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A Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Young Ashley,

I am writing this letter to you just to remind you that yes you will actually make it till your post
graduation no matter what you feel. But let me give you some points so you don’t make the same
mistakes I have made .

You know how everyone thinks that there will be flying cars by 2020? Well, there aren’t. Every year I
reflect and try to remember the most important lessons I learned.

I know young people (don’t I sound old?) have a reputation for being impatient. Btw, we’re quite
stubborn and it’s possible you won’t listen to the advice . but we are still going to win all our endeavors

Ready ? Lets Go !!

 You’re going to experience some amazing things.

 Play more. smile, laugh and be free.
 Embrace your individuality
 Your secret, lonely knowledge is true.
 You’re good enough.
 It isn’t coming automatically , work hard for it.
 Humble yourself or the universe will do it for you.
 Don’t get discouraged by others, you have so much happiness inside of you, enjoy it.
 In the end you’ll be happier sticking with a small circle of friends who love you for who you are.
 You have a magnificent contribution to make to the world your heart knows is possible.
 Break Rules, Not Hearts
 If you want something, just ask.
 Never ever, ever, ever dim your light for the sake of trying to attract or keep a person.
 The world is much bigger than us and it doesn’t revolve around us.
 Love yourself and the world.
 Forgiveness, just learn to forgive and forget.
 It may not make you famous, but you have a gift apply it to something you care about.
 The world needs more rebels and heretics.
 Patience and persistence ultimately pay off.
 You need to love yourself first.
 Respect your sleep cycle.
 Try new things. Have fun building and breaking.
 Let go of the anger you feel towards those kids who poke fun at you.
 Do not believe the cynical voice that says that nothing much can change.
 Keep marching, keep speaking up, keep helping and caring for others.
 Don’t let anyone ever tell you your dreams are out of reach.
 Don’t ever compete with another man or woman over something you don’t deserve to have.
 Learn to push your own buttons.
 Read books that don’t look good for teachers or parents.
 You waste too much energy berating yourself in front of the mirror.
 You carry a deep yearning to contribute to the healing of the world.
 Don’t dismiss those that care for you.
 Only YOU know your full potential.
 Please forgive yourself.
 Inspire yourself.
 Watch movies and everything possible to form your own opinion.
 There will be some unimaginable losses in your life don’t be afraid to face them head on.
 The most reliable guide to choice is to follow whatever makes you feel happy.
 Love doesn’t have to feel difficult or like a fight.
 Dreams do come true.
 Everyone else is busy with their life.
 Most important question everything.
 You’re going to walk through a valley of grief but that will make you a stronger, braver person.
 Life is not supposed to be a grim slog of discipline and sacrifice.
 Accept A Compliment
 You’ll never be afraid of the things you once feared.
 Accept, listen and learn.
 Listen more. A bit more.
 I know you feel as though your parents are judging every move you make, you don’t like it.
 When you follow your passion you become fully alive.
 You can learn from feedback and compliments.
 Smile more, worry less.
 Don’t let other people rent space in your head for free.
 Actively listen and analyze what you are hearing.
 Appreciate the time you have with your family.
 At a certain moment it will become necessary for you to go on a journey.
 If someone tells you that you’ve done something well, thank them.
 Positivity is infectious, and happiness is a choice.
 What other people think of you is none of your business.
 Question everything and try to make connections.
 Don’t assume people always be there for you because they won’t.
 Powerful forces will attempt to make you conform to society’s normality.
 Cling To Your Courage.
 Don’t ever judge yourself in comparison to others.
 Learn when to make things happen vs. when to let things happen.
 You have no limits.
 You’re going to fall in love several times while you’re young. But they are just puppy crush.
 You are sure to get lost.
 The things that come easy to you, you don’t yet value.
 Love is all you need.
 We have a tendency to make things happen (force it) at times.
 Don’t expect anything.
 Life is full of twists and turns; don’t be afraid to stray from path that everyone else is walking.
 Perfection Is Overrated.
 You can’t change anyone, except yourself.
 Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is extremely powerful.
 No one owes you anything.
 Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up.
 Write things down.
 Read. Read. Read. Make it a part of your day, your world.
 If you want something, work for it.
 Slow down and enjoy the ride.
 Celebrate your victories in life… even the small ones.
 Travel. Even if it’s an hour from where you live.
 Make no excuses and find a way.
 It’s OK to test the waters, but don’t be afraid to jump in.
 Words matter. With all relationships, exchange “we” vs. “me” as much as possible.
 Make self-development a priority.
 Don’t worry about getting knocked down.
 Try not to worry so much about: your career, your weight, your finances, your future, etc.
 Start creating a plan to achieve your goals.
 The family you’re born with ultimately isn’t as important as the family you choose.
 Be kind and smile.
 Start writing.
 The people who truly love you don’t see all the flaws you see.
 Your ego will demand attention, ignore it.
 The scars you can’t see are worse than those you can.
 Meditate.
 Don’t think so much. Sometimes it’s OK to just BE.
 Don’t give up on your ego pressure.
 When in doubt, just keep walking.
 If it doesn’t threaten your life, fear nothing.
 Don’t look for a partner who makes you happy; look for someone you can be you.
 Life has no rules.
 The road less traveled is not always easy, but it’s never boring.
 Stand for yourself.
 Watch, listen, and learn from the mistakes of others.
 You already know what you want from life.
 Once you admit that you truly know nothing, life’s real education begins
 When you love, love with all your heart.
 It’s great to have goals.
 Always do good.
 Nobody ever made history by playing it safe.
 You will have to spend the rest of your life in this body.
 Never stop learning.
 Give up sugar.
 Enjoy the frivolity of youth while you can, for it will be gone sooner than you think.
 Invest your time in learning about money.
 You’re never quite as smart as you think you are, nor as rich or thin as you want to be.
 Listen to your heart.
 Don’t let the highs get too high or the lows get too low.
 Your life is about making meaningful connections.
 Never forget where you come from.
 Think long-term.
 Don’t let failure get you down.
 It’s fine to ask for help, to not know everything, to be lost and vulnerable.
 When a door closes, leave it closed.
 Take time to think before you speak, because you can’t take words back.
 No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to live the life you’ve always wanted.

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