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Natural History of Fetal Position During

Pregnancy and Risk of Nonvertex Delivery

Catherine Takacs Witkop, MD, MPH, Jun Zhang, PhD, MD, Wenyu Sun, MD, MPH,
and James Troendle, PhD

OBJECTIVE: To examine the natural history of fetal po- that multiparous women had half of the risk of nonvertex
sition throughout pregnancy and the likelihood for non- presentation as nulliparous women. Smoking during
vertex delivery. pregnancy (odds ratio [OR] 1.47, 95% confidence interval
METHODS: We examined fetal positions at 15–22 weeks, [CI] 1.10 –1.96), low volume of amniotic fluid at 31–35
at 31–35 weeks, and at delivery using data from the weeks (OR 3.74, 95% CI 1.85–7.53), and fundal position of
the placenta at late ultrasound examination (OR 1.85,
Routine Antenatal Diagnostic Imaging with Ultrasound
95% CI 1.23–2.78) were all associated with significant
trial. Characteristics of women with nonvertex and vertex
increases in the risk of nonvertex position at delivery.
presentation at delivery were compared. Multivariable
logistic regression analysis was performed to determine CONCLUSION: Spontaneous version of a nonvertex fe-
risk factors for nonvertex presentation at delivery, and tus at 35 weeks of gestation is still likely.
odds ratios were calculated for those risk factors found to (Obstet Gynecol 2008;111:875–80)
be statistically significantly associated with nonvertex LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II
RESULTS: Data for 7,045 women who underwent routine
prenatal ultrasound examinations were analyzed. We
found no association between nonvertex presentation at
B reech or nonvertex presentation complicates ap-
proximately 3– 4% of term deliveries.1,2 The ma-
jority of these will be delivered by cesarean as was
15–22 and at 31–35 weeks of gestation. A nonvertex fetus
seen in 2002 when 86.9% of women with breech
at 35 weeks had a 45% chance of spontaneous version by
delivery. Multivariable logistic regression analysis found
presentation underwent cesarean delivery.3 A meta-
analysis of planned cesarean delivery compared with
planned vaginal delivery for breech presentation
From the Department of General Preventive Medicine, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
found decreased rates of short-term maternal morbid-
School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland; Division of Epidemiology,
Statistics and Prevention Research, National Institute of Child Health and ity and mortality in the vaginal delivery group,4 but
Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. two large studies showed low risk of severe maternal
Supported in part by the Intramural Research Program at the National Institute complications in women undergoing cesarean deliv-
of Child Health and Human Development. ery.5,6 The risks of neonatal morbidity and mortality
The authors thank the investigators of the Routine Antenatal Diagnostic Imaging by mode of delivery are also under debate.6,7 External
With Ultrasound (RADIUS) trial for allowing us to use the data. Principal
investigators of the RADIUS trial included B. G. Ewigman, MD, M. L.
cephalic version, or manually turning the fetus in
LeFevre, MD, University of Missouri, Columbia; J. P. Crane, MD, Washington utero, is one method of reducing the rate of breech
University, St. Louis; F. D. Frigoletto, MD, Harvard Medical School, Boston; delivery at term, but success rates vary from 35% to
R. P. Bain, PhD, George Washington University, Rockville; D. McNellis, MD,
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda.
The opinions and assertions contained herein are the expressed views of the
The uncertainty surrounding the ideal manage-
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the above investigators. ment of breech presentation calls for a better under-
Corresponding author: Catherine Takacs Witkop, MD, MPH, Johns Hopkins standing of the etiology of nonvertex position of the
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of General Preventive Medicine, fetus. It is hypothesized that the normal kicking
615 N. Wolfe Street, Room WB602, Baltimore, MD 21205; e-mail: movements of the fetus allow it to assume a vertex
position by the time of delivery. Previously reported
Financial Disclosure
The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
risk factors for breech presentation include nulliparity
and grand multiparity, advanced maternal age, con-
© 2008 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. tracted pelvis, and uterine anomalies or lesions. Preg-
ISSN: 0029-7844/08 nancy complications that have been associated with


nonvertex presentation include preterm delivery, to protocol by Phelan et al,10 uterine and adnexal
congenital malformations, abnormal amniotic fluid pathology, fetal number, fetal biometry, and anatomic
levels, and placenta previa or cornual implantation of survey of the fetus.
the placenta. The association of birth weight with Baseline information for the participants was col-
breech presentation has been somewhat mixed. A lected at recruitment and included demographic char-
previous population-based, case-control study of 11,771 acteristics and reproductive history. Antepartum and
patients using Washington State birth certificates ad- intrapartum information was abstracted from medical
ditionally found that risk of breech presentation was records. Quality control procedures for ultrasonogra-
increased with hydrocephalus, pre-existing diabetes, phy and data abstraction were implemented. Institu-
congenital malformations, smoking, and late or no tional review boards at each study site approved this
prenatal care.8 study.9
The natural history of fetal position has not been The RADIUS trial individually randomized
systematically studied in a large population. This 15,151 women by a computer-generated scheme;
current paper presents the findings from a large 7,617 women were in the screening group, and 7,534
prospective study of women undergoing ultrasono- were in the control group. There were no differences
graphic surveillance. We examined the natural his- in the baseline characteristics of the two groups. The
tory of fetal position throughout pregnancy and the trial found no differences in perinatal outcomes be-
likelihood for nonvertex delivery by maternal and tween the two groups.
fetal characteristics. In this current study, we used data from women
who were assigned to receive ultrasound screening.
MATERIALS AND METHODS We excluded 69 women with multifetal pregnancies,
The population for this study consisted of participants 229 women whose infants were found to have con-
from the Routine Antenatal Diagnostic Imaging with genital defects (postnatal diagnosis), and 274 women
Ultrasound (RADIUS) trial, a practice-based multi- who delivered before 36 weeks. The data from 7,045
center study of pregnant women who were at low risk women who received two routine ultrasound exami-
for adverse outcomes of pregnancy. The trial was nations at 15–22 weeks and 31–35 weeks of gestation
carried out between November 1987 and May 1991 and who delivered at 36 weeks of gestation or later
and was designed to test the hypothesis that routine were analyzed. Information on 15,027 ultrasound
screening with standardized ultrasonography at two examinations, including some that were performed
time periods would reduce perinatal morbidity and for clinical indications, was available. Delivery infor-
mortality. A detailed description of the trial is avail- mation was also available for all of the participants.
able elsewhere.9 Subjects who underwent successful external cephalic
In brief, English-speaking pregnant women 18 version at or beyond 36 weeks of gestation were
years of age or older, whose last menstrual period was considered to have a nonvertex position at delivery.
known to within 1 week and who were recruited We compared the percentage of ultrasounds
before 18 weeks of gestation, were eligible for this demonstrating the fetus in vertex, breech, transverse,
study. Exclusion criteria included women who had or variable positions at 15–22 weeks with the percent-
previous stillbirth, prior small-for-gestational age in- age of fetuses in the vertex or nonvertex position at
fant, irregular menstrual cycles, greater than 3-week 31–35 weeks. We examined the characteristics of
discrepancy between uterine size and dates, pre- women with infants who were nonvertex at delivery
existing diabetes mellitus, chronic hypertension, and compared with those of women (controls) who deliv-
chronic renal disease. Eligible women were randomly ered vertex infants. For smoking in pregnancy, any
assigned to an ultrasound-screening group, in which smoking was considered a positive response. Amni-
two routine ultrasound examinations were performed otic fluid volume level was considered normal if
at 15–22 weeks and at 31–35 weeks of gestation, or to amniotic fluid index was greater than 6 cm. To
a control group with no scheduled ultrasounds. In examine the association of estimated fetal weight and
both groups, clinically indicated ultrasounds could be birth weight with fetal position at term, subjects were
performed at any time. divided into percentiles of estimated fetal weight at
With limited exceptions, all ultrasound examina- late ultrasound examination and percentiles of birth
tions in this study were performed in one of the 28 weight: less than 10th percentile, 10th to 90th percen-
ultrasound laboratories participating in the trial. The tiles, and 90th percentile or more.
evaluation was standardized and included assessment For bivariate comparisons, we used ␹2 or Fisher
of placental location, amniotic fluid volume according exact test for categorical data and Student t test for

876 Witkop et al Natural History of Fetal Position OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

continuous variables. Multivariable log binomial re- fetal position at term, as was placental position at late
gression analysis was then carried out evaluating ultrasound.
maternal and fetal characteristics (smoking in preg- Infants who were nonvertex at delivery had a
nancy, number of previous pregnancies, number of lower mean weight compared with those who were
previous abortions, parity, birth weight, gestational vertex, but they were also more likely to have deliv-
age, amniotic fluid level and placental position at late ered at an earlier gestational age. Both estimated fetal
ultrasound examination, and estimated fetal weight at weight by ultrasound at 31–35 weeks and birth weight
31–35 weeks of gestation) as risk factors for nonvertex percentile adjusting for gestational age at birth indi-
position at delivery. For those characteristics that cate that there is no significant difference in fetal size
were found to be associated with nonvertex presen- between vertex- and nonvertex-presenting infants.
tation at delivery, odds ratios were calculated, adjust- Of all the variables examined, only four charac-
ing for the effects of the other characteristics. To teristics (parity, smoking status during pregnancy,
assess how well the logistic regression model fits the decreased volume of amniotic fluid, and placental
data, Pearson ␹2 goodness-of-fit was used (P value position at late ultrasound examination) were found
close to 1 indicates a good fit).11 Adjusted risk differ- to be associated with nonvertex presentation at deliv-
ence was also calculated. Statistical analysis was per- ery in the fully adjusted multivariable model (Table
formed with SAS 9.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). 3). As parity increased from zero to one previous
birth, there was a 42% (95% confidence interval [CI]
RESULTS 26 –55%) decrease in the risk of nonvertex delivery,
Table 1 shows the change in fetal position between and in women with more than one previous birth, the
early and late ultrasound examinations. In early preg- risk of nonvertex delivery decreased by 49% (95% CI
nancy, defined as 15–22 weeks, 57% of fetuses had 28 – 63%), compared with primiparous women. When
nonvertex position, including breech, transverse, and compared with those infants born to women who did
variable presentations. By 31–35 weeks, 10% had not smoke during pregnancy, infants born to those who
nonvertex position, but there was no apparent asso- smoked during pregnancy had a 47% increase in risk of
ciation between nonvertex presentation early in preg- nonvertex position at delivery (95% CI 10 –96%). The
nancy and nonvertex position at 31–35 weeks. Ninety absolute risk difference was 2%. A decreased volume of
women underwent external cephalic version, with a amniotic fluid at 31–35 weeks increased the risk of
success rate of 60% (54 of 90). nonvertex position at delivery by a factor of 3.74 (95%
Table 2 demonstrates the distribution of selected CI 1.85–7.53). Fundal position of the placenta at late
maternal and fetal characteristics for infants that were ultrasound examination was associated with a significant
vertex and nonvertex at delivery. There were no increase in the risk of nonvertex position at delivery by
significant demographic differences between the two a factor of 1.85 (95% CI 1.23–2.78).
groups. Mothers who delivered nonvertex infants Nonvertex position at 31–35 weeks was a risk
were more likely to have smoked during pregnancy factor for nonvertex position at delivery, and this risk
than those who delivered vertex infants (17% com- increased with each increasing week of gestation as
pared with 12%, P⫽.005). Mothers delivering nonver- shown in Figure 1. However, by 35 weeks, a nonver-
tex infants were more likely to be nulliparous (59%) tex fetus still had a 45% chance to convert spontane-
compared with those whose infants who presented in ously and deliver in a vertex position.
cephalic presentation (45%) (P⬍.001). Amniotic fluid
level was also found to be significantly associated with DISCUSSION
By examining a large cohort of women who received
Table 1. Change in Fetal Position Between Early ultrasound evaluation throughout pregnancy, we were
and Late Ultrasound Examinations able to determine what characteristics might predict
term nonvertex presentation. Although some of the risk
Fetal Position at 15–22 Fetal Position at 31–35 wk
factors are unchangeable, identifying potentially modi-
fiable risk factors might allow for preventive strategies.
Position n (%) Vertex (%) Nonvertex (%) Furthermore, these may contribute to understanding the
Vertex 2,881 (43) 90 10 etiology of nonvertex presentation.
Breech 2,161 (33) 90 10 Controversy exists concerning the relationship
Transverse 968 (14) 87 13 between fetal weight and risk of breech delivery.8,12,13
Variable 636 (10) 90 10 When adjusted for gestational age, birth weight in the
Total [n (%)] 6,646 (100) 5,954 (90) 692 (10)
current study was not associated with nonvertex

VOL. 111, NO. 4, APRIL 2008 Witkop et al Natural History of Fetal Position 877
Table 2. Patient Characteristics
Vertex at Delivery Nonvertex at Delivery
Maternal Characteristics (nⴝ6,669) (nⴝ376) P
Age (y, mean⫾SD) 28.5⫾4.1 28.5⫾3.8 .82
Race .35
White 6,311 (95) 360 (96)
Other 358 (5) 16 (4)
Education .65
High school graduate 1,944 (29) 99 (26)
Some college 1,964 (30) 128 (33)
College graduate 2,133 (32) 115 (31)
Graduate school 626 (9) 37 (10)
Gestational diabetes 135 (2) 4 (1) .19
Prepregnancy weight (kg, mean⫾SD) 62⫾12 62⫾12 .82
Smoking in pregnancy 823 (12) 65 (17) .005
Uterine scar from previous surgery 282 (4.2) 21 (5.6) .21
No. of previous pregnancies .02
0 2,333 (35) 162 (43)
1 2,408 (36) 120 (32)
2 1,219 (18) 53 (14)
3 or more 709 (11) 41 (11)
No. of previous abortions ⬍.001
0 5,846 (88) 307 (82)
1 681 (10) 55 (14)
2 or more 142 (2) 14 (4)
No. of miscarriages .93
0 5,705 (86) 321 (85)
1 or more 964 (14) 55 (15)
Parity ⬍.001
0 2,995 (45) 223 (59)
1 2,480 (37) 106 (28)
2 or more 1,194 (18) 47 (13)
Amniotic fluid volume level at late ultrasound examination ⬍.001
Normal 6,325 (98.6) 342 (95)
Decreased 39 (0.6) 10 (3)
Increased 51 (0.8) 6 (2)
Placental position at late ultrasound examination .04
Anterior 3,112 (48) 176 (49)
Posterior 2,799 (44) 142 (40)
Lateral 165 (3) 9 (2)
Fundal 339 (5) 31 (9)
Infant sex, male 3,382 (51) 182 (48) .38
Birth weight (g, mean⫾SD) 3,514⫾464 3,440⫾473 .003
Gestational age (wk, mean⫾SD) 39.5⫾1.4 39.1⫾1.4 ⬍.001
Percentile of estimated fetal weight at a given gestational .93
week at late ultrasound examination
Less than 10% 232 (4) 16 (4)
10–89.9% 4,930 (77) 271 (76)
90% or more 1,228 (19) 71 (20)
Percentile of birth weight at a given gestational week .58
Less than 10% 429 (6) 21 (6)
10–89.9% 5,606 (84) 318 (84)
90% or more 634 (10) 37 (10)
SD, standard deviation.
Data are expressed as mean⫾standard deviation or n (%).

position. Furthermore, there was no difference in the tion or percentiles of birth weight at a given gesta-
percentage of the infants who delivered vertex com- tional week. This was in direct contrast to a large
pared with nonvertex when divided into percentiles cross-sectional study examining fetal size as a risk
of estimated fetal weight at late ultrasound examina- factor for breech birth, in which term breech presen-

878 Witkop et al Natural History of Fetal Position OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Table 3. Multivariable Analysis on Risks Factors for Nonvertex Position at Delivery and Adjusted Risk
Characteristics OR (95% CI) Risk Difference (%) (95% CI)*
0 1.0 Reference
1 0.58 (0.45 to 0.74) –2.7 (–1.5 to –3.8)
2 or more 0.51 (0.37 to 0.72) –3.0 (–1.7 to –4.4)
Smoking during pregnancy 1.47 (1.10 to 1.96) 2.0 (0.2 to 3.7)
Decreased volume of amniotic fluid 3.74 (1.85 to 7.53) 12.0 (1.7 to 22.2)
Placental position at late ultrasound examination
Posterior 1.0 Reference
Anterior 1.11 (0.89 to 1.40) 0.5 (–0.5 to 1.6)
Fundal 1.85 (1.23 to 2.78) 3.3 (0.5 to 6.2)
Lateral 1.03 (0.51 to 2.06) 0.8 (–2.3 to 4.1)
OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.
Pearson ␹2 goodness-of-fit: P⫽.64.
* Positive values indicate a risk increase above that in the reference group, while negative values indicate a risk reduction below that in the
reference group.

tation was associated with smaller fetal size for gesta- kicking near term, the fetus may not have the motor
tional age when divided into birth weight gestational capacity to move into a vertex position. Smoking is
age percentiles.12 It appears from the current study not the only risk factor for decreased movements in
that, in low-risk pregnancies at gestational ages near the fetus. For example, diminished fetal movements
term, weight is not associated with risk of breech have been noted in diabetic pregnancies,18 and dia-
delivery. betes has been found to be a risk factor for breech
This study found that smoking may be a modifi- delivery.8
able risk factor for nonvertex delivery, even after Decreased intra-amniotic fluid also appears to
controlling for potential confounders such as fetal increase the risk for nonvertex delivery. We hypoth-
weight. It is, therefore, unlikely that intrauterine esize that lower fluid level is associated with a reduc-
growth restriction related to smoking is the etiologic tion in the space available in the intrauterine environ-
factor for the increased risk of breech delivery at term. ment for the fetus to accomplish the necessary
Small studies have demonstrated an association be- motions to move into a vertex position. This theory is
tween decreased intrauterine movement of the fetus somewhat supported by numerous reports of in-
and cigarette smoking.14 –17 Smoking was also associ- creased external cephalic version success with normal
ated with breech birth in a large, population-based, or elevated fluid levels as compared with reduced
case-control study.8 Our hypothesis is that cigarette fluid levels.19,20
smoking may decrease fetal muscle tone and move- A recent multicenter randomized controlled trial
ments in utero. One can imagine that, with decreased investigating external cephalic version beginning at
34 weeks of gestation compared with 37 weeks of
gestation found that early external cephalic version
could reduce risk of nonvertex presentation at deliv-
ery.21 Breech presentation at term is associated with
nonvertex presentation on ultrasound earlier in preg-
nancy, and this risk increases with gestational age
from 31 to 35 weeks. However, we found that even
with nonvertex presentation at 35 weeks, the rate of
spontaneous version is still high, arguing against early
intervention for nonvertex position.
This study is unique in that it offers a longitudinal
view of the natural history of fetal position throughout
Fig. 1. Nonvertex position at 31–35 weeks and risk of pregnancy. The findings can aid clinicians in counsel-
nonvertex position at delivery (with 95% confidence inter- ing patients regarding management of the nonvertex
vals). fetus near term. The study also demonstrates yet
Witkop. Natural History of Fetal Position. Obstet Gynecol 2008. another potentially adverse outcome that may be

VOL. 111, NO. 4, APRIL 2008 Witkop et al Natural History of Fetal Position 879
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