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Short biography of César Vallejo

César Vallejo Mendoza was born in Santiago de

Chuco on March 16, 1892. His parents were
Francisco Vallejo Benítez and María Mendoza.
He studied at the San Nicolás de Huamachuco
school and the Faculty of Letters at the University
of Trujillo, managing to graduate in 1915 with the
thesis Romanticism in Spanish poetry. In 1918, he
arrived in Lima to continue studies at the San
Marcos University. In 1919, he published The
Black Heralds, his first poems, and in 1921 he
won the National Story Award for his story
Beyond life and death. In 1922, he published his
famous poems Trilce and in 1923 he traveled to
Europe, from where he never returned. He lived
between Paris and Madrid writing poems and
newspaper articles. Vallejo is considered the
greatest poet of Peru. His works were: Paco
Yunque (1931), Wild Fabla (1923), ElTungsten,
(1923), etc.

He died of malaria in Paris April 15, 1938.

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