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When we were young we have this strong feeling of “how does chicken pee?” all we see was they
just poop like tooth paste but as we grew up its still a question to our mind. These are the question that I need an
answer scientifically, a lot of question that we think is nonsense but when we go beyond that “what ifs” we’ll
find the right answers as we are reach adulthood.

According to Villazon (2017), Mammals remove excess nitrogen from their bodies by converting it to a
dilute solution of urea, stored in the bladder. Birds convert nitrogen to uric acid instead: this is metabolically
more costly but saves water and weight, as it is less toxic and doesn’t need to be diluted so much.Birds therefore
don’t have a urethra, and don’t pee – all waste leaves via the anus. This site answers our childhood questions
and its clear now to us that chicken doesn’t have urinary bladder or external urethral opening for the passage
way of urine. According to Joseph (2018), The result of protein digestion in mammals is urea, which is water-
soluble and is discharged in the fluid we call pee. Way in fact chicken does urine but they urinate through their
skins. Protein metabolism in chickens is what u called uric acid, something uniquely distinctive than that of
something water soluble. Uric acid makes their liquid waste different from humans or other mammals.

For me, if chicken does urinate through their skins then this cause their feathers looks like yellowish? I
feel like this some sorth of different from other kind of mammals that’s why birds or chickens is different from
them although they have differences then what makes chicken unique? Is it their ability to urine through their
skins? Or it just they don’t have urinary bladder? This all make sense now with the help of research I figure it
out all my childhood question, because chickens/birds does not consume a lot of water in their body because
some of them need to fly and fly but when they have stored liquid in their body this makes their flight difficult
or this may result to unbalanced weight while they are flying.

My conclusion is don’t stop researching on those we thought nonsense question we don’t know yet that
it can be proven by science or something that would catch up our interest and soon we realized that it makes
sense now.

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