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Day 1: 

How to Grow on Instagram with Conversations 

Step 1: How do I want people to feel? (circle one) 
Happy/ Humor  Togetherness 
Greed  Pride 
Nostalgia  Hope 
Anticipation  Anger 
Step 2: How can I make people feel this emotion in a picture? (image) 
Step 3: What conversations can I have to help people feel this emotion? (caption) 
Day 1: 
How to Grow on Instagram with Conversations 
Step 1: How do I want people to feel? (circle one) 
Happy/ Humor  Togetherness 
Greed  Pride 
Nostalgia  Hope 
Anticipation  Anger 
Step 2: How can I make people feel ​Nostalgia ​in a picture? (image) 
Throwback photo, vintage 80’s,  
baby photo?, bring back old trend 
Step 3: What conversations can I have to help people feel this emotion? (caption) 
“Converse and ripped jeans bring me back to the good days of YouTube when no one cared 
about the algorithm and people made cool shit.” 

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