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In this subject, we will explain how we will approach customers, which electronic mediums
we should use for the marketing of our product.

 Booth
 Advertisement
 Delivery
We will Showcase our product by setting up booth to attract customers. Customers can also
buy the product on the booth will multiple selection of puddings provided. The booth will be
available when it is announced. This product will be advertised in known social media
apps/websites such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook. The advertisement will be
posted in the social media applications which target customers are familiar with. It will
include the contact numbers for ordering and the location which we will be able to sell the
product i.e. booth location. Social media that we’ve set up are controlled by members of the
company to ease the process of taking orders. COD (Cash-on-delivery) services will be
provided for customers that is available on Tuesday and Thursday only. This will maximise
customers that is interested in buying the product. Thus, maximising profit earned.

All the above are best suited for marketing this product.

Figure X Channel

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