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Chairman: Bayu

- Opening
- Pray to god
- Introduction
- Welcoming
- Outline
1. Trending
- Agenda:
1. introduction of new product
- Invite orang ke 1

Orang 1:
- Jelasin Strength
o Atas dasar apa bisa nyebutin strengthnya
- Jelasin Weakness
Orang 2:
● Jelasin Opportunities
● Jelasin Threat
Orang 3:
● Jelasin Customer Segment
● Jelasin Value Preposition
● Jelasin Channels
Orang 4:
● Jelasin Revenue Stream
● Customer Relationship
● Key Activities
Orang 5:
● Key Resources
● Key Partnership
● Cost Structure
Meeting The Launching New Product

Bayu (C) : Good afternoon everyone, thank you for being here on time.
All : Good afternoon
Bayu © : How are you guys today? good?
All : (...........angguk angguk………)
Bayu (C) : First off all, before we start the meeting, let’s pray together based on our believe.
All : (......................Praying…………….. )
Bayu (C) : Ok, on this meeting, we are going to talk about our latest product launch on December.
This meeting covers about 1. Introduction our new product 2. SWOT Analysis. The
first agenda is introducing our new product.
Shall we start with an update from everyone?
All : Yes, of course.
Bayu (C) : Would you like to share your thought on this question, Ms. Arina?
Arina (1) : Thank you, Mr. Bayu. Before that, I prepared some handouts to show you about our
new product. (..Share the handouts..)
(....Showing the presentation….) Now I will explain about our new product. Before I
explain that, let me show you some facts. Based on data that we collect from
TechInAsia, smartphone users in Indonesia increased about 20% every year. Even this
year, this country reach over 100 million smartphone users in Indonesia. So, based on
the data, we make a new mobile application called MyFAST. MyFAST is a mobile
platform that provides a full range of features to connect more than 35,000 alumni of
Telkom University. MyFAST has many features such as profiling, messages, job career,
alumni stories, and news.
Bayu (C) : Okay, so what’s the strength of this platform?
Leidy (2) : (...Raise hand…..) The strength of this platform is the features, such as:
1. Connecting more than 35,000 alumni of Telkom University
2. Profiling, messages, job career, alumni stories, and news.
3. User-friendly for the interface
4. Based on a mobile application, myFAST is easy to access and use by people
anywhere and anytime
Johan (3) : I think this app has much weakness, what makes you think this app can reach the
35.000 alumni of Telkom University.
Bayu (C) : I don’t think that’s relevant to strength we’ll discuss right now. we’ll talk about it on the
next topic. any other strength from Leidy?
Leidy (2) : I think that’s all for the strength.
Bayu (C) : Okay, thank you. I’d like to turn it over to Johan who is going to explain about the
Johan (3) : I think this app has several weaknesses, first if the student of Telkom University
graduated, their data on the Igracias is deactivated or maybe gone, and that’s gonna
make them need to register again on this app. The second, this app needs to improve
their server to reach 35000 people at the same time.
Bayu (C) : Okay, thank you, Johan, Is there anyone who wants to add anything to our ideas here?
Ari (4) : (....raise hand….) I think this app is better if we integrate it with LinkedIn
Bayu (C) : Okay, I think that’s the good one. anyone else?
Adhitya (5) : when you said the interface so user-friendly, can you give a reason for that?
Leidy (2) : Okay, we can use material design from google, because many of mobile developers has
been implementing it. for guideline is officially created and fully supported by google.
and we don't want to spend time for making own style-design. i think, that's the reason.
Bayu (C) any other questions?
All : (silence)
Bayu (C) : If nobody has anything else to add, we can continue on to the next agenda. Alright, now
Adhitya will have the floor.
Adhitya (5) : Alright, thank you, sir. Okay right now i will talk about the opportunity of the
MyFAST, but before that, I’m gonna start with the demo about MyFAST app.
(demo of the app)
Okay, from the demo, now we know that the function of the app. Now the MyFAST
app has the opportunity like:
1. Introduce MyFAST app to graduates when graduation ceremony. The purpose is
to invite graduate to register MyFAST app
2. Graduates can share information about job vacancy
3. Easier to find an employee for the company
Bayu © : Thank you, Adhitya. before we go to the next topic, Are there any question?
Leidy (2) : (...raised hand…) What’s the advantage for us if we make this app?
Adhitya (4) : First, we can easily gather data from alumni if they register to this app, so later we can
use this data to share information about campus and alumni to them. and we can get
: income by adding ads on this app.
Bayu (C) Alright thank you Mr. Adhitya for a good presentation, now Mr. Ari will have the floor.
Ari (4) : Okay, thank you, sir. after the opportunity, our mobile application has a Threat, such as:
1. Weak Server Side Controls: Any communication that happens between the app
and the user outside the mobile phones happens through a server. Thus, this
becomes a primary target that gets exploited by hackers.
2. Insecure Data Storage: Another common mobile apps security loophole is the
lack of secure data storage. A common practice among the developers is to
depend upon the client storage for the data.
3. Poor Authorization and Authentication: Weak or missing authentication allows
an adversary to anonymously operate the mobile app or backend server of the
mobile app. This is relatively prevalent due to a mobile device’s input form
factor. The form factor encourages short passwords that are usually based on
4-digit PINs likes birth date etc.
Johan (3) : I want to ask you something, what is the solution for weak server-side controls?
Ari (5) : so, for the solution of weak server-side controls is scanning them every 1 week with
using an automated scanner
Johan (3) : I agree with you, but when you said scanning them every 1 week, it takes time. if the
server has exploited, the data will be lost. and the recovery data will show that you
backup last week. so I suggest doing scanning every day to keep data safe.
Ari (5) : I would agree, but the problem is our server may not handle it. so we should upgrade
the server or buy new a server with the high-end specification. so how about that
suggestion ladies and gentleman?
All : (ngangguk)
Ari (5) : Based on our thought, do you agree with our suggestion to upgrade our server sir?
Bayu (C) : Okay i will give my signature, when you finish proposal and give it tomorrow
Ari (5) : Okay.
Bayu (C) : So, when the launching of this app, Ms. Arina?
Arina (1) : This application will be launched on December, 1 2018 in Telkom University. We will
invite alumni delegation, rector, dean, our partner, student, and many more.
Bayu (C) : Okay, i hope you guys can prepare all that we need after the meeting
All : Okay, sir
Bayu (C) : Good. I want to summarize our discussion on this meeting. First, we talked about
statistic of smartphone user in Indonesia. Second, we talked about our idea to make
mobile application called MyFAST. Third, the strength of myFast app that have 4
points. Fourth, the weakness and ari suggested to integrated linkedin app. Fifth,
opportunities of MyFAST App. Sixth, threat of MyFAST App and Johan Suggested to
upgrade our server. And, the last talked about launching this app on Desember.
Bayu (C) : Are there any questions before we finish?
Arina (1) : I think we have covered all we need to discuss on this meeting
All : (.. nodded..)
Bayu (C) : Right, that’s all for today’s meeting. Don’t forget to implement the suggestion, and
report to me. Before we end let's pray together based on our believe
All : (...praying…)
Bayu (C) : Okay, Thank you for your presence. Wassalam

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