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Nama : Ditya Nabella D. P.

NIM : 17803241043

1. (Conley, 2013) assumed that the one form of psychological torture of a prisoner is
putting them in isolation cell for too long.
2. It is said that remembering things that are said by yourself is better than remembering
what others said. (a/n, 2004)
3. (Epp, 2012) claimed that depressed patients pay more attention to ‘negative stimuli’
(Epp, 2012, p: XXX).
4. (Burnett, 2016) argued that our senses give a lot of information.
(Burnett, 2016) argued that the brain cannot give a lot of information even with its
best efforts.
5. (Burnett, 2016) stated when people are faced with threats, they have the choice to
‘fight or run away’ (Burnett, 2016: p. XXX).
6. Short-term memories only last in one minute maximum , while long-term memories
can last for a life time (Burnett, 2016).
7. (Blair, 2013) explained that the basic way for humans to communicate is by
‘expression, eye contact, mouth movements’ (Blair, 2013, p: XXX).
8. (Klimesch, 2013) argued that long-term memory is very dependent on eye sight and
quality of meaning.
9. (Ameer & Watson, 2013) explained that alcohol is a ‘depressant’ (Ameer & Watson,
2013: p. XXX) that can suppress activity in the brain nerves.
(Ameer and Watson, 2013) described that alcohol can decrease the nerves of brains
activity like someone who decrease volume on stereo.

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