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Democratization and Stabilization in the Philippines

Important Details
1. Prior to martial law, the intention of the declaration of it was to discipline the Filipinos in
the society.
2. Ferdinand Marcos had an enormous number of association with influential families from
different regions of the country that had the reputation of being “kingmakers”.
3. Corazon Aquino had a new constitution an upgraded version of presidential system of
government that is similar to the United States. In the said constitution, it provides for
regular elections, formal separation of powers, strong limitations on presidential power
and political freedom.
4. Corazon Aquino returned the Philippines to rule of law and replacing the constitution
that Marcos made with a democratic.
5. The issue of uncontrolled corruption of Marcos which results to the demand of the
people for “democracy”.
6. Ferdinand Marcos became the first president to be reelected in 1969 but in his second
term there have been many changes that happened such as the slow economic growth, the
crime rate in the country have increased and also the declaration of martial law was
imposed in 1972.
7. There are three sources of instability that could destroy the legitimacy of Aquino’s
regime in the medium and long term – military, economics and elite democracy.
1. In the mid 1980’s the Philippines faced so many political problems and economic crisis
such as corruption, human rights abuses, unequal distribution of wealth and power. This
circumstances is the hindrance for the country to progress economically and socially.

3. There’s no any improvement in social and economic circumstances under Corazon

Aquino’s administration because it was not easy to change in the transition from
repressive dictatorship to genuine democracy right away and it takes time to recover after
Marco’s regime.
4. For me, Marcos is one of the best president that the Philippines had because he did a lot
of things just for the improvement and betterment of the country, also he had a great
leadership skill, and the intention of his declaration of martial law was really to help the
Filipinos and the society to be disciplined although the Filipinos misunderstood it ad it
ended up affecting the human rights of the Filipinos in his term. And I can say that
Marcos had an enormous contributions rather than past presidents looking back at the
Philippine GNP in his term it is four times higher than the past years.
5. Empowering the people within the context of democratic rule is one of the ways that
Corazon Aquino did, but then for me Aquino failed to rule effectively. But still we can’t
erase the fact that she fought for the people in Marcos crucial term and establish the

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