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Cell and Tissue Research (2018) 373:337–350


Native tissue-based strategies for meniscus repair and regeneration

Zengzeng Zhang 1,2,3,4 & Weimin Guo 1,2,3 & Shuang Gao 5 & Mingxue Chen 1,2,3 & Xu Li 6 & Xueliang Zhang 1,2,3,7 &
Xiaoguang Jing 1,2,3,4 & Mingjie Wang 1,2,3 & Yu Zhang 1,2,3 & Shi Shen 1,2,3,8 & Zehao Wang 1,2,3 &
Baichuan Sun 1,2,3,4 & Ying Chai 4 & Chengfu Zhou 4 & Shuyun Liu 1,2,3 & Quanyi Guo 1,2,3

Received: 12 July 2017 / Accepted: 19 December 2017 / Published online: 3 February 2018
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Meniscus injuries appear to be becoming increasingly common and pose a challenge for orthopedic surgeons. However, there is
no curative approach for dealing with defects in the inner meniscus region due to its avascular nature. Numerous strategies have
been applied to regenerate and repair meniscus defects and native tissue-based strategies have received much attention. Native
tissue usually has good biocompatibility, excellent mechanical properties and a suitable microenvironment for cellular growth,
adhesion, redifferentiation, extracellular matrix deposition and remodeling. Classically, native tissue-based strategies for menis-
cus repair and regeneration are divided into autogenous and heterogeneous tissue transplantation. Autogenous tissue transplan-
tation is performed more widely than heterogeneous tissue transplantation because there is no immunological rejection and the
success rates are higher. This review first discusses the native meniscus structure and function and then focuses on the use of the
autogenous tissue for meniscus repair and regeneration. Finally, it summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of heteroge-
neous tissue transplantation. We hope that this review provides some suggestions for the future design of meniscus repair and
regeneration strategies.

Keywords Native tissue . Meniscus . Tissue repair and regeneration . Autogenous tissue transplantation . Heterogeneous tissue

Zengzeng Zhang and Weimin Guo contributed equally to this work.

* Chengfu Zhou Xueliang Zhang
* Shuyun Liu Xiaoguang Jing
* Quanyi Guo
Mingjie Wang
Zengzeng Zhang
Yu Zhang
Weimin Guo Shi Shen
Shuang Gao Zehao Wang

Mingxue Chen Baichuan Sun
Xu Li Extended author information available on the last page of the article
338 Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350

Introduction Native tissue simulates the natural structure and composition

of the replaced tissue. Its high degree of geometric fidelity and
Scholars once believed that the meniscus was a non-functional similar extracellular matrix (ECM) components provide a
tissue in the refined body (Scotti et al. 2013). With medical space and environment for chondrocyte growth and its bio-
developments and in-depth research, medical workers have compatibility and degradability ensure cellular activities and
accepted that the knee meniscus plays a vital role in the me- promote special matrix deposition in the meniscus. It also
chanical distribution, stability and homeostasis of the regulates the interactions between bioactive factors and cells
tibiofemoral joint (Makris et al. 2011). Clinical knee injuries, to improve cell adhesion and differentiation. Furthermore, na-
the largest proportion of which are those to the meniscus, are tive tissue can be fabricated into specially designed shapes,
quite common and complicated. Animal trials and clinical meeting personalized needs in meniscus transplantation.
studies have revealed that a meniscus injury without interven- Currently, multiple tissue engineering fields have applied na-
tion and meniscectomy increases the risk of osteoarthritis and tive tissue to accelerate the functional tissue repair process.
accelerates degeneration of the knee joint (Edd et al. 2015; Accordingly, the use of biomaterials in meniscus tissue engi-
Papalia et al. 2011; Pengas et al. 2012). Therefore, to address neering and native tissue in regenerative medicine will contin-
the key clinical issues concerning the suffering of patients and ue to develop. Thus, native tissue-based strategies for tissue
delaying the time of arthroplasty, the replacement of repair and regeneration are rapidly emerging.
meniscectomy with meniscus transplantation is increasingly The purpose of this paper is to summarize native tissue-
being used to treat meniscus injuries. Considering the close based strategies for meniscus repair and regeneration and to
relationship between osteoarthritis and meniscus integrity, nu- find available proposals or potential treatments of meniscus
merous materials have been transplanted to replace an injured defects, as well as to discuss future trends.
meniscus or to accelerate its repair and regeneration (Lee et al.
2014; Merriam et al. 2015; Sarem et al. 2013; Zur et al. 2011).
Hydrogel-based scaffolds have been widely applied to menis- Meniscus structure and function
cus repair and regeneration because they can deliver seed cells
and biochemical stimuli and easily restore the normal shape of The biochemical content of the meniscus is mostly composed
meniscus defects. However, their unsatisfactory biomechani- of the ECM and cells (Makris et al. 2011; McDevitt and
cal capacity has restricted the therapeutic use of these scaf- Webber 1990; Sweigart and Athanasiou 2001). The ECM in-
folds (Koh et al. 2017; Simson et al. 2013; Wu et al. 2015; cludes fibrillar components, proteoglycans and adhesion gly-
Yuan et al. 2017). Degradable natural polymers, such as bac- coproteins. Among them, the fibrous structure of the meniscus
terial cellulose, the collagen meniscus implant and the multi- can be refined to four layers (Fig. 1). The irregularly shaped
layered silk scaffold, represent a class of materials used for superficial fibers are woven into the reticular matrix by retic-
meniscus implants (Bodin et al. 2007; Bulgheroni et al. 2010; ular fibers. The lamellar surface layer is partly composed of an
Mandal et al. 2011). However, their natural conformation is irregular arrangement of collagen fibers. The middle layer is
significantly different from that of the meniscus. Their good composed of radially aligned collagen fiber bundles and cir-
mechanical properties include high porosity and interconnec- cumferential fibers (Villegas and Donahue 2010). The large
tivity. However, their long-term effects have not been con- and thick C-shaped bending fibers help resist tension and
firmed due to the lack of a detailed description of their char- transfer the knee joint load for the meniscus. The main fiber
acteristics. The use of non-degradable synthetic materials is of the outer region and medial region are collagen I and col-
one of the mainstream directions for meniscus substitution lagen II, respectively (Cheung 1987). Collagen I, accounting
research (Elsner et al. 2010; Vrancken et al. 2012). for no less than 90%, is a fibrillar component of the meniscus
Nevertheless, the inherent shortcoming of this material is its and functions to improve meniscus tensile stress. Radially
lack of biocompatibility and bioactivity. Moreover, the mate- scattered fibers (e.g., the “rope”), which strengthen the menis-
rial is vulnerable to shear force in the long-term mechanical cus, prevent longitudinal tears caused by excessive pressure.
environment of the knee, possibly because the internal struc- Regional variation in these molecules has been observed.
ture of the synthetic materials is not comparable with menis- For example, the inner two-thirds contain a relatively higher
cus collagen orientation. Therefore, native tissue-based strat- proportion of proteoglycans than the outer one-third (Scott
egies for meniscus repair and regeneration are of utmost im- et al. 1997) and play a role in liquid absorption, acting as a
portance. The first meniscus transplantation was reported as molecular sponge when the internal structure of the meniscus
early as 1984 (Arnoczky et al. 1990). Soon after, the clinical is compressed (Adams and Muir 1981). Only the peripheral
application of meniscus transplantation was introduced into part of the meniscus contains blood vessels and nerves, ac-
the literature (Keene et al. 1987). After many years of explo- counting for 10–25% of the entire structure (Clark and Ogden
ration on meniscus injury, treatments using native tissue have 1983). However, they provide the central nervous system with
proven better than meniscus resection (Abrams et al. 2013). information regarding joint position and contribute to a reflex
Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350 339

Fig. 1 Schematic of the meniscus

fibers. a The irregularly shaped
superficial fibers. b The lamellar
surface layer. The middle layer is
composed of c (large and thick C-
shaped bending fibers) and d
(radially aligned collagen fiber

arc that stimulates protective or postural muscular reflexes considered in regenerative medicine and tissue engineer-
(O'Connor 1984; O'Connor and McConnaughey 1978). ing. Here, we review how native tissues naturally have a
The inner one-third is referred to as the white–white zone compound structure and similar mechanical properties and
(without vessels and nerves). However, upon mechanical retain almost all ECM functionality.
stimulation, the polycellular solid matrix in the white–
white zone becomes deformed and the liquid flows into
the gap (inter-tissue) so that cells can obtain nutrition
Table 1 ECM and cellular components of the meniscus
from the synovial and interstitial fluid. However, clinical-
ly, this structural feature presents obvious defects. For ECM Fibrillar Collagen: Superficial layer: Inner
example, once the fibrocartilage in the white–white zone compo- component irregular reticular re-
is damaged, it has very little capacity for spontaneous nents fibers gion:
Lamellar surface 60%
healing due to its intrinsically limited blood supply layer: partly colla-
(Arnoczky and Warren 1982). The different components irregular fibers gen II,
(from the outside in) of the meniscus are listed in Table 1. Middle Large and 40%
Clinically, when the calf is in semi-flexion and the layer thick colla-
C-sha- gen I
outside booth is in knee flexion, the femur quickly rotates Outer
externally and, under this rotation pressure, the medial bend- re-
meniscus is vulnerable to acute tears (Englund et al. ing gion:
2012; Rongen et al. 2014). Based on mechanical analyses, ring >90%
fibers colla-
axial compression stress from the upper body is partly gen I,
converted into half-moon ring stress through the menis- Radially
cus, resulting in shear force; the other part is transformed ed,
into radial deformation of the collagen fibers (Donahue IV, VI,
et al. 2015). During knee flexion, the joint reactive force ed fiber
and X
through the meniscus increases from 50 to 90% (Walker bun-
and Erkman 1975). The complexity of the mechanical
environment complicates the microstructure of the menis-
Proteoglycans Chondroitin-6-sulfate,
cus. A variety of fiber and ECM components of the me-
chondroitin-4-sulfate, dermatan sulfate,
niscus adapt to this change to transfer the knee joint load, keratin sulfate and hyaluronic acid
resist tension, prevent longitudinal tears in the meniscus Adhesion Fibronectin and trombospondin
and protect the knee. In summary, the meniscus maintains glycopro-
the stability and homeostasis of the femoral condyle and teins
tibial plateau and meniscus tears are the combined effects Cellular Outer one-third: fibroblast-like cells; superficial region:
compo- fusiform cells; inner two-thirds: chondrocyte-like cells.
of these forces. The mechanical properties are the most nents
important features of materials and are the first to be
340 Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350

Autogenic tissue transplantation growth (Macias et al. 1997) and its therapeutic effect on joint
cartilage injury (Acosta et al. 2006; Chubinskaya et al. 2007;
Tendon Cook et al. 2003), BMP-7 was used to enhance ECM deposi-
tion (Mainil-Varlet et al. 2013) by upregulating the expression
The major constituents of the tendon ECM are type I collagen, of hyaluronan receptors, hyaluronic acid synthase-2 (Nishida
type III collagen and several proteoglycans (Hogan et al. et al. 2000) and aggrecan (Flechtenmacher et al. 1996) in
2011). Type I collagen makes up approximately 80–90% of chondrocytes. Moreover, previous reports have revealed that
the dry mass of the tendon (Kannus 2000). The parallel fibrils BMP-7 enhances tendon regeneration into meniscus-like tis-
of collagen I increase tensile strength. Proteoglycans contrib- sue at the defect site (Ozeki et al. 2013). Therefore, BMP-7
ute to matrix assembly, fibril arrangement and the viscoelastic has been extensively explored in the field of meniscus
response to crushing stress (Karousou et al. 2008). A compar- regeneration.
ative analysis of the internal ultrastructure and related me- Recently, Li and his group attempted to use semitendinosus
chanical properties of the meniscus and tendon revealed that tendon as an autograft to repair meniscus defects in a rabbit
the collagen type and content in a tendon graft is analogous to model (Li et al. 2017). The reconstruction group regenerated a
the peripheral third of the native meniscus and that the natural new meniscus and there were no significant differences be-
tendon’s tensile modulus (123.28 ± 35.05 MPa) (Deng et al. tween the native and regenerated meniscus at 24 weeks in
2014) is similar to the circumferential tensile modulus of the terms of the elastic modulus and hardness. Moreover, the car-
medial meniscus in humans (93.2–159.6 MPa) (Fithian et al. tilage protection was significantly better in the reconstruction
1990) (i.e., a tendon graft not only mimics the constituents and group compared with the untreated group. Semitendinosus
structure but also emulates resisting tension). Compared to tendon autografts are also promising in meniscus reconstruc-
other native tissues, autogenous tendon tissue, as a surrenal tion. A very recent innovative study demonstrated that
for an injured meniscus, has attractive features. For example, kartogenin (KGN) can induce tendon stem cells (TSCs) to
tendon stem cells residing in the tendon can differentiate into convert directly into chondrocytes in vitro and in vivo (He
cartilage (Bi et al. 2007). As early as 1992, Kohn et al. (1992) Huang and Zhao 2017). The prospects of using tendon to
selected a partial patellofemoral tendon as a substitute after repair meniscus defects seem to be improving, although more
total medial meniscectomy. Histological and macroscopic experiments need to be performed.
analyses demonstrated that the graft was regenerated as the
tendon meniscus and delayed knee degeneration in sheep. Synovial tissue
With the aims of reducing surgical trauma and simplifying
the operating procedure, donor tissue next to the transplant The loose connective tissue-synovial membrane is divided
site, such as the semicircular tendon, patellar ligament and into two layers, namely, the cell layer (inner cavity) and the
quadriceps tendon, was generally selected. Goble et al. vascular layer (subintima), in which the rich blood vessels and
(1999a) used the quadriceps tendon for meniscal reconstruc- a large number of differentiated cells repair the tearing menis-
tion. However, the desired effect was not achieved. Johnson cus. The subintima contains synovial parallel elastic fibers and
and Feagin (2000) performed a semitendinosus tendon trans- collagen fibers to prevent the formation of folds in the syno-
plant (four cases) and a patellar tendon transplant (one patient) vial membrane and to provide mechanical strength. Therefore,
after meniscal resection, which were also unsuccessful. The Ghadially and Veth used a synovial pedicle flap to repair an
follow-up results revealed that the five patients accepted or avascular meniscus injury and achieved satisfactory results in
would accept joint replacement. Goble speculated that the animal models (Ghadially et al. 1986; Veth et al. 1983).
cells in the autologous transplant tendon were unlike the var- However, one question that has always confused researchers
ious types of cells in the meniscus, which may have caused the is whether augmented healing is due to the autologous syno-
clinical trial to fail. Thus, by adding an interferential factor to vial tissue transplantation itself or from the increased blood
the cells, the meniscal defect repair was overturned. Several supply from the synovial flap. To address this question,
lines of evidence have confirmed that mesenchymal stem cells Jitsuiki et al. (1994) used interpositional free synovial auto-
(MSCs) promote meniscus repair and regeneration grafts with a common horizontal suture to repair an artificial
(Moriguchi et al. 2013; Shen et al. 2014). Ozeki et al. (2015) longitudinal tear. The efficiency of autologous synovial tissue
pretreated the Achilles tendon with exogenous synovial- transplantation for augmented meniscal healing has been re-
derived MSCs (SMSCs) and repaired a partial meniscus de- ported. Shirakura et al. (1997) observed the number of blood
fect in a rat model. Macroscopic and histological analyses on vessels and the extending distance by light microscopy and
articular cartilage at the medial tibial plateau have proven that microangiography and verified the synovial membrane poten-
an Achilles tendon graft with SMSCs protects the articular tiality as a graft to repair an injured meniscus rather than blood
cartilage and prevents cartilage degeneration. Based on the vessels. However, unlike the tendon, the mechanical strength
role of bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP-7) in skeletal of synovial tissue is not sufficient to protect the tibiofemoral
Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350 341

articular surface or decentralized concentrated stress. In syno- into fibrocartilage by stimulation of the knee environment
vial tissue, synovium-derived stem cells (SDSCs) play a role in and biological stress. Previous experiments have confirmed
meniscus repair and regeneration (Yu et al. 2015). Synovial that hyaline cartilage defects can be treated with a perichon-
cells have a multi-directional differentiation ability and their drium graft, which offers a mechanical modulus to resist shear
chondrogenic capacity has been confirmed (Horie et al. 2012; stress (Engkvist and Ohlsén 2009; Woo et al. 1987).
Koga et al. 2007). During the repair process, synovial cells first Autologous perichondral tissue after transplantation also has
penetrate into the meniscus tear at the white–white zone this advantage. Bruns et al. (1998, 2000) used autologous
(Heatley 1980). Next, exudative synovial cells form fibrous costal perichondrium transplantation to displace the meniscus
tissue that may turn into fibrous cartilage under local stress in a sheep model and the graft formed a high-imitation menis-
(Heatley 1980). A previous study reported that, 3 weeks after cus based on histological analysis. These results confirm the
transplant surgery, 62% of synovial grafts were repaired with ability of perichondral tissue to regenerate into meniscal fi-
fibrous tissue; 6 and 12 weeks after transplant surgery, brous cartilage in the microenvironment of the knee joint and,
fibrocartilage tissue repaired more than 65% of tears (Sekiya under compound stress, the orientation of the neo-
1992). This, in turn, demonstrates the authenticity of the perichondrial meniscus collagen fibers are re-allocated and
abovementioned repair process. To further explore how to im- adjusted.
prove the effects of synovial graft repair and shorten the time to
regenerate mature meniscus tissue, Okamura et al. (1996) com-
pared the peak time that basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) Heterogenous tissue transplantation
and synovial grafts repair a meniscal lesion and found the ap-
pearance of chondrocyte-like cells earlier in the bFGF group, Allogeneic meniscus
indicating that bFGF accelerates the repair process.
The three-dimensional spatial structure and biochemical con-
Infrapatellar fat pad tent of the allograft meniscus is very close to the organ being
replaced at the molecular level. Theoretically, the allogeneic
With respect to function, the infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP) is meniscus is the ideal transplant to replace a damaged menis-
adipose synovium tissue, which plays a role in the two cus in situ. The meniscus, whose cells are buried in a dense
abovementioned organizations. The synovial tissue described matrix and indirectly contact immune effector cells, belongs to
above is effective at repairing meniscal lesions. However, a dense connective organization. It is an immune-
whether the patellar fat pad is also effective remains unclear. advantageous organ due to immune shielding. The success
To address this question, Milachowski et al. (1990) used the of fresh allogeneic meniscus transplantation has fully demon-
patellar fat pad as an implant but the graft did not achieve the strated this advantage (Verdonk et al. 1994). However, recent
desired effect. Kohn et al. (1997) used the fat pad as a substi- studies have shown that cells on the meniscus express Class-I
tute for the meniscus in a sheep model and concluded that the and Class-II human leucocyte antigen antigens, demonstrating
fat pad is not suitable as a substitute for meniscus potent immunogenicity (Cao et al. 1997; Khoury et al. 1994;
transplantation. In summary, the IPFP is not strong enough Wada et al. 1998). Serving as a heterogenous tissue implant,
to divert the knee load, to separate the tibial plateau from the an allogeneic meniscus must be handled appropriately to de-
femoral trochlear, to absorb shock, or to protect the articular crease its potential immunogenicity before transplantation.
cartilage. Thus, Oda et al. (2015) performed relevant experi- Three different processes, namely, cryopreservation, deep-
ments to improve the mechanical strength of the IPFP and freezing and lyophilization, are the most often used in the
concluded that the IPFP can accelerate collagen scaffolds to clinic. Wirth et al. (2002) found that the long-term results of
heal defects in the meniscus, which the author believes is due cryopreserved meniscus transplants were more similar to the
to MSCs derived from the IPFP migrating toward the collagen normal knee joint compared to lyophilized meniscal trans-
scaffold and differentiating into chondrocytes. A heuristic ex- plants. Hence, it is clear that a cryopreserved graft will destroy
periment revealed that MSCs from the IPFP have more carti- the original structure but reduce the antigen-antibody response
lage differentiation potential than skin adipose tissue to a certain degree, which is of more practical significance.
(Mochizuki et al. 2006). Based on this result, the IPFP should However, the four methods of meniscus allogeneic transplan-
be considered for use in various fields and could be widely tation (MAT) described above cause a distinct challenge (i.e.,
used in medical science research. whether donor cells can survive in the transplant). Several
researchers believe that donor cells can survive in the allograft
Perichondrium (Verdonk 1997), which positively reflects the graft success,
durability and mechanical integrity (Rodeo 2001; Siegel and
Perichondrium derived from mesenchymal tissue has multi- Roberts 1993). To demonstrate this relationship, histopatho-
directional differentiation potential and can be transformed logical observation of the rabbit meniscus revealed that
342 Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350

fibroblasts differentiate into chondrocytes at 8–12 weeks after minimizing the immunogenicity to a greater extent). A hetero-
transplantation, which is helpful for meniscus repair and re- geneous allogeneic meniscus solves the clinical problem of a
generation (Shibuya 1999). Another study reported that donor limited source of human menisci. A subcutaneously implanted
cells in an allogeneic meniscus disappeared rapidly after the porcine decellularized meniscus in galactosidase knockout
graft and were soon replaced by host MSCs (Jackson et al. mice demonstrated good cell attachment ability, immune com-
1993). Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that cells patibility and infiltration adhesion (Stapleton et al. 2011).
in the graft may die rapidly and be replaced with host cells that Chinese scholars compared a rabbit knee meniscus allograft
are gradually transformed into fibrocartilage. To date, whether (porcine meniscus as a donor) to allogeneic meniscus trans-
in clinical or scientific research, allogeneic meniscus plantation and found that the meniscus and articular cartilage
transplantation is a relatively mature technology to repair were good and viable after xenogeneic meniscus transplanta-
meniscal injuries. Milachowski et al. (1988) were the first to tion in the short term (Huang et al. 2009; Jiang et al. 2012).
perform homologous meniscus transplantation; they demon- However, after 24 weeks, the graft was partially absorbed, the
strated that meniscus transplantation is a viable treatment op- articular cartilage began to degrade and the collagen was ab-
tion for men with a missing meniscus to reduce pain, increase normally expressed. A heterogeneous meniscus cannot fully
the range of joint activity and improve joint function match the structure of the recipient joint, which may result in
(Hommen et al. 2007; van der Wal et al. 2009). However, unclear long-term curative effects. Thus, it will be important
some studies have shown that it does not achieve the desired to address the permanent survival of a heterogenous meniscus
effects, nor does it prevent the degeneration of articular carti- transplant to better explore meniscus acellular methods for
lage after prolonged observation (Milachowski et al. 1994; reducing a foreign body reaction and achieving long-term
Rijk et al. 2002). According to a semi-quantitative analysis protection of articular cartilage.
of the effects of MAT, the overall subjective knee condition
improved from 3.5 to 6.9, with an average satisfaction rate of Small intestine submucosa
8.8. The overall success rate at the last follow-up was 88%
over 7 years in at least 22 menisci (Saltzman et al. 2012). The small intestine submucosa (SIS) is a commercialized na-
Whether MAT maintains the long-term protective effects on tive tissue-derived ACTM developed by a company in the
the joint surface remains a hot topic. Allogeneic meniscus United States. The ACTM is usually formed through a
transplantation has a significant advantage for repairing a se- decellularization procedure using physical and chemical
verely injured or absent meniscus but will require more in- methods or their combination, which mostly retain the major
depth developments. components and structures of the original organization and
remove the relevant antigen. SIS retains submucosal tissue
Xenogeneic meniscus after removing the small intestine mucosa, serosa and tunicae
muscularis by physical methods, which retains a small amount
Unlike an allogeneic meniscus to reduce antigenicity, a xeno- of cellular components in the matrix but also maintains solu-
geneic meniscus must be decellularized for recellularization ble substances (Allman et al. 2001). SIS can be rapidly de-
after transplantation, which ultimately forms an acellular tis- graded in vivo with antimicrobial activity (Sarikaya et al.
sue matrix (ACTM). Chemical treatments remove soluble 2002), good biocompatibility and biomechanical properties
proteins and the cellular components of native tissue and in- (Grimes et al. 2005). It also contains collagen, amino polysac-
soluble matrix components that maintain the morphological, charides, glycoproteins and other ingredients; however, colla-
histological and ultrastructural features are retained (i.e., col- gen, particularly types I and III, accounts for approximately
lagen, elastin and non-collagen glycoproteins). For example, 40% of its dry weight, similar to the meniscal ECM of the
Gao et al. (2016) immersed a meniscus in 1% (w/w) sodium inner two-thirds region (Roeder et al. 1999). SIS also contains
dodecyl sulfate solution for decellularization. In the case of a variety of growth factors (Nihsen et al. 2008), including
dry weight, the comparison of an acellular meniscus with a FGF-2, TGF-β and VEGF (Rosen et al. 2002). Many senior
normal meniscus revealed that the amount of glycosaminogly- scholars have applied it to zoopery and clinical applications
cans accounting for the original meniscus was 0.503, the hy- (Bradley et al. 2007; Cook et al. 2001; Fox et al. 2004). In
droxyproline content was increased relative to the natural me- Cook’s utilization of a heterotopic allograft (Cook et al.
niscus and the DNA content of the decellularized meniscus 2006b), SIS transplantation induced regeneration of the recep-
decreased by 92.2%. There were no statistically significant tor’s own tissue into cartilage tissue and restored the meniscal
differences in tension between the acellular meniscus and nor- form. Long-term animal experiments in the field of injured
mal meniscus but the compression modulus of decellularized meniscus repair have also shown that SIS has good effects
menisci had discordant tension properties to intact ones (i.e., (Cook et al. 2006a). To analyze the function of SIS in the
the acellularized meniscus retained the geometrical structure meniscus and progenitor cells (Tan 2009; Warnock et al.
of the original material and reduced knee stress, while 2014; Zhao et al. 2007) and the relationship between their
Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350 343

interaction and meniscus regeneration, Tan et al. (2010) mixed function of the remaining tissues in the original site has little
meniscus cells, synovial-derived stem cells and fibrinogen effect after cutting the original tissue. In regenerative medi-
into freeze-dried SIS and cultured the mixture in vitro. After cine research, these native tissue materials are generally used
inoculation, attached cells were evaluated by electron micros- for tissue engineering in vivo. Although some natural tissue
copy and cell migration was tracked by fluorescence micros- materials cannot be used directly for regeneration, they are
copy. During culture for 30 days, neonatal tissue invasion was still advantageous. In the near future, the identification of
observed in SIS, indicating good biocompatibility between the growth factors and a mechanism that explains chondrogenic
cells and scaffolds. Thus, it was concluded that SIS can be differentiation will be researched (Centeno et al. 2008; Fan
used as a scaffold for meniscus tissue engineering. et al. 2009). Combined with growth factor chemotaxis effect,
mechanical property of the materials and microenvironment
of knee joint, these materials will be very promising to repair
Discussion the medial area of the meniscus.
Heterogenous tissue transplantation for rescuing meniscal
The goal of the implant is to mimic the composition and lesions, whether in a trial or clinic, is more extensive. In clin-
structure of the meniscus. This article reviews native tissue- ical applications, MAT can significantly ameliorate symptoms
based strategies for meniscus repair and regeneration. The of pain and protect the articular surface in the short term (Rijk
potential regeneration mechanism is summarized in Fig. 2. 2004; Samitier et al. 2015). Medium- and long-term follow-up
Table 2 summarizes results of research in vivo concerning results have also been affirmed (Saltzman et al. 2012). From
native tissue for meniscus repair and regeneration. These the cellular and molecular levels, newly formed chondrocytes
can be divided into two categories: autogenic tissue trans- in an allogeneic meniscus will remold grafts. As the cellular
plantation and heterogenous tissue transplantation (native phenotype changes and the matrix becomes more transparent,
tissue-derived ACTM), which is further divided into alloge- meniscus reconstruction will progress. In this manner, the
neic tissue and xenogeneic tissue. The application of selected transplanted organization assimilation is achieved and the pro-
autologous tissue transplantation methods has a positive ef- cess of tissue regeneration is completed. However, regenerat-
fect on the replacement or repair of a damaged meniscus. In ed cells in a failed experiment were identified as fibroblasts,
general, the tendon and perichondrium function as a support- fibrous chondrocytes and monocytes/synovial cells (Rodeo
er for cells, while the perichondrium, synovium and IPFP et al. 2000), with fibroblasts accounting for more of the mix-
provide a large number of stem cells as a cell source. ture than fibrochondrocytes (Noyes 1995), which are not con-
Moreover, these tissues contain a small number of growth ducive to matrix secretion and meniscus regeneration. It is
factors that have a certain effect on tissue regeneration and widely known that a repopulating cell phenotype, which is
repair. Compared to the perichondrium, the tendon has a fa- guided by a well-defined structure (Stevens et al. 2004), ulti-
miliar elastic modulus as the natural meniscus and provides a mately determines the biomechanical behavior of the graft;
well-defined structure for repairing cells to ensure their activ- therefore, an allogeneic meniscus is extremely suitable mate-
ity and function. Although the perichondrium contains a large rial. However, the size deviation between the allograft and
number of cartilage MSCs, it has disadvantages (i.e., its in- graft can lead to knee load abnormalities (Rodeo 2001),
sufficient mechanical strength). One of the main reasons why resulting in poor compliance with the femoral condyle and
it is no longer used is that its own access is highly limited. failure of the implant. With the quick improvements and in-
The advantage of synovial tissue is that SDSCs have the depth studies of heterogenous meniscus fixation (Goble et al.
potential to differentiate into fibrocartilage and can be applied 1999b), the graft can be fully matched to the recipient
to clinical tissue engineering regeneration. However, due to tibiofemoral joint in the future. There is also a risk of an
mechanical defects, it can only be used for meniscus tear immune response. However, at present, there is only one re-
repair and cannot repair or replace a full-cut meniscus. In port of immune rejection of a cryopreserved meniscus allo-
the same manner, the advantage of the patellar fat pad is that graft (Hamlet et al. 1997), which confirmed the feasibility of
it is located in abundant capillaries that contain a large num- this MAT. A xenogeneic meniscus and SIS form the ACTM.
ber of pericytes, which help repair and regenerate the carti- As a novel biomaterial for repairing damaged tissue, the
lage and meniscus but cannot serve as a single scaffold. ACTM is a cell-free natural tissue scaffold and reproduces
Therefore, the tendon best plays the role of a meniscal scaf- many functions of the ECM, which is immediately remodeled
fold. Therefore, the use of autologous tendon transplantation and reshaped in accordance with heterogenous tissue after
in the clinic should be further explored to enhance its regen- implantation. It is not difficult to reason why the ACTM gen-
eration qualifications. The use of autogenic tissue transplan- erally serves as a tissue engineering meniscus scaffold be-
tation to replace a full-cut meniscus is limited. For example, it cause of its low immunity, good biocompatibility, good cell
is difficult to find autogenic tissue that matches the native attachment ability and good regulatory function for migration.
meniscus regarding both its shape and structure and the Remnant elastic fibers and collagen fibers maintain the
344 Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350

Fig. 2 The possible mechanism of native tissue-based strategies for synovial fluid and from circulating blood also migrate into the graft.
meniscus regeneration can be outlined briefly as follows. After The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the native graft degrades gradually
transplantation of the native tissue graft, the surgical trauma induces a and the native cells in the graft are replaced by endogenous stem cells.
local inflammatory reaction. This inflammatory reaction triggers synovial These stem cells proliferate, differentiate into fibrochondrocytes and
hyperplasia around the graft and blood vessels grow into the graft from remodel the surrounding ECM, ultimately forming a neo-meniscus
the peripheral synovium. Stem cells from the synovial membrane or

elasticity and mechanical strength of the natural structure, which with digital modeling to construct fiber-reinforced meniscus
can resist degradation to play a transitional effect between the hydrogels that mimic the native meniscus collagen alignment
material and regenerated tissue. The ACTM has extensive devel- (Bakarich et al. 2014). Similarly, Yang et al. fabricated a bio-
opment and application values and thus is considered the most mimetic anisotropic reinforcement meniscus micro-structure
promising meniscus replacement material and is favored by using electrically-assisted nanocomposite 3D printing (Yang
many researchers (Wong and Griffiths 2014). It is commonly et al. 2017). Some scientists have also applied 3D printing
used for in vitro tissue engineering applications and has opened strategies to meniscus regeneration in vivo. Chang and his
a new avenue for meniscus repair and reconstruction. With the group produced a 3D printing scaffold loaded with spatiotem-
developments from tissue engineering research on a global scale, porally delivered connective tissue growth factor and
the ACTM has attracted increasing attention in related fields and transforming growth factor-β3 to regenerate sheep meniscus
has become a research hot spot. In heterogenous tissue transplan- defects by recruiting endogenous cells (Lee et al. 2014) and
tations, disease transmission is the biggest concern, because HIV Zheng et al. confirmed that a 3D-printed poly(e-caprolactone)
and other pathogens can withstand many of the current technical scaffold can enhance meniscus regeneration in a rabbit model
challenges (Nemzek et al. 1994). At present, the first step that we (Zhang et al. 2016, 2017). The combination of native tissue-
can take is to perform strict donor screening and the second is to based strategies with 3D printing is a potential solution for
choose the sterilization technology (e.g., chemical sterilization future meniscus repair and regeneration.
and gamma irradiation). However, many problems remain to
be studied, such as the establishment of a rapid, unified and
efficient preparation method, reducing the immune effect and Conclusions
the risk of animal-borne diseases (Samitier et al. 2015) and to
solve the dense structure of biological materials that are not con- With increasing interest in the tissue engineering field, the
ducive to cell growth. These issues will become a focus of future construction of a tissue engineered meniscus model is endless.
research. Although the best construction model has not yet been
It is very difficult to find native tissue-based strategies that established, the material used should be one of the foremost
completely mimic the inherent morphology and microstruc- considerations (compared to cells and growth factors), be-
ture of the meniscus. The development of three-dimensional cause it is a vital characteristic of functional organization.
(3D) printing has provided a new avenue for meniscus repair The native tissue-based strategies for meniscus repair and re-
and regeneration. Shannon et al. used 3D printing combined generation provide important insights into a high level of
Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350 345

Table 2 Summary of research

concerning native tissue for Tissue Model Follow- Results Reference
meniscus repair and regeneration up
in vivo
Autogenic Tendon Sheep 12 M Tissue remodeling had taken (Kohn et al.
tissue Human 4Y place but the failure stress and 1992)
transplanta- tensile modulus were lower (Goble et al.
Rat 8W
tion Only 2 of 9 tendon autografts 1999a)
Rat 12 W
looked like a meniscus; 6 were (Ozeki et al.
Rabbit 3M in position but looked like 2013)
(Ozeki et al.
Meniscus size was increased; 2015)
articular cartilage was
(He Huang
significantly better in the
and Zhao
tendon + MSC group
BMP-7 induced tendon cells into
fibrochondrocytes and altered
the collagen gene profile to
more closely resemble
meniscal tissue; meniscus size
was increased; articular
cartilage degradation was
KGN-treated tendon graft group
revealed normal meniscus like
structure and the collagen type
I and type II expression.
Synovial Rabbit 17 W Fibrous tissue healing in some (Veth et al.
tissue Dog 12 W areas 1983)
Rabbit 6W Eleven of 35 menisci with free (Shirakura
synovium healed and repaired et al. 1997)
Canine 12 W
with fibrous tissue (Heatley
Canine 16 W
Incisions in the central part of the 1980)
meniscus were repaired via (Sekiya 1992)
fibrous tissue stroma; fibrous
tissue transformed into
et al. 1996)
Fibrous reparation in 62% of 13
defects after 3 weeks; complete
fibrocartilaginous repair with
no signs of tissue retraction in
more than 65% of 17 defects
after 12 weeks
Chondrocyte-like cells appeared
earlier in the FGF group
Infrapatellar Human 12 M Neotissue was weak and not (Milachowski
fat pad Sheep 12 M identical to that of a normal et al. 1990)
meniscus; reduced in size (Kohn et al.
Rabbit 8W
Degenerative changes visible; 1997)
osteoarthritis was detected (Oda et al.
Surface area was maintained; 2015)
Ishida score and Ki67-positive
ratio were higher; expression of
matrix metalloproteinase was
lower; expression of IL-1 was
not increased
Perichondrium Sheep 12 M No significant differences in (Bruns et al.
newly grown perichondrial 2000)
menisci and natural menisci
346 Cell Tissue Res (2018) 373:337–350

Table 2 (continued)
Tissue Model Follow- Results Reference

Heterogenous Allogeneic Human 14Y Size of the lyophilized meniscus (Wirth et al.
tissue meniscus Rabbit 16 W was reduced; deep-frozen 2002)
transplanta- meniscus was more (Shibuya
Human 141 M
tion comparable to an intact 1999)
Human 13.8 Y meniscus
Human 7Y Fibroblasts observed at 4 weeks; et al. 2007)
immature chondrocytes
(van Der Wal
emerged at 12 weeks;
et al. 2009)
chondrocytes and extracellular
matrix were virtually normal at (Saltzman
16 weeks et al. 2012)
Knee pain and function improved;
Lysholm scores improved
90%; 55% of allografts failed
Eight medial and 10 lateral
allografts failed; overall
Lysholm scores significantly
improved from 36 ± 18
preoperatively to 61 ± 20 at
long-term follow-up
Average satisfaction and success
rate 88%; overall subjective
knee condition improved from
3.5 to 6.9
Xenogeneic Rabbit 24 W Regenerated tissue healed to the (Jiang et al.
meniscus synovium and slowed down 2012)
articular cartilage degeneration
SIS Dog 12 W Cross-sectional and surface area (Cook et al.
Goat 12 W of the replaced tissue was 2001)
greater than the controls at all (Bradley et al.
Dog 12 M
time points 2007)
Partial meniscal regeneration with (Cook et al.
meniscal-appearing connective 2006b)
Production of meniscus-like
replacement tissue, which was
superior to meniscectomy in
amount, type and integration of
new tissue; chondroprotection
and limb function

W week; M month; Y year

biocompatibility, plasticity, smaller rejection, more durable and Beijing Science and Technology Development Foundation
mechanical toleration, delay of the occurrence of osteoarthritis
and other goals. Eventually, with the continuing developments
Compliance with ethical standards
of new tissue regeneration, native tissue-based transplants will
become the self-meniscus in the full sense. This review high- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
lights the various treatments of meniscus disease, as well as interest.
tissue and organ transplantation.

Funding This study was funded by the National Key Research and
Development Program of China (2017YFC1104102, 2017YFC1103404), References
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Zengzeng Zhang 1,2,3,4 & Weimin Guo 1,2,3 & Shuang Gao 5 & Mingxue Chen 1,2,3 & Xu Li 6 & Xueliang Zhang 1,2,3,7 &
Xiaoguang Jing 1,2,3,4 & Mingjie Wang 1,2,3 & Yu Zhang 1,2,3 & Shi Shen 1,2,3,8 & Zehao Wang 1,2,3 &
Baichuan Sun 1,2,3,4 & Ying Chai 4 & Chengfu Zhou 4 & Shuyun Liu 1,2,3 & Quanyi Guo 1,2,3

1 5
Institute of Orthopedics, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Center for Biomaterial and Tissue Engineering, Academy for
Beijing 100853, China Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking University,
2 Beijing 100871, China
Beijing Key Lab of Regenerative Medicine in Orthopedics,
Beijing 100853, China School of Medicine, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
3 7
Key Lab of Musculoskeletal Trauma & War Injuries, PLA, Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 46 Bingzhou West Street,
Beijing 100853, China Yingze District, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province 030012, China
4 8
First Affiliated Hospital of Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154002, Department of Bone and Joint Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of
China Southwest Medical University, Sichuan Province, Luzhou 646000,
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