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Role of Myostatin in bodybuilding:-

Myostatin is a protein found in human and animal blood. It’s also called GROWTH
(TGF-b) family. The function of myostatin is to stop or control excessive muscle growth in body.
That’s why muscle can grow up to a certain limit. So the relation between myostatin and body
is when myostatin level drops, speed muscle growth and fat loss increases. So in order to grow
muscle and burn fat at an efficient speed myostatin level should be low. There are several ways
to keep myostatin at a low level:-
1) Exercise: - Exercise is one of the best way to keep myostatin at low level. There several
research which proved that exercise helps to drop myostatin level.
2) Foods & Drinks: - Green tea, Blue berry, Dark chocolate, raw cocoa powder,
Pomegranate etc.
3) Supplement:- a) Creatine
b) Leucine: - It prevents the body from going to a catabolic state.
Catabolic means muscle loss
Fertile egg yolks also helps to drop myostatin level. It boosts a natural hormone calls
FOLLISTATIN. The foods mentioned above produce a compound calls EPICATECHIN to your
body which boosts Follistatin which drops myostatin level.

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