can be replaced by customized
brain. That is the stance of scientists – physicists chips. Just imagine this technology in the hands
and neuro‑scientists. of a dictator, it is a pure nightmare.

This book by Michio Kaku delves deep into the The advances in neuro‑sciences indicate that it will
brain‑machine science in some detail and he offers be possible to also transport the entire “mind” and
a peep into the future of the mind. Michio Kaku is place it outside the body. In the future, a person
a Nobel Laureate in Physics and his name to fame on earth can have his mind transported to Mars
is the string theory, the theory that Einstein was and keep his mind alive even after he is dead and
looking for to explain everything that’s happening gone! Also, a father can talk to his dead daughter.
in our world. The main problem that physics The landscape is enormous and exciting.
of today faces is the theoretical incompatibility
between the microcosm and the macrocosm and “One day, scientists might construct an “internet
string theory hopes to bridge the two. of the mind,” or a brain‑net, where thoughts
and emotions are sent electronically around the
The book addresses a lot of interesting questions. world. Even dreams will be videotaped and then
Is it possible to read thoughts using the currently “brain‑mailed” across the internet”, says the
available digital technologies? Kaku’s interaction author.
with scientists working in the brain‑machine project
shows that they have been able to read a person’s Going beyond mind, the author also addresses the
thoughts by simply mapping the brain. If this is issue of consciousness. So what is consciousness? Access this article online

so then a whole new set of applications become Here is the definition by Michio Kaku. Website:

possible and the technology is a game changer. “Consciousness is the process of creating a model of Quick Response Code:

Look at the plethora of medical applications this the world using multiple feedback loops in various
technology offers. A paralyzed person can do a parameters (e.g., in temperature, space, time, and
number of things by attaching his brain to a robot in relation to others), in order to accomplish a
through a “thought machine.” An exoskeleton goal (e.g., find mates, food, shelter).” He uses this
on a paralyzed person can make him move. The definition to classify all life into different classes.

500 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics - April-June 2015 - Volume 11 - Issue 2
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Sridhar: Will mind exist the way it is today?

However, this definition, even though it is interesting, does The future is fascinating and at the same time unnerving. The
not form the core of the book. technology can free humans and at the same time imprison
them in their own bodies. Where is all this advancement taking
The author also has interesting results on savants, who display us? More we discover we realize smaller we are in the cosmic
extra‑ordinary skills like superfast computational skills. Most screen. “In other words, just as astronomy has reduced us to
of the savants are autistic and others have a slight damage insignificant pieces of cosmic dust floating in an uncaring
to the left frontal lobe. It is possible that many of the mystics universe, neuroscience has reduced us to electrical signals
and self‑realized souls actually have had an alteration in circulating within neural circuits. However, is this really true?”
specific areas of the brain. Experiments show that “God asks Michio Kaku. We don’t know, maybe the honest answer.
Realization” can be simulated in healthy normal human beings
by stimulating specific areas in the brain. Maybe we will see After the complete exploration of the brain biology and digital
clinics in the future that can give god experience, for a fee of dredging the Nobel Laureate concludes with “the material
course. world may come and go, but consciousness remains as the
defining element, which means that consciousness, in some
Michio Kaku paints a panoramic picture of where the scientists sense, creates reality. The very existence of the atoms we see
are taking the brain‑machine science and what to expect out of around us is based on our ability to see and touch them.”
these researches in the next years to come. As nano‑technology
become sophisticated, the computational capabilities shoot up Looks like the Upanishads saw this long ago, but then that’s
exponentially the future of the mind becomes more certain. not science!

Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics - April-June 2015 - Volume 11 - Issue 2 501

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